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Adaptation, stress, and coping in sport

Nicholls, Adam


Profile image of Adam Nicholls

Professor Adam Nicholls
Professor of Psychology/ Leader of the Sport Psychology and Coaching Group


Adaptation, which was mentioned within the domain of stress and coping research by Lazarus (1991), refers to the way in which people change according to the world that they live in. Within the context of stress, adaptation can be defined as the way a person reacts to and copes with stresses that change across the lifespan. Lazarus argued that it is not possible to examine constructs such as stress and coping without viewing how people adapt in their lives. As such, it was argued that understanding and considering human thought is crucial. This argument shaped Lazarus’ relational approach to measuring stress and coping. In this chapter, I outline the relational approach to stress and coping, which is the dominant theoretical framework in the sport literature (Nicholls, Perry, & Calmeiro, 2014). I also consider sport specific research in regards to stressors, appraisals, qualitative coping research, and quantitative research. The chapter is concluded with ideas regarding how the field of stress and coping can be advanced.


Nicholls, A. Adaptation, stress, and coping in sport. In Routledge international handbook of sport psychology.

Deposit Date Mar 8, 2017
Peer Reviewed Not Peer Reviewed
Book Title Routledge international handbook of sport psychology
ISBN 9781138022423
Keywords Adaptation, Stress, Coping
Public URL
Publisher URL The final publication is available via Routledge at
Contract Date Mar 8, 2017


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