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Outputs (110)

Dimensions of the Political and the Moral: A Framework of Comparing Junzi and Citizens (2018)
Journal Article
Wang, C. (2018). Dimensions of the Political and the Moral: A Framework of Comparing Junzi and Citizens. Sociological Review of China, 6(3), 25-38

“君子”与“公民”的比较直接关涉中国儒家政治文化(以“君子”为主体)与西方民主政治文化(以“公民”为主体)的关系问题。那么,如何比较“君子”与“公民”呢?本文以“政治法理性”与“道德伦理性”为分类标准,建构了一个分析框架。作者把君子分成“治理主体”和“道德主体”,把公民... Read More about Dimensions of the Political and the Moral: A Framework of Comparing Junzi and Citizens.

Considerations on using mindful listening in advising for language learning: a micro study (2018)
Journal Article
Mozzon McPherson, M. (2018). Considerations on using mindful listening in advising for language learning: a micro study. Zeitschrift für Fremdsprachenforschung, 28(2), 159-179

Aktives Zuhören (mindful listening) gilt als eine der wichtigsten Gesprächstechniken, von denen die Qualität einer Sprachlernberatung in entscheidendem Maße abhängen kann. Von
Sprachlernberatenden wird erwartet, dass sie den Aussagen der Ratsuchende... Read More about Considerations on using mindful listening in advising for language learning: a micro study.

Civic Junzi or Noble Citizen: Junzi and Citizen revisited (2018)
Journal Article
Wang, C. (2018). Civic Junzi or Noble Citizen: Junzi and Citizen revisited. Tian Fu New Idea, 2018(1), 52-61

本文以政治法理与道德伦理为分类标准, 对君子与公民进行了比较分析, 发现它们既有􀌬致性又有差异性、既同调又异调。作者由此驳斥了两种论断。接着, 文章论证了君子与公民相􃏿合的两种可能路径:一 􀌬种是“君子的公民化”, 塑造的是“ 公民式君子”;一 􀌬种是“ 公民的君子... Read More about Civic Junzi or Noble Citizen: Junzi and Citizen revisited.

The multiple functions of criollo, gaucho and indigenous symbols in La historieta Patoruzú, 1936-50 : the conflicts of Peronism, nationalism, and migration (2017)
Journal Article
McAleer, P. R. (2018). The multiple functions of criollo, gaucho and indigenous symbols in La historieta Patoruzú, 1936-50 : the conflicts of Peronism, nationalism, and migration. Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies, 27(2), 253-270.

This article considers the comic book, Patoruzú in light of the cultural expressions of Argentine criollismo between the 1930s and 50s. It begins by examining the political and class conflicts that informed the meanings of criollo symbols, and how Da... Read More about The multiple functions of criollo, gaucho and indigenous symbols in La historieta Patoruzú, 1936-50 : the conflicts of Peronism, nationalism, and migration.

French Feminisms 1975 and After (2017)
Atack, M., Fell, A. S., Holmes, D., & Long, I. (2017). M. Atack, A. S. Fell, D. Holmes, & I. Long (Eds.), French Feminisms 1975 and After. Peter Lang.

This volume explores contemporary French women’s writing through the prism of one of the defining moments of modern feminism: the writings of the 1970s that came to be known as «French feminism». With their exhilarating renewal of the rules of fictio... Read More about French Feminisms 1975 and After.

West Germany’s neue Frauenbewegung and the productive potential of feminist (Gegen)gewalt (2017)
Journal Article
Bielby, C. (2017). West Germany’s neue Frauenbewegung and the productive potential of feminist (Gegen)gewalt. Forum for Modern Language Studies, 53(4), 379-404.

This article explores the feminist potential of (Gegen)gewalt ((counter-) violence) during the founding years of West Germany's neue Frauenbewegung: firstly, as a discourse and practice which helped create the discursive space to start imagining femi... Read More about West Germany’s neue Frauenbewegung and the productive potential of feminist (Gegen)gewalt.