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Implementing a Competence Framework for Administering Medication: Reporting the Experiences of Mental Health Nurses and Students in the UK

Hemingway, Steve; White, Jacqueline; Baxter, Hazel; Smith, George; Turner, James; McCann, Terence


Steve Hemingway

Hazel Baxter

James Turner

Terence McCann


Medicine administration is a high risk activity that most nurses undertake frequently. In this paper, the views of registered mental health nurses and final year student nurses are evaluated about the usefulness of the Medicines with Respect Assessment of the Administration of Medicines Competency Framework. A questionnaire using 22 items with closed and open response questions was distributed to 827 practising mental health nurses and 44 final year mental health nursing students. This article presents a content analysis of written replies to the open response questions. Four overlapping themes were identified in response to the open questions posed in the survey: (1) reasons for undertaking the Medicines with Respect Framework; (2) positive aspects; (3) negative aspects; and (4) service user benefits.


Hemingway, S., White, J., Baxter, H., Smith, G., Turner, J., & McCann, T. (2012). Implementing a Competence Framework for Administering Medication: Reporting the Experiences of Mental Health Nurses and Students in the UK. Issues in mental health nursing, 33(10), 657-664.

Journal Article Type Article
Online Publication Date Sep 27, 2012
Publication Date Oct 1, 2012
Print ISSN 0161-2840
Publisher Informa Healthcare
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 33
Issue 10
Pages 657-664
Keywords Phychiatric Mental Health
Public URL
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