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The internationalisation of food retailing affecting logistics in south east Asia : an exploratory perspective of consumers

Grant, David; Stephens, Charlotte; Banomyong, R


David Grant

Charlotte Stephens

R Banomyong


Few studies have been carried out to determine consumer characteristics for food distribution in new and/ or emerging markets and how they might influence logistics and supply chain solutions. This paper reports on a study investigating physical and demographic characteristics for food purchase and storage in the Southeast Asia countries of Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam. The study was undertaken at the consumer end with an exploratory e-mail survey about consumer food shopping preferences and storage and yielded a total of 200 responses. The findings support the literature regarding supermarket diffusion into the Asian retail space and price and quality were important purchase decision factors. However, wet markets continue to be important and food hygiene and safety appear to becoming more important. The study should provide guidance for Western food retailers, suppliers and 3PL service providers considering entry into these markets or already operating in them.


Grant, D., Stephens, C., & Banomyong, R. (2016). The internationalisation of food retailing affecting logistics in south east Asia : an exploratory perspective of consumers. Journal of supply chain management : research & practice / Assumption University of Thailand, 10(1), 12-23

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jun 1, 2016
Publication Date Nov 1, 2016
Deposit Date Dec 6, 2016
Publicly Available Date Dec 6, 2016
Journal Journal of supply chain management : research practice
Print ISSN 1905-9566
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 10
Issue 1
Pages 12-23
Keywords Food retailing, Logistics systems design, Internationalisation, Consumer preferences, South East Asia
Public URL
Publisher URL
Additional Information This is a copy of an open access article published in Journal of supply chain management : research practice, 2016, v.10 issue 1.
Contract Date Dec 6, 2016


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Copyright Statement
©2016 Assumption University, Bangkok, Thailand.

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