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Automatic allocation of safety integrity levels

Papadopoulos, Y.; Walker, M.; Reiser, M.-O.; Weber, M.; Chen, D.; Törngren, M.; Servat, David; Abele, A.; Stappert, F.; Lonn, H.; Berntsson, L.; Johansson, Rolf; Tagliabo, F.; Torchiaro, S.; Sandberg, Anders


M. Walker

M.-O. Reiser

M. Weber

D. Chen

M. Törngren

David Servat

A. Abele

F. Stappert

H. Lonn

L. Berntsson

Rolf Johansson

F. Tagliabo

S. Torchiaro

Anders Sandberg


In this paper, we describe a concept for the automatic allocationof general Safety Integrity Levels (SILs) to subsystems andcomponents of complex hierarchical networked architectures thatdeliver sets of safety critical functions. The concept is generic andcan be adapted to facilitate the safety engineering approachdefined in several standards that employ the concept of integrityor assurance levels including ISO 26262, the emergingautomotive safety standard. SIL allocation is facilitated by HiPHOPS,an automated safety analysis tool, and can be performed inthe context of development using EAST-ADL2, an automotivearchitecture description language. The process rationalizescomplex risk allocation and leads to optimal/economic allocationof SILs.


Papadopoulos, Y., Walker, M., Reiser, M.-O., Weber, M., Chen, D., Törngren, M., Servat, D., Abele, A., Stappert, F., Lonn, H., Berntsson, L., Johansson, R., Tagliabo, F., Torchiaro, S., & Sandberg, A. (2010, April). Automatic allocation of safety integrity levels. Presented at Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Critical Automotive applications Robustness & Safety - CARS '10

Conference Name Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Critical Automotive applications Robustness & Safety - CARS '10
Start Date Apr 27, 2010
End Date Apr 27, 2010
Acceptance Date Dec 31, 2010
Publication Date 2010
Journal ACM International Conference Proceeding Series
Pages 43015
ISBN 9781605589152
Public URL
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