2023 Mary Wollstonecraft Lecture
Mar 14, 2023
Location Wilberforce LT31 (both online and ‘in-person’)
Tuesday 14th March, 5 - 7pmDescription Institute of Applied Ethics
Tuesday 14th March, 5 - 7pm
The 2023 Mary Wollstonecraft Annual Lecture:
"Reconfiguring Ideas of Gender Inequality and Intersectionality: A Latin American Perspective"
Dr Martha Zapata Galindo (Free University of Berlin, Germany)
This paper explores how intersectionality has reconfigured research on gender inequalities in an international context. It reconstructs how the concept of intersectionality circulated from the global North to Latin America (especially Colombia and Brazil) and how the circulation of this concept has transformed the discussion within gender studies in Latin America. It shows the specific features that distinguish intersectional research on gender inequalities in Latin America from related research conducted in the global North.
Martha Zapata Galindo works in interdisciplinary gender studies at the Institute of Latin American Studies at the Free University of Berlin. Her main areas of research are gender theories and intersectionality, circulation of knowledge and cultural practices, feminist movements and cartographies of gender violence.
She was Principal Investigator of the research network desigualdades.net between 2009 and 2014. She led the European Union (EU) project: Social inclusion and equality in Latin American higher education (2011-2014) and coordinated the EU project Equality training network: EU contributions to gender mainstreaming and citizenship.People Colin Tyler
Stella Gonzalez-Arnal
Stephen BurwoodThemes Social Justice and Responsibility Research Centres/Groups Institute of Applied Ethics