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Using environmental reporting tools in the supply chain : perspectives from UK, Finland and Thailand

Grant, David; Shaw, Sarah; Chaisurayakarn, Siriwan; Shenin, Nikolai


David Grant

Profile image of Sarah Shaw

Dr Sarah Shaw
Reader in Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Siriwan Chaisurayakarn

Nikolai Shenin


Paper delivered at the 21st Logistics Research Network annual conference 2016, 7th-9th September 2016, Hull. Abstract Purpose: Supply chain performance measures and reporting tools must evolve as new societal challenges are met, and the natural environment has become one of today’s most significant challenges. An inter-disciplinary interest in the field of environmental supply chain management has grown amongst researchers and practitioners in recent years as a potential source of competitive advantage due to climate change issues, diminishing raw materials, excess waste, and increasing levels of pollution. Measurement of environmental performance has also developed as a related topic and environmental management systems (EMS) within a logistics context have garnered some attention in the literature. However, little work has been done to assess the use of appropriate environmental reporting tools or the adoption of extant standards such as ISO14001 or EMAS in which to position and report environmental performance measures in the logistics sector. This paper builds on work presented by Shenin and Grant at the 2015 LRN conference to compare and contrast the adoption and use of environmental reporting tools in the UK, Finnish and Thai logistics sectors and identify key drivers and barriers. Research Approach: This is a new area of research and thus exploratory tools were used to collect data from different perspectives. The study used a combination of semi-structured interviews, focus groups and two large scale industry surveys. Findings and originality: The study found that the two most commonly known EMS are ISO 14001 and EMAS. However, they have been inconsistently adopted across the various sectors. For example, many UK logistics practitioners have developed their ‘own company designed’ reporting tools. Further, logistics and supply chain practitioners in all countries indicated a lack of understanding of environmental management systems (EMS), with small firms demonstrating no reporting at all. Key drivers and benefits for adoption of reporting tools were financially linked to customer requirements, to reduce waste and be more operationally efficient. Additionally, a lack of standard ESCPM reporting and measurement tools and government direction, and the complexity of the supply chain were seen as key barriers to effective implementation. Research Impact: Reporting tools widely discussed in the academic literature such as the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), Balanced Scorecard (BSC) and Green SCOR were not found to be extensively used in the three logistics sectors. There appears to be ‘no one size fits all’ tool in current environmental supply chain reporting and thus a clear divergence between theory and practice.


Grant, D., Shaw, S., Chaisurayakarn, S., & Shenin, N. Using environmental reporting tools in the supply chain : perspectives from UK, Finland and Thailand

Deposit Date Nov 24, 2016
Journal Using environmental reporting tools in the supply chain : perspectives from UK, Finland and Thailand
Peer Reviewed Not Peer Reviewed
ISBN 9781904564522
Keywords Supply chain management, Supply chain performance
Public URL
Publisher URL The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport website is available at
Contract Date Nov 24, 2016


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