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Using novel endolysins to selectively target antimicrobial resistant S. aureus in chronic wound biofilms

People Involved

Project Description

This cutting-edge PhD project will bring together a world-leading team spanning industry and academia, providing an interdisciplinary framework to explore the selectivity and efficacy of endolysin against clinically meaningful S. aureus wound biofilms. The project will deliver extensive student-focused training in biofilm research methods, metagenomics, biochemistry and commercial in vivo studies. The main academic supervisor is an outstanding early career researcher (Dr Wilkinson) who brings direct biofilm model (25) and wound expertise (36-37) that will be utilised throughout the project. She will be supported by senior co-applicants with complimentary expertise in skin/wound microbiome (11; Prof Hardman), and microbiome/microbial biochemistry (27, 33; Prof Thomas), who have collectively supervised >15 PhD students to successful completion. The student will receive training in metagenomic sequencing methods and our optimised bioinformatics pipeline (Aims 1 & 3). Bioinformatics analysis will employ Hull’s High-Performance Computing platform (VIPER). The student will also undertake
biochemical microbiology methods (Aim 2) within the laboratory of Prof Thomas (York). Finally, a 4-month industry placement with Cica (Aim 3) will offer experience in in vivo methods. The placement will provide essential training (e.g. GLP, IP and commercialisation) demanded by industry and insight into the commercial wound care landscape, allowing development of hard and soft skills and capabilities required for a scientific career at the academia-industry interface. Cica and Micreos each add considerable value, providing industry-related supervisory input throughout the project, encouraging PhD milestone progression and enabling the delivery of socioeconomic impact from the PhD outputs.

Type of Project Studentship
Status Project Live
Funder(s) National Biofilms Innovation Centre
Value £114,526.00
Project Dates Jan 1, 2023 - Dec 31, 2026

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