Air gasification of olive kernels in a 5 kW bench scale, bubbling fluidized bed gasifier, aimed at H 2 enrichment of the producer gas, was the target of this study. The effects of reactor temperature (T = 750-850 °C) and equivalence ratio (ER = 0.2-0.4), representing the under stoichiometric amount of air inserted into the reactor to that necessary for complete combustion, on producer gas quality were determined. The experimental results revealed that producer gas H 2 content increased at the temperature of T = 750 °C and ER = 0.2, resembling the high-temperature pyrolysis conditions that favour H 2 and CO production. Further increase in ER deteriorated producer gas quality, decreased H 2 content and favoured CO 2 , thus lowering producer gas heating value. The data obtained from several experiments indicate that olive kernels produced a medium heating value gas (LHV = 6.54 MJ/Nm 3 ) at 750 °C and ER = 0.2, while H 2 and CO production were maximized at the same conditions (H 2 : 24%vv, CO: 14.3%vv). © 2008 International Association for Hydrogen Energy.
Skoulou, V., Koufodimos, G., Samaras, Z., & Zabaniotou, A. (2008). Low temperature gasification of olive kernels in a 5-kW fluidized bed reactor for H2-rich producer gas. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 33(22), 6515-6524. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhydene.2008.07.074