Qiang Yao
Increasing access to integrated ESKD care as part of Universal Health Coverage
Yao, Qiang; Walker, Robert; Walker, Rachael C.; Vachharajani, Tushar; Tungsanga, Kriang; Trask, Michele; Tesar, Vladimir; Tchokhonelidze, Irma; Schneditz, Daniel; Saleh, Abdulkarim; Sahay, Manisha; Rondeau, Eric; Richards, Marie; Rashid, Harun Ur; Rahman, Muhibur; Perl, Jeffrey; Ossareh, Shahrzad; Obrador, Gregorio T.; Niang, Abdou; Nangaku, Masaomi; Naicker, Saraladevi; Muller, Elmi; Morton, Rachael L.; Mengistu, Yewondwassesn Tadesse; McKnight, Marla; Liew, Adrian; Levin, Adeera; Kazancioglu, Rumeyza T.; Kalantar-Zadeh, Kamyar; Hou, Fan Fan; Hassan, Mohamed H.; Goh, Bak Leong; Ghnaimat, Mohammad A.; Feehally, John; Eke, Felicia U.; Eiam-Ong, Somchai; Dreyer, Gavin; Douthat, Walter; Were, Anthony J.O.; Jager, Kitty; Harris, David C.H.; Davies, Simon J.; Finkelstein, Fredric O.; Jha, Vivekanand; Donner, Jo Ann; Abraham, Georgi; Bello, Aminu K.; Caskey, Fergus J.; Garcia, Guillermo Garcia; Harden, Paul; Hemmelgarn, Brenda; Johnson, David W.; Levin, Nathan W.; Luyckx, Valerie A.; Martin,...
Robert Walker
Rachael C. Walker
Tushar Vachharajani
Kriang Tungsanga
Michele Trask
Vladimir Tesar
Irma Tchokhonelidze
Daniel Schneditz
Abdulkarim Saleh
Manisha Sahay
Eric Rondeau
Marie Richards
Harun Ur Rashid
Muhibur Rahman
Jeffrey Perl
Shahrzad Ossareh
Gregorio T. Obrador
Abdou Niang
Masaomi Nangaku
Saraladevi Naicker
Elmi Muller
Rachael L. Morton
Yewondwassesn Tadesse Mengistu
Marla McKnight
Adrian Liew
Adeera Levin
Rumeyza T. Kazancioglu
Kamyar Kalantar-Zadeh
Fan Fan Hou
Mohamed H. Hassan
Bak Leong Goh
Mohammad A. Ghnaimat
John Feehally
Felicia U. Eke
Somchai Eiam-Ong
Gavin Dreyer
Walter Douthat
Anthony J.O. Were
Kitty Jager
David C.H. Harris
Simon J. Davies
Fredric O. Finkelstein
Vivekanand Jha
Jo Ann Donner
Georgi Abraham
Aminu K. Bello
Fergus J. Caskey
Guillermo Garcia Garcia
Paul Harden
Brenda Hemmelgarn
David W. Johnson
Nathan W. Levin
Valerie A. Luyckx
Dominique E. Martin
Mignon I. McCulloch
Mohammed Rafique Moosa
Philip J. O'Connell
Ikechi G. Okpechi
Roberto Pecoits Filho
Kamal D. Shah
Laura Sola
Charles Swanepoel
Marcello Tonelli
Ahmed Twahir
Wim van Biesen
Cherian Varghese
Chih Wei Yang
Carlos Zuniga
Ali K. Abu Alfa
Harith M. Aljubori
Mona N. Alrukhaimi
Sharon P. Andreoli
Gloria Ashuntantang
Ezequiel Bellorin-Font
Alfonso Cueto-Manzano
Bassam Bernieh
Fuad M. Ibhais
Peter G. Blake
Mark Brown
Edwina Brown
Sakarn Bunnag
Tak Mao Chan
Yuqing Chen
Rolando Claure-Del Granado
Stefaan Claus
Allan Collins
Cecile Couchoud
Brett Cullis
Professor Fliss Murtagh F.Murtagh@hull.ac.uk
Professor of Palliative Care
The global nephrology community recognizes the need for a cohesive strategy to address the growing problem of end-stage kidney disease (ESKD). In March 2018, the International Society of Nephrology hosted a summit on integrated ESKD care, including 92 individuals from around the globe with diverse expertise and professional backgrounds. The attendees were from 41 countries, including 16 participants from 11 low- and lower-middle–income countries. The purpose was to develop a strategic plan to improve worldwide access to integrated ESKD care, by identifying and prioritizing key activities across 8 themes: (i) estimates of ESKD burden and treatment coverage, (ii) advocacy, (iii) education and training/workforce, (iv) financing/funding models, (v) ethics, (vi) dialysis, (vii) transplantation, and (viii) conservative care. Action plans with prioritized lists of goals, activities, and key deliverables, and an overarching performance framework were developed for each theme. Examples of these key deliverables include improved data availability, integration of core registry measures and analysis to inform development of health care policy; a framework for advocacy; improved and continued stakeholder engagement; improved workforce training; equitable, efficient, and cost-effective funding models; greater understanding and greater application of ethical principles in practice and policy; definition and application of standards for safe and sustainable dialysis treatment and a set of measurable quality parameters; and integration of dialysis, transplantation, and comprehensive conservative care as ESKD treatment options within the context of overall health priorities. Intended users of the action plans include clinicians, patients and their families, scientists, industry partners, government decision makers, and advocacy organizations. Implementation of this integrated and comprehensive plan is intended to improve quality and access to care and thereby reduce serious health-related suffering of adults and children affected by ESKD worldwide.
Yao, Q., Walker, R., Walker, R. C., Vachharajani, T., Tungsanga, K., Trask, M., Tesar, V., Tchokhonelidze, I., Schneditz, D., Saleh, A., Sahay, M., Rondeau, E., Richards, M., Rashid, H. U., Rahman, M., Perl, J., Ossareh, S., Obrador, G. T., Niang, A., Nangaku, M., …Murtagh, F. (2019). Increasing access to integrated ESKD care as part of Universal Health Coverage. Kidney International, 95(4), S1-S33. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.kint.2018.12.005
Journal Article Type | Review |
Acceptance Date | Dec 28, 2018 |
Publication Date | Apr 1, 2019 |
Deposit Date | Jan 7, 2019 |
Publicly Available Date | Apr 2, 2020 |
Journal | Kidney International |
Print ISSN | 0085-2538 |
Publisher | Elsevier |
Peer Reviewed | Peer Reviewed |
Volume | 95 |
Issue | 4 |
Pages | S1-S33 |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.kint.2018.12.005 |
Keywords | ESKD (end-stage kidney disease); UHC (universal health coverage); Dialysis; Transplantation; Conservative care; Advocacy; Training; Funding |
Public URL | https://hull-repository.worktribe.com/output/1207653 |
Publisher URL | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0264999314002399?via%3Dihub |
Contract Date | Jan 9, 2019 |
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