Claudia Colicchia
Sustainable and resilient supply chain management : scale development
Colicchia, Claudia; Grant, David; Joradon, Worawat
David Grant
Worawat Joradon
Paper delivered at the 21st Logistics Research Network annual conference 2016, 7th-9th September 2016, Hull. Abstract Purpose: This paper reports on the status of an ongoing empirical study to enhance our understanding of factors contributing to better supply chain performance in the context of sustainable and resilient supply chain management, and updates the literature review and research framework presented in Joradon et al. (2015). That paper operationalized eight firm practices that are now being tested in a quantitative study to investigate how sustainable and resilient supply chain management might improve supply chain performance. Sustainable and resilient supply chain management requires firms to consider supply chain performance within environmental, economic, social, vulnerability, and capability parameters. This paper presents the scale development for this study which will analyse the current level of sustainable and resilient supply chain management practices in firms and help guide them to assess and amend their procedures and processes to become more sustainable and resilient in future. Research approach: The empirical study contains measurement scale and constructs developed according to Churchill (1979) two-phase framework. The first phase was based on data gathered from interviews with nine managers across four electronic companies and two distributors in Thailand using semi-structured interviews. The data from the interviews as well as the extant literature was then used to develop measurement scales and constructs for the next phase, which was a survey with approximately 500 electronic companies in Thailand. Findings and Originality: At the date of writing semi-structured interviews have been conducted and some opportunities to shape the measurement scale and constructs have been identified. The survey is currently being completed and the conference presentation will provide results from analysis to date. While the investigation of sustainable and resilient supply chain management together has yet to be explored in a focused way, this paper is original since it offers an investigation of these two topics and their relationship with supply chain performance. Research Impact: The study will produce new performance measurement scales for sustainable and resilient supply chain management as well as an agenda for future research to validate the findings across other sectors and contexts. Mixed-methodologies were applied in this study to ensure face, content and construct validity. Practical Impact: The study will provide direction for firms to measure their supply chain performance in the context of sustainable and resilient supply chain management practices, as well as a proposed set of measurement scales based on sustainable supply chain management and supply chain resilience management practices to measure the impact of these practices to the firm. The findings will help firms to understand their level of sustainable and resilient supply chain management in order to improve and adjust their procedures to be more sustainable and resilient in future.
Colicchia, C., Grant, D., & Joradon, W. Sustainable and resilient supply chain management : scale development
Deposit Date | Nov 25, 2016 |
Journal | Proceedings of the 21st logistics research network annual conference 2016 |
Peer Reviewed | Peer Reviewed |
ISBN | 9781904564522 |
Keywords | Sustainable supply chain management, Resilient supply chain management, Scale development, Supply chain performance |
Public URL | |
Publisher URL | The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport website is available at |
Contract Date | Nov 25, 2016 |
LRN2016 Joradon-Colicchia-Grant Paper Final.pdf
(677 Kb)
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