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Outputs (138)

Patterns of abundance across geographical ranges as a predictor for responses to climate change: Evidence from UK rocky shores (2020)
Journal Article
Vye, S. R., Dickens, S., Adams, L., Bohn, K., Chenery, J., Dobson, N., Dunn, R. E., Earp, H. S., Evans, M., Foster, C., Grist, H., Holt, B., Hull, S., Jenkins, S. R., Lamont, P., Long, S., Mieszkowska, N., Millard, J., Morrall, Z., Pack, K., …Burrows, M. T. (2020). Patterns of abundance across geographical ranges as a predictor for responses to climate change: Evidence from UK rocky shores. Diversity and Distributions, 26(10), 1357-1365.

Understanding patterns in the abundance of species across thermal ranges can give useful insights into the potential impacts of climate change. The abundant‐centre hypothesis suggests that species will reach peak abundance at the centre of their... Read More about Patterns of abundance across geographical ranges as a predictor for responses to climate change: Evidence from UK rocky shores.

A typology of circular economy discourses: Navigating the diverse visions of a contested paradigm (2020)
Journal Article
Calisto Friant, M., Vermeulen, W. J., & Salomone, R. (2020). A typology of circular economy discourses: Navigating the diverse visions of a contested paradigm. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 161, Article 104917.

The circular economy (CE) has recently become a popular discourse especially in government and corporate sectors. Given the socio-ecological challenges of the Anthropocene, the concept of CE could indeed help the transition to a sustainable, just and... Read More about A typology of circular economy discourses: Navigating the diverse visions of a contested paradigm.

Socio-spatial inequalities in flood resilience: Rainfall flooding in the city of Arnhem (2020)
Journal Article
Forrest, S. A., Trell, E.-M., & Woltjer, J. (2020). Socio-spatial inequalities in flood resilience: Rainfall flooding in the city of Arnhem. Cities, 105, Article 102843.

This paper critically analyses socio-spatial inequalities associated with the shift towards flood resilience in flood risk management (FRM) and pays particular attention to the notion of ‘living with floods’ and its implications for citizens. Living... Read More about Socio-spatial inequalities in flood resilience: Rainfall flooding in the city of Arnhem.

Rapidly-migrating and internally-generated knickpoints can control submarine channel evolution (2020)
Journal Article
Heijnen, M. S., Clare, M. A., Cartigny, M. J. B., Talling, P. J., Hage, S., Lintern, D. G., Stacey, C., Parsons, D. R., Simmons, S. M., Chen, Y., Sumner, E. J., Dix, J. K., & Hughes Clarke, J. E. (2020). Rapidly-migrating and internally-generated knickpoints can control submarine channel evolution. Nature communications, 11(1), Article 3129.

Submarine channels are the primary conduits for terrestrial sediment, organic carbon, and pollutant transport to the deep sea. Submarine channels are far more difficult to monitor than rivers, and thus less well understood. Here we present 9 years of... Read More about Rapidly-migrating and internally-generated knickpoints can control submarine channel evolution.

The nature and significance of rift-related, near-surface fissure fill networks in fractured carbonates below regional unconformities (2020)
Journal Article
Hardman, K., Holdsworth, R. E., Dempsey, E., & McCaffrey, K. (2020). The nature and significance of rift-related, near-surface fissure fill networks in fractured carbonates below regional unconformities. Journal of the Geological Society,

Hosted in carbonate and crystalline basement rocks below regional unconformities, fissure-fill networks are a widely recognized, but relatively little described near-surface phenomenon (< 1-2km). Faults and fractures in otherwise tight Devonian carbo... Read More about The nature and significance of rift-related, near-surface fissure fill networks in fractured carbonates below regional unconformities.

Economic and environmental analysis of a novel rural house heating and cooling system using a solar-assisted vapour injection heat pump (2020)
Journal Article
Fan, Y., Zhao, X., Li, J., Li, G., Myers, S., Cheng, Y., Badiei, A., Yu, M., Golizadeh Akhlaghi, Y., Shittu, S., & Ma, X. (2020). Economic and environmental analysis of a novel rural house heating and cooling system using a solar-assisted vapour injection heat pump. Applied energy, 275, Article 115323.

An efficient low-carbon system is proposed to meet the heating and cooling demands of rural houses in cold regions. Mini-channel solar panels incorporating a novel multiple-throughout-flowing loop are used for heat collection, whilst a vapour injecti... Read More about Economic and environmental analysis of a novel rural house heating and cooling system using a solar-assisted vapour injection heat pump.

Wireless E-Nose Sensors to Detect Volatile Organic Gases through Multivariate Analysis (2020)
Journal Article
Rahman, S., Alwadie, A. S., Irfan, M., Nawaz, R., Raza, M., Javed, E., & Awais, M. (2020). Wireless E-Nose Sensors to Detect Volatile Organic Gases through Multivariate Analysis. Micromachines, 11(6), 597.

Gas sensors are critical components when adhering to health safety and environmental policies in various manufacturing industries, such as the petroleum and oil industry; scent and makeup production; food and beverage manufacturing; chemical engineer... Read More about Wireless E-Nose Sensors to Detect Volatile Organic Gases through Multivariate Analysis.

A bedform phase diagram for dense granular currents (2020)
Journal Article
Smith, G., Rowley, P., Williams, R., Giordano, G., Trolese, M., Silleni, A., Parsons, D. R., & Capon, S. (2020). A bedform phase diagram for dense granular currents. Nature communications, 11(1), Article 2873.

Pyroclastic density currents (PDCs) are a life-threatening volcanic hazard. Our understanding and hazard assessments of these flows rely on interpretations of their deposits. The occurrence of stratified layers, cross-stratification, and bedforms in... Read More about A bedform phase diagram for dense granular currents.

Asymmetric effects of a modelled tidal turbine on the flow and seabed (2020)
Journal Article
Ramírez -Mendoza, R., Murdoch, L., Jordan, L. B., Amoudry, L. O., McLelland, S., Cooke, R. D., Thorne, P., Simmons, S. M., Parsons, D., & Vezza, M. (2020). Asymmetric effects of a modelled tidal turbine on the flow and seabed. Renewable energy, 159, 238-249.

The extraction of power from the flow of water has become an important potential source of clean energy. In spite of significant interest in the interaction between energy extraction devices and water currents, comparatively little work has focused o... Read More about Asymmetric effects of a modelled tidal turbine on the flow and seabed.

Managing Ecological, Community and Bathing Water Quality Aspects in Design and Construction: Runswick Bay Coastal Protection Scheme, UK (2020)
Book Chapter
Latham, D., Siddle, R., Donoghue, M., Halwyn, A., Hall, A., Hull, S., & Hardiman, N. (2020). Managing Ecological, Community and Bathing Water Quality Aspects in Design and Construction: Runswick Bay Coastal Protection Scheme, UK. In N. Hardiman (Ed.), Coastal management 2019: joining forces to shape our future coasts (447-458). ICE Publishing.

The Runswick Bay Coastal Protection Scheme consisted of repairs and installation of concrete toe protection to the existing seawall and the placement of approximately 9,500 tonnes of imported rock armour to form a new revetment totaling 250m length.... Read More about Managing Ecological, Community and Bathing Water Quality Aspects in Design and Construction: Runswick Bay Coastal Protection Scheme, UK.

A Critical Review of Academic Approaches, Methods and Tools to Assess Circular Economy at the Micro Level (2020)
Journal Article
Roos Lindgreen, E., Salomone, R., & Reyes, T. (2020). A Critical Review of Academic Approaches, Methods and Tools to Assess Circular Economy at the Micro Level. Sustainability, 12(12), Article 4973.

Transitioning from the current linear economic development model to a circular economy (CE) is a hot topic in academic literature, public governance, and the corporate domain. Actors have implemented CE strategies to reduce their resource use and its... Read More about A Critical Review of Academic Approaches, Methods and Tools to Assess Circular Economy at the Micro Level.

Shoots and leaves: exploring the impacts and fragile sustainability of sustainable place-making projects working with marginalised people (2020)
Journal Article
Ramsden, S. (2020). Shoots and leaves: exploring the impacts and fragile sustainability of sustainable place-making projects working with marginalised people. Voluntary Sector Review,

This article contributes to emerging research on sustainable place-making, but makes an important contribution through a strong focus on outcomes for marginalised people and the need for long-term sustainability. Sustainable place-making combines ‘pl... Read More about Shoots and leaves: exploring the impacts and fragile sustainability of sustainable place-making projects working with marginalised people.

Nocturnal pollination: An overlooked ecosystem service vulnerable to environmental change (2020)
Journal Article
Macgregor, C. J., & Scott-Brown, A. S. (2020). Nocturnal pollination: An overlooked ecosystem service vulnerable to environmental change. Emerging Topics in Life Sciences, 4(1), 19-32.

© 2020 The Author(s). This is an open access article published by Portland Press Limited on behalf of the Biochemical Society and the Royal Society of Biology and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 (CC BY). Existing assess... Read More about Nocturnal pollination: An overlooked ecosystem service vulnerable to environmental change.

Uncertainty in parameterizing floodplain forest friction for natural flood management, using remote sensing (2020)
Journal Article
Antonarakis, A. S., & Milan, D. J. (2020). Uncertainty in parameterizing floodplain forest friction for natural flood management, using remote sensing. Remote Sensing, 12(11), 1799.

One potential Natural Flood Management (NFM) option is floodplain reforestation or manage existing riparian forests, with a view to increasing flow resistance and attenuate flood hydrographs. However, the effectiveness of floodplain forests as resist... Read More about Uncertainty in parameterizing floodplain forest friction for natural flood management, using remote sensing.

Uncertainty in parameterising floodplain forest friction for Natural Flood Management, using remote sensing (2020)
Journal Article
Antonarakis, A., & Milan, D. (2020). Uncertainty in parameterising floodplain forest friction for Natural Flood Management, using remote sensing. Remote Sensing, 12(11), Article 1799.

One potential Natural Flood Management option is floodplain reforestation or manage existing riparian forests, with a view to increasing flow resistance and attenuate flood hydrographs. However, the effectiveness of floodplain forests as resistance a... Read More about Uncertainty in parameterising floodplain forest friction for Natural Flood Management, using remote sensing.

Efficient preservation of young terrestrial organic carbon in sandy turbidity-current deposits (2020)
Journal Article
Hage, S., Galy, V. V., Cartigny, M. J., Acikalin, S., Clare, M. A., Gröcke, D. R., Hilton, R. G., Hunt, J. E., Lintern, D. G., McGhee, C. A., Parsons, D. R., Stacey, C. D., Sumner, E. J., & Talling, P. J. (2020). Efficient preservation of young terrestrial organic carbon in sandy turbidity-current deposits. Geology, 48(9), 882-887.

Burial of terrestrial biospheric particulate organic carbon in marine sediments removes CO2 from the atmosphere, regulating climate over geologic time scales. Rivers deliver terrestrial organic carbon to the sea, while turbidity currents transport ri... Read More about Efficient preservation of young terrestrial organic carbon in sandy turbidity-current deposits.

Effects of Polyester Microfibers on Microphytobenthos and Sediment-Dwelling Infauna (2020)
Journal Article
Hope, J. A., Coco, G., & Thrush, S. F. (2020). Effects of Polyester Microfibers on Microphytobenthos and Sediment-Dwelling Infauna. Environmental Science and Technology, 54(13), 7970-7982.

Microfibers often dominate sediment microplastic samples, but little is known about their ecological effects on benthic organisms and functions. Polyethylene terephthalate) (PET) microfibers were added to 36 sediment chambers at six concentrations (0... Read More about Effects of Polyester Microfibers on Microphytobenthos and Sediment-Dwelling Infauna.

Interactions between sediment microbial ecology and physical dynamics drive heterogeneity in contextually similar depositional systems (2020)
Journal Article
Hope, J. A., Malarkey, J., Baas, J. H., Peakall, J., Parsons, D. R., Manning, A. J., Bass, S. J., Lichtman, I. D., Thorne, P. D., Ye, L., & Paterson, D. M. (2020). Interactions between sediment microbial ecology and physical dynamics drive heterogeneity in contextually similar depositional systems. Limnology and Oceanography, 65(10), 2403-2419.

This study focuses on the interactions between sediment stability and biological and physical variables that influence the erodibility across different habitats. Sampling at short-term temporal scales illustrated the persistence of the microphytobent... Read More about Interactions between sediment microbial ecology and physical dynamics drive heterogeneity in contextually similar depositional systems.

Big problem, little answer: overcoming bed agglomeration and reactor slagging during the gasification of barley straw under continuous operation (2020)
Journal Article
Aladbrabalameer, H., Taylor, M. J., Kauppinen, J., Soini, T., Pikkarainen, T., & Skoulou, V. (2020). Big problem, little answer: overcoming bed agglomeration and reactor slagging during the gasification of barley straw under continuous operation. Sustainable Energy & Fuels, 4(7), 3764-3772.

Defluidisation as a result of reactor bed agglomeration is a global challenge associated with the gasification of lignocellulosic biomass waste, specifically its high inorganic content. The use of conventional water leaching has been scrutanised for... Read More about Big problem, little answer: overcoming bed agglomeration and reactor slagging during the gasification of barley straw under continuous operation.

Late Ordovician mass extinction caused by volcanism, warming, and anoxia, not cooling and glaciation (2020)
Journal Article
Bond, D. P., & Grasby, S. E. (2020). Late Ordovician mass extinction caused by volcanism, warming, and anoxia, not cooling and glaciation. Geology, 48(8), 777-781.

The Ordovician saw major diversification in marine life abruptly terminated by the Late Ordovician mass extinction (LOME). Around 85% of species were eliminated in two pulses 1 m.y. apart. The first pulse, in the basal Hirnantian, has been linked to... Read More about Late Ordovician mass extinction caused by volcanism, warming, and anoxia, not cooling and glaciation.