Emma Green
Exploring patterns of response across the lifespan: The Cambridge Centre for Ageing and Neuroscience (Cam-CAN) study
Green, Emma; Bennett, Holly; Brayne, Carol; Tyler, Lorraine K.; Bullmore, Edward T.; Calder, Andrew C.; Cusack, Rhodri; Dalgleish, Tim; Duncan, John; Henson, Richard N.; Marslen-Wilson, William D.; Rowe, James B.; Shafto, Meredith A.; Campbell, Karen; Cheung, Teresa; Davis, Simon; Geerligs, Linda; Kievit, Rogier; McCarrey, Anna; Mustafa, Abdur; Price, Darren; Samu, David; Taylor, Jason R.; Treder, Matthias; Tsvetanov, Kamen; Van Belle, Janna; Williams, Nitin; Bates, Lauren; Emery, Tina; Erzinçlioglu, Sharon; Gadie, Andrew; Gerbase, Sofia; Georgieva, Stanimira; Hanley, Claire; Parkin, Beth; Troy, David; Auer, Tibor; Correia, Marta; Gao, Lu; Henriques, Rafael; Allen, Jodie; Amery, Gillian; Amunts, Liana; Barcroft, Anne; Castle, Amanda; Dias, Cheryl; Dowrick, Jonathan; Fair, Melissa; Fisher, Hayley; Goulding, Anna; Grewal, Adarsh; Hale, Geoff; Hilton, Andrew; Johnson, Frances; Johnston, Patricia; Kavanagh-Williamson, Thea; Kwasniewska, Magdalena; McMinn, Alison; Norman, Kim; Penrose, Jess...
Holly Bennett
Carol Brayne
Lorraine K. Tyler
Edward T. Bullmore
Andrew C. Calder
Rhodri Cusack
Tim Dalgleish
John Duncan
Richard N. Henson
William D. Marslen-Wilson
James B. Rowe
Meredith A. Shafto
Karen Campbell
Teresa Cheung
Simon Davis
Linda Geerligs
Rogier Kievit
Anna McCarrey
Abdur Mustafa
Darren Price
David Samu
Jason R. Taylor
Matthias Treder
Kamen Tsvetanov
Janna Van Belle
Nitin Williams
Lauren Bates
Tina Emery
Sharon Erzinçlioglu
Andrew Gadie
Sofia Gerbase
Stanimira Georgieva
Claire Hanley
Beth Parkin
David Troy
Tibor Auer
Marta Correia
Lu Gao
Rafael Henriques
Jodie Allen
Gillian Amery
Liana Amunts
Anne Barcroft
Amanda Castle
Cheryl Dias
Jonathan Dowrick
Melissa Fair
Hayley Fisher
Anna Goulding
Adarsh Grewal
Geoff Hale
Andrew Hilton
Frances Johnson
Patricia Johnston
Thea Kavanagh-Williamson
Magdalena Kwasniewska
Alison McMinn
Kim Norman
Jessica Penrose
Fiona Roby
Diane Rowland
John Sargeant
Maggie Squire
Beth Stevens
Aldabra Stoddart
Cheryl Stone
Tracy Thompson
Ozlem Yazlik
Dan Barnes
Marie Dixon
Jaya Hillman
Joanne Mitchell
Laura Villis
Professor Fiona Matthews F.Matthews@hull.ac.uk
Pro-Vice-Chancellor Research and Enterprise
Background: With declining rates of participation in epidemiological studies there is an important need to attempt to understand what factors might affect response. This study examines the pattern of response at different adult ages within a contemporary cross-sectional population-based cohort, the Cambridge Centre for Ageing and Neuroscience (Cam-CAN). Methods: Using logistic regression, we investigated associations between age, gender and Townsend deprivation level for both participants and non-participants. Weighted estimates of the odds ratios with confidence intervals for each demographic characteristic were calculated. Reasons given for refusal were grouped into three broad categories: 'active', 'passive' and illness preventing interview. Results: An association of age and participation was found, with individuals in middle age groups more likely to participate (age group 48-57 OR: 1.8, 95% CI: 1.5-2.2 and age group 58-67 OR: 2.1, 95% CI: 1.7-2.4). Overall, there was no difference in participation between men and women. An association with deprivation was found, with those living in the most deprived areas being the least willing to participate (fifth quintile OR: 0.6, 95% CI: 0.5-0.7). An interaction between age and gender was found whereby younger women and older men were more likely to agree to participate (p = 0.01). Conclusion: Our findings highlight some of the factors affecting recruitment into epidemiological studies in the UK and suggest that targeted age-specific recruitment strategies might be needed to increase participation rates in future cohort investigations.
Green, E., Bennett, H., Brayne, C., Tyler, L. K., Bullmore, E. T., Calder, A. C., Cusack, R., Dalgleish, T., Duncan, J., Henson, R. N., Marslen-Wilson, W. D., Rowe, J. B., Shafto, M. A., Campbell, K., Cheung, T., Davis, S., Geerligs, L., Kievit, R., McCarrey, A., Mustafa, A., …Matthews, F. E. (2018). Exploring patterns of response across the lifespan: The Cambridge Centre for Ageing and Neuroscience (Cam-CAN) study. BMC public health, 18(1), https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-018-5663-7
Journal Article Type | Article |
Publication Date | Jun 19, 2018 |
Deposit Date | Dec 8, 2023 |
Journal | BMC Public Health |
Print ISSN | 1471-2458 |
Electronic ISSN | 1471-2458 |
Publisher | Springer Verlag |
Volume | 18 |
Issue | 1 |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-018-5663-7 |
Public URL | https://hull-repository.worktribe.com/output/4452682 |
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