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Outputs (15)

Nightports at Hull Minster: Transporting a Site-Specific Musical Work Across Physical and Virtual Spaces (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Barnard, M., Martin, A., & Slater, M. (2024, July). Nightports at Hull Minster: Transporting a Site-Specific Musical Work Across Physical and Virtual Spaces. Presented at ICMC2024. Sound In Motion, Seoul

'Nightports at Hull Minster' is a musical project that harnesses spatialisation techniques to present music composed of the sounds of Hull Minster, UK, in both the location itself and alternative performance spaces, whilst still expressing the spatia... Read More about Nightports at Hull Minster: Transporting a Site-Specific Musical Work Across Physical and Virtual Spaces.

Quickbeam (2024)
Digital Artefact
Oliver, R. (2024). Quickbeam. [Digital Audio]

A 45-minute studio album exploring the concept of groove in various musical genres.

Liner notes:
Having built years of music industry experience collaborating with a wide range of artists, Rowan Oliver’s ‘Quickbeam’ LP represents the first solo r... Read More about Quickbeam.

Burning Boat (2024)
Digital Artefact
Oliver, R. (2024). Burning Boat. [Digital Audio]

'Burning Boat' is the lead single from Rowan Oliver's 'Quickbeam' album.

Having built years of music industry experience collaborating with a wide range of artists, Rowan’s forthcoming album represents the first solo release by this versatile musi... Read More about Burning Boat.

Being There - XR Performance at PQ23 (2024)
Journal Article
Fergusson-Baugh, C. (2024). Being There - XR Performance at PQ23. Theatre and performance design, 10(1-2),

This article presents a personal, critical reflection on the XR work presented at PQ23 that explores virtual aesthetics, emergent cognitive paradigms and their impact on the art-function of performance. The discussion considers the impact and potenti... Read More about Being There - XR Performance at PQ23.

Playing, viewing, touching, modelling, mentalizing: theoretical reflections on PQ 2023 (2024)
Journal Article
Drábek, P. (2024). Playing, viewing, touching, modelling, mentalizing: theoretical reflections on PQ 2023. Theatre and performance design, 10(1-2), 88-104.

Artefacts exhibited at PQ 2023 challenge our disciplinary heritage in several ways: What is scenography now? How does it engage the viewer/spectator/participant? How does it change our conceptions of theatre, performance, and scenography? How should... Read More about Playing, viewing, touching, modelling, mentalizing: theoretical reflections on PQ 2023.

English actors in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth at the time of Ladislaus IV. (2023)
Book Chapter
Katritzky, M. A., & Drábek, P. (2023). English actors in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth at the time of Ladislaus IV. In J. Żukowski (Ed.), Triumphant harmony. Władysław IV Theatre (286-313). Arx Regia Publishing

This chapter considers the English players in the light of a radical re-evaluation of previously under-researched visual sources, before focusing on three Habsburg “theatre letters” of 1608, 1617 and 1628 valuably supplementing the sparse documentary... Read More about English actors in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth at the time of Ladislaus IV..

Aktorzy angielscy w Rzeczypospolitej w 1. połowie XVII w. (2023)
Book Chapter
Katritzky, M. A., & Drabek, P. (2023). Aktorzy angielscy w Rzeczypospolitej w 1. połowie XVII w. In J. Żukowski (Ed.), Triumfalna harmonia. Teatr Władysława IV (287-315). Zamek Królewski w Warszawie - Muzeum

This book chapter analyses new visual documentary evidence of English travelling actors in seventeenth-century Poland with a special view to the theatrical culture of Ladislaus IV's (1595-1648) royal court. The centre piece of the chapter is analyse... Read More about Aktorzy angielscy w Rzeczypospolitej w 1. połowie XVII w..

Transnationality: Intercultural Dialogues, Encounters, and the Theatres of Curiosity (2023)
Book Chapter
Drábek, P. (2023). Transnationality: Intercultural Dialogues, Encounters, and the Theatres of Curiosity. In Y. Meerzon, & S. E. Wilmer (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook on Theatre and Migration (639-650). Palgrave Macmillan.

This chapter reflects on the long history of cultural dialogues in theatre, summed up in the concept of transnationality. Drawing on a range of dramaturgies, it argues for a historiographic approach that foregrounds the transnational and intercultura... Read More about Transnationality: Intercultural Dialogues, Encounters, and the Theatres of Curiosity.

Performative Models and Physical Fictions (2023)
Journal Article
Drábek, P. (2023). Performative Models and Physical Fictions. Litteraria Pragensia : Studies in Literature and Culture, 32(64), 8-36

Arcadian Theatre is a concept for performance practice that uses fictional scenarios to engage participants in autotelic play that facilitates intercultural (inter-epistemological) dialogue. In so doing, the performance models of Arcadian Theatre ena... Read More about Performative Models and Physical Fictions.

Dramaturgy of the Shakespearean Libretto (2022)
Book Chapter
Drábek, P. (2022). Dramaturgy of the Shakespearean Libretto. In C. R. Wilson, & M. Cooke (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Shakespeare and Music (761-804). Oxford University Press (OUP).

From the late seventeenth century (Purcell’s The Fairy-Queen, 1692), Shakespeare’s plays have entered the realm of music theatre and opera, inspiring both composers and their librettists. Operas on Shakespearean themes have played a seminal role in t... Read More about Dramaturgy of the Shakespearean Libretto.

Nightports w/ Betamax (2020)
Digital Artefact
Slater, M., Martin, A., & Hallett, M. (2020). Nightports w/ Betamax. [MP3; CD; Vinyl]

Nightports is based on a simple but unbreakable rule of restriction: only sounds produced by the featured musician can be used. Nothing else. These sounds can be transformed, distorted, translated, processed and reprocessed, stretched, cut, ordered a... Read More about Nightports w/ Betamax.

Nightports, 'Nightports w/ Matthew Bourne' (2018)
Digital Artefact
Slater, M., Martin, A., & Bourne, M. (2018). Nightports, 'Nightports w/ Matthew Bourne'. []

A 45-minute album exploring the concept of restriction in collaboration with pianist Matthew Bourne.

Liner notes (introduction):
Nightports is based on a simple but unbreakable rule of restriction: only sounds produced by the featured musician ca... Read More about Nightports, 'Nightports w/ Matthew Bourne'.

The art of dancing: 21st-century concertos for trumpet, piano and strings (2017)
Digital Artefact
Desbruslais, S. (2017). The art of dancing: 21st-century concertos for trumpet, piano and strings. [CD]

Simon Desbruslais returns to disc on Signum with an album that continues to expand the repertoire of the trumpet even further, with four new commissions for Trumpet, Piano and String Orchestra

Toby Young’s The Art of Dancing is described by the co... Read More about The art of dancing: 21st-century concertos for trumpet, piano and strings.