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The broader context for ICT4D projects: A morphogenetic analysis (2013)
Journal Article
Njihia, J. M., & Merali, Y. (2013). The broader context for ICT4D projects: A morphogenetic analysis. MIS Quarterly, 37(3), 881-906.

This paper demonstrates the value of Archer's morphogenetic approach (MA) in understanding and explaining the complexity of the broader context within which many developing country information and communication technology (ICT) projects are implement... Read More about The broader context for ICT4D projects: A morphogenetic analysis.

Systemic intervention for computer-supported collaborative learning (2013)
Journal Article
Barros-Castro, R. A., Midgley, G., & Pinzón, L. (2015). Systemic intervention for computer-supported collaborative learning. Systems research and behavioral science, 32(1), 86-105.

This paper presents a systemic intervention approach as a means to overcome the methodological challenges involved in research into computer-supported collaborative learning applied to the promotion of mathematical problem-solving (CSCL-MPS) skills i... Read More about Systemic intervention for computer-supported collaborative learning.

Can the benefits of physical seabed restoration justify the costs? An assessment of a disused aggregate extraction site off the Thames Estuary, UK (2013)
Journal Article
Cooper, K., Burdon, D., Atkins, J. P., Weiss, L., Somerfield, P., Elliott, M., Turner, K., Ware, S., & Vivian, C. (2013). Can the benefits of physical seabed restoration justify the costs? An assessment of a disused aggregate extraction site off the Thames Estuary, UK. Marine pollution bulletin, 75(1-2), 33-45.

Physical and biological seabed impacts can persist long after the cessation of marine aggregate dredging. Whilst small-scale experimental studies have shown that it may be possible to mitigate such impacts, it is unclear whether the costs of restorat... Read More about Can the benefits of physical seabed restoration justify the costs? An assessment of a disused aggregate extraction site off the Thames Estuary, UK.

Workforce diversity and hotel performance: a systematic review and synthesis of the international empirical evidence (2013)
Journal Article
Sourouklis, C., & Tsagdis, D. (2013). Workforce diversity and hotel performance: a systematic review and synthesis of the international empirical evidence. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 34(1), 394-403.

The purpose of this study is to synthesize the international empirical evidence concerning the impacts of workforce diversity (as mediated by management and a number of other organizational and environmental factors) on hotel performance. To clarify... Read More about Workforce diversity and hotel performance: a systematic review and synthesis of the international empirical evidence.

Impact of China's currency valuation and labour cost on the US in a trade and exchange rate model (2013)
Journal Article
Bhattarai, K., & Mallick, S. (2013). Impact of China's currency valuation and labour cost on the US in a trade and exchange rate model. North American journal of economics and finance, 25, 40-59.

Ricardian dynamic general equilibrium analyses show that under free trade arrangements a low income country with lower wage cost and large endowment of labour has comparative advantage in trade. Efficiency gains from this enhance economic growth and... Read More about Impact of China's currency valuation and labour cost on the US in a trade and exchange rate model.

Are income differences within the OECD diminishing? Evidence from Fourier unit root tests (2013)
Journal Article
King, A., & Ramlogan-Dobson, C. (2014). Are income differences within the OECD diminishing? Evidence from Fourier unit root tests. Studies in nonlinear dynamics and econometrics / sponsored by the MIT Press and the Society for Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics, 18(2), 185-199.

We investigate the income convergence hypothesis for 24 OECD countries using Fourier-type unit root tests that can account for structural breaks of unknown number, timing and functional form in a series’ data generating process. Our results indicate... Read More about Are income differences within the OECD diminishing? Evidence from Fourier unit root tests.

The management of change in public organizations: a literature review (2013)
Journal Article
Kuipers, B. S., Higgs, M., Kickert, W., Tummers, L., Grandia, J., & Van Der Voet, J. (2014). The management of change in public organizations: a literature review. Public administration, 92(1), 1-20.

This article presents a review of the recent literature on change management in public organizations and sets out to explore the extent to which this literature has responded to earlier critiques regarding the lack of (public) contextual factors. The... Read More about The management of change in public organizations: a literature review.

Do marine protected areas deliver flows of ecosystem services to support human welfare? (2013)
Journal Article
Potts, T., Burdon, D., Jackson, E., Atkins, J., Saunders, J., Hastings, E., & Langmead, O. (2014). Do marine protected areas deliver flows of ecosystem services to support human welfare?. Marine Policy, 44, 139-148.

This paper examines the potential relationships between the ecosystem services provided by the coastal and marine environment and the designation of marine protected areas. The hypothesis is that relationships exist between the provision of ecosystem... Read More about Do marine protected areas deliver flows of ecosystem services to support human welfare?.

The rise and fall of (Chinese) African apparel exports (2013)
Journal Article
Rotunno, L., Vézina, P. L., & Wang, Z. (2013). The rise and fall of (Chinese) African apparel exports. Journal of Development Economics, 105, 152-163.

During the final years of the Multifiber Agreement (2001-2005) the US imposed quotas on Chinese apparel while it gave African apparel duty- and quota-free access. We argue that the combination of these policies led to a rapid but ephemeral rise of Af... Read More about The rise and fall of (Chinese) African apparel exports.

Deconstructing subtle racist imagery in television ads (2013)
Journal Article
Shabbir, H. A., Hyman, M. R., Reast, J., & Palihawadana, D. (2014). Deconstructing subtle racist imagery in television ads. Journal of Business Ethics, 123(3), 421-436.

Although ads with subtle racist imagery can reinforce negative stereotypes, advertisers can eliminate this problem. After a brief overview of predominantly U.S.-based research on the racial mix of models/actors in ads, a theoretical framework for unm... Read More about Deconstructing subtle racist imagery in television ads.

CSR, co-optation and resistance: the emergence of new agnostic relations between business and civil society (2013)
Journal Article
Burchell, J., & Cook, J. (2013). CSR, co-optation and resistance: the emergence of new agnostic relations between business and civil society. Journal of Business Ethics, 115(4), 741-754.

This article examines the theoretical implications of the changing relationships between NGOs and businesses that have emerged as a response to the evolving agenda around CSR and sustainable development. In particular, it focuses upon examining wheth... Read More about CSR, co-optation and resistance: the emergence of new agnostic relations between business and civil society.

Drivers of in-group and out-of-group electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) (2013)
Journal Article
Abrantes, J. L., Seabra, C., Lages, C. R., & Jayawardhena, C. (2013). Drivers of in-group and out-of-group electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM). European Journal of Marketing, 47(7), 1067-1088.

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to address a recent call for additional research on electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM). In response to this call, this study draws on the social network paradigm and the uses and gratification theory (UGT) to propos... Read More about Drivers of in-group and out-of-group electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM).

Antecedents of well-being: a study to examine the extent to which personality and emotional intelligence contribute to well-being (2013)
Journal Article
Higgs, M., & Dulewicz, V. (2014). Antecedents of well-being: a study to examine the extent to which personality and emotional intelligence contribute to well-being. The international journal of human resource management, 25(5), 718-735.

In the debate surrounding the relationships between HRM and performance, there is an argument suggesting that a focus on understanding the role of employee attitudes and behaviours may elicit valuable insights into performance drivers. In examining i... Read More about Antecedents of well-being: a study to examine the extent to which personality and emotional intelligence contribute to well-being.

Is the relationship between prices and exchange rates homogeneous? (2013)
Journal Article
Hall, S. G., Hondroyiannis, G., Kenjegaliev, A., Swamy, P. A. V. B., & Tavlas, G. S. (2013). Is the relationship between prices and exchange rates homogeneous?. Journal of International Money and Finance, 37, 411-438.

Empirical tests of purchasing power parity (PPP) are implicitly based on the conditions of symmetry and proportionality of the price coefficients. We investigate a separate condition, which we term homogeneity. Specifically, while there may be factor... Read More about Is the relationship between prices and exchange rates homogeneous?.

Ethics in tax practice: A study of the effect of practitioner firm size (2013)
Journal Article
Doyle, E., Frecknall-Hughes, J., & Summers, B. (2014). Ethics in tax practice: A study of the effect of practitioner firm size. Journal of Business Ethics, 122(4), 623-641.

While much of the empirical accounting literature suggests that, if differences do exist, Big Four employees are more ethical than non-Big Four employees, this trend has not been evident in the recent media coverage of Big Four tax practitioners acti... Read More about Ethics in tax practice: A study of the effect of practitioner firm size.

East meets West : toward a theoretical model linking guanxi and relationship marketing (2013)
Journal Article
Shaalan, A., Reast, J., Johnson, D., & Tourky, M. E. (2013). East meets West : toward a theoretical model linking guanxi and relationship marketing. Journal of business research, 66(12), 2515-2521.

This conceptual study critically examines the separate concepts of guanxi and relationship marketing, explores the differences between the two approaches, and proposes innovative linkages between them. Chinese guanxi develops relationships at the int... Read More about East meets West : toward a theoretical model linking guanxi and relationship marketing.

Convergence of inflationary shocks: Evidence from the Caribbean (2013)
Journal Article
Cuestas, J. C., & Ramlogan-Dobson, C. (2013). Convergence of inflationary shocks: Evidence from the Caribbean. The World economy, 36(9), 1229-1243.

In this paper, we aim to shed some light on the inflation dynamics in the Caribbean. We analyse the inflation rates for twelve countries using various time series methods. The results show that the inflation rates are mean reverting processes and tha... Read More about Convergence of inflationary shocks: Evidence from the Caribbean.

Working within hyphen-spaces in ethnographic research : implications for research identities and practice (2013)
Journal Article
Karunanayake, G., & Cunliffe, A. (2013). Working within hyphen-spaces in ethnographic research : implications for research identities and practice. Organizational Research Methods, 16(3), 364-392.

Ethnographers often find themselves wrestling with choices about their relationship with respondents: choices experienced by researchers engaged in many other methodologies. This article examines the agentic and political nature of those relationship... Read More about Working within hyphen-spaces in ethnographic research : implications for research identities and practice.

Measuring currency pressures: the cases of the Japanese yen, the Chinese yuan, and the UK pound (2013)
Journal Article
Hall, S. G., Kenjegaliev, A., Swamy, P. A. V. B., & Tavlas, G. S. (2013). Measuring currency pressures: the cases of the Japanese yen, the Chinese yuan, and the UK pound. Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, 29(September), 1-20.

We investigate bilateral currency pressures against the US dollar for three currencies: the Japanese yen, the Chinese yuan, and the UK pound during the period 2000:Q1 to 2009:Q4. We employ a model-based methodology to measure exchange market pressure... Read More about Measuring currency pressures: the cases of the Japanese yen, the Chinese yuan, and the UK pound.

Priority-based scheduling in flexible system using AIS with FLC approach (2013)
Journal Article
Chan, F. T., Prakash, A., & Mishra, N. (2013). Priority-based scheduling in flexible system using AIS with FLC approach. International Journal of Production Research, 51(16), 4880-4895.

In the present paper, an extensive decision-making problem of scheduling in flexible environment has been discussed. The novelty of the research is to allocate the machines to the operations on the basis of the priority. The highly prioritised machin... Read More about Priority-based scheduling in flexible system using AIS with FLC approach.