Dr Robert Lewis
CEFAS23-137 LA-ICP-MS analysis on Fish Otoliths
People Involved
Prof Rodney Forster R.Forster@hull.ac.uk
Dr Anna Bird A.Bird@hull.ac.uk
Reader in Geology
Project Description
Title: CEFAS23-137 Request for Quotation for LA-ICP-MS analysis on fish otoliths
Cefas (The Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science) the ‘Authority’, is an Executive Agency of the UK Government’s Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra). It is an applied science agency that primarily supports government decision making whilst extending its reach across the public sector, the EU and wider markets where possible in regard to marine and closely related environments.
Our work takes us from freshwater to the open ocean, and includes both wild and farmed fish. Our influence and leadership spans a wide spectrum of issues, including:
· climate change impacts and adaptation
· marine planning and environmental licensing
· sustainable fisheries management
· marine biodiversity and habitats
· fish and shellfish health and hygiene
· emergency response.
For further background information on the Authority, please visit our website at http://www.cefas.co.uk or review the Cefas narrative contained as part of the Tender package.
Technical Specification (Schedule 1)
As part of the “Improving methodology to assess finfish, pelagic, data-limited, and non-quota stocks to inform management advice.” project under the WP2.5 “Assessment of otolith microchemistry (e.g., plaice and sole, herring, sprat, sardine and horse mackerel)” Cefas are seeking a suitable supplier to conduct otolith microchemistry analysis via Laser Ablation-Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometer (LA-ICP-MS) for tracing several elements (Li6,Li7, Na23, Mg24, Ca43, Ca44, Mn55, Co59, Cu63, Cu65, Zn66, Rb85, Sr86, Sr87, Sr88, Cd112, Ba138, Ba137, Pb208, Pb207) of the above-mentioned species.
For the purpose of the research and quality control, Cefas request the use of specific calibration standards including NIST610, NIST612, NIST614, MACS-1 and, more importantly, otolith-specific standards such as FEBS-1 and Nies 22. We require a continuous transect core-to-edge otolith sampling design for each otolith with the ability to easily isolate the core-only and edge-only transects for specific analysis. Ablation patterns including laser size, length, speed and other variables will be discussed as a species-by-species case.
Cefas will be providing samples embedded in glass slides (pelagic species) and in plastic strips (flatfish species). Technical meetings with the WP leader (either via Teams or in presence) will be required for a) the provision of samples to be analysed and b) delivery of data from analysis and return of samples to Cefas.
One month time frame will be required for the Cefas WP leader to check the quality of delivered data.
The successful supplier is expected to have access to LA-ICP-MS equipment and clear capability to support for the required analysis of the above-mentioned species, including availability for the time needed to run the analysis for each species (previous experience working and handling fish otolith preparations is essential).
It is Cefas preference for a supplier to cost for all 3 deliverables however, if capacity does not allow, please cost for the deliverables you are able to meet (either 1,2 & 3, 1 & 2 or 1 & 3). Due to strict deadlines, there is a possibility that the contract may be awarded to two suppliers.
Cefas will be responsible for arranging the collection and delivery of samples throughout the project via our preferred courier services. It is the expectation of Cefas that the Supplier/s will abide to our expectations for sample return, which will be discussed at kick off meeting.
The results need to be presented as final (including quality controls and technical details on the method), in the form of an Excel file (.csv) providing clear element concentration (calibrated) for each otolith, and ready to be statistically analysed (e.g., no further adjustment against blanks etc.).
The total expected number of otoliths to be analysed is up to 1500.
1. Analysis of test/control samples: Sole (5 otoliths), Plaice (5 otoliths), Herring (5 otoliths), Sprat (5 otoliths), Sardine (5 otoliths), Horse mackerel (5 otoliths).
To be delivered by 31st of December 2023
2. *Analysis of flat fish samples: Sole (300 otoliths), Plaice (200 otoliths)
To be delivered by 1st of March 2024
3. *Analysis of pelagic fish samples: Herring (120 otoliths), Sprat (240 otoliths), Sardine (360 otoliths), Horse mackerel (240 otoliths).
To be delivered by 30th June 2024
Please note that the above sample amounts are the maximum sample sizes and Cefas will ask Suppliers to cost per sample and per deliverable.
* It is Cefas preference for a supplier to cost for all 3 deliverables however, if capacity does not allow, please cost for the deliverables you are able to meet (either 1,2 & 3, 1 & 2 or 1 & 3). Due to strict deadlines, there is a possibility that the contract may be awarded to two suppliers.
Status | Project Live |
Funder(s) | Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science |
Value | £30,798.00 |
Project Dates | Nov 30, 2023 - Sep 30, 2025 |
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