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Outputs (87)

Journey to the Centre of the Self: Exploring the Lived Experiences of South Asian Psychiatrists in the UK (2024)
Arya, R., & Bhugra, D. (2024). Journey to the Centre of the Self: Exploring the Lived Experiences of South Asian Psychiatrists in the UK. Cambridge University Press.

Book description

This book presents previously untold narratives of South Asian psychiatrists in the UK and provides insight into the significance of cultural identity, migration and marginalisation on their lives and work. The development of cult... Read More about Journey to the Centre of the Self: Exploring the Lived Experiences of South Asian Psychiatrists in the UK.

Bridging the expectation gap? Evaluating the work-readiness of pre-university media students in Yorkshire and the Humber (2024)
Zborowski, J., Mayne, L., & Macrae, S. (2024). Bridging the expectation gap? Evaluating the work-readiness of pre-university media students in Yorkshire and the Humber. Screen Industries Growth Network (SIGN)/Research England

Opening paragraph, Executive Summary:
It is difficult for providers of pre-university media qualifications (such as BTECs, A-levels, Cambridge Technicals, and the UAL award) to meet the demand for work experience in the screen industries among their... Read More about Bridging the expectation gap? Evaluating the work-readiness of pre-university media students in Yorkshire and the Humber.

Surveillance, State Violence and Resistance: A History of “Dangerous Incidents” between Police Officers and Black Individuals in the United States (2024)
Blance, K. Surveillance, State Violence and Resistance: A History of “Dangerous Incidents” between Police Officers and Black Individuals in the United States. (Thesis). University of Hull.

[From the introduction]:
This thesis will seek to explore racialised surveillance and Black resistance to this surveillance in both historical and contemporary forms in the United States. At its core, this research will argue that racialised surveil... Read More about Surveillance, State Violence and Resistance: A History of “Dangerous Incidents” between Police Officers and Black Individuals in the United States.

Locating religion in contemporary art (2023)
Journal Article
Arya, R. (2023). Locating religion in contemporary art. Religion Compass, 17(4), Article e12457.

The place of religion in the context of contemporary art is fraught and complex. This article discusses three prominent ways in which religion is explored in contemporary art: in sociopolitics, in art that transgresses, and in the creation of spaces... Read More about Locating religion in contemporary art.

Notes towards a formal and social poetics of television drama (2022)
Journal Article
Zborowski, J. (2022). Notes towards a formal and social poetics of television drama. Journal of Popular Television, 10(2), 213-224.

This article seeks to build a bridge between approaches to television drama that explore form and style, and those that explore realism and representation. It proposes questions which can be applied to any television drama, and reveal meaningful dist... Read More about Notes towards a formal and social poetics of television drama.

Bringing more exploration and interaction to scenario modeling and data visualisation through 3D GIS and Virtual Reality (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Chen, W., Alessandro, G., David, M., Mark, W., Paola, O., Bethany, W., & Yang, J. (2022, April). Bringing more exploration and interaction to scenario modeling and data visualisation through 3D GIS and Virtual Reality. Presented at 30th Annual Geographical Information Science Research UK (GISRUK), Liverpool, United Kingdom

A prototype 3D GIS and Virtual Reality model has been developed to present future scenarios of woodland expansion and climate data visualisation. Spatial Multi-criteria Analysis has been applied to decide where to plant new forests, recognizing a ran... Read More about Bringing more exploration and interaction to scenario modeling and data visualisation through 3D GIS and Virtual Reality.

The Time Project: Understanding working time in the UK television industry (2022)
Mayne, L., Swords, J., Ozimek, A., & Boardman, C. (2022). The Time Project: Understanding working time in the UK television industry. York: Screen Industries Growth Network

The Time Project collected data on the working hours of TV production professionals to highlight patterns of overworking in the industry. The report aims to understand which groups of people face the greatest burden of work in the UK TV industry and... Read More about The Time Project: Understanding working time in the UK television industry.

‘The Road Never Ends’: Ecofeminism and Magical Realism in Rachel Zadok’s Sister-Sister (2021)
Journal Article
Westby-Nunn, T. (2021). ‘The Road Never Ends’: Ecofeminism and Magical Realism in Rachel Zadok’s Sister-Sister. Feminist Encounters: A Journal of Critical Studies in Culture and Politics, 5(1), Article 8.

Ecofeminism is an interdisciplinary movement that analyses power imbalances and examines the intersectional impacts neoliberalism has on humanity and the planet. Cultural artefacts (literature, films, artworks, etcetera) play an important role in rai... Read More about ‘The Road Never Ends’: Ecofeminism and Magical Realism in Rachel Zadok’s Sister-Sister.

The Chamber of Banality: Hell on Earth (2021)
Journal Article
Arya, R. (2021). The Chamber of Banality: Hell on Earth. Performance Research, 26(1-2), 78--87.

In Sartre{\textquoteright}s play Huis Clos, hell is conceptualized as a psychological state of mind and interdependence rather than a physical place and is manifested through the conversational exchanges between the three characters, who seek to evad... Read More about The Chamber of Banality: Hell on Earth.