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The effects of the iPlayClean education programme on doping attitudes and susceptibility to use banned substances among high-level adolescent athletes from the UK: A cluster-randomised controlled trial (2020)
Journal Article
Nicholls, A. R., Morley, D., Thompson, M. A., Huang, C., Abt, G., Rothwell, M., Cope, E., & Ntoumanis, N. (2020). The effects of the iPlayClean education programme on doping attitudes and susceptibility to use banned substances among high-level adolescent athletes from the UK: A cluster-randomised controlled trial. International Journal of Drug Policy, 82, Article 102820.

Background: This study examined the effects of the iPlayClean anti-doping intervention on attitudes towards doping and susceptibility, and whether delivery mode affected the results.
Methods: A total of 1,081 high-level UK athletes (14-18 years old... Read More about The effects of the iPlayClean education programme on doping attitudes and susceptibility to use banned substances among high-level adolescent athletes from the UK: A cluster-randomised controlled trial.

The Effects of the iPlayClean Education Programme on Doping Attitudes and Susceptibility to use Banned Substances among High-Level Adolescent Athletes from the UK: A Cluster-Randomised Control Trial (2020)
Journal Article
Nicholls, A., Morley, D., Thompson, M. A., Huang, C., Abt, G., Rothwell, M., Cope, E., & Ntoumanis, N. (in press). The Effects of the iPlayClean Education Programme on Doping Attitudes and Susceptibility to use Banned Substances among High-Level Adolescent Athletes from the UK: A Cluster-Randomised Control Trial. International Journal of Drug Policy,

Background: This study examined the effects of the iPlayClean anti-doping intervention on attitudes towards doping and susceptibility, and whether delivery mode affected the results.
Methods: A total of 1,081 high-level UK athletes (14-18 years old... Read More about The Effects of the iPlayClean Education Programme on Doping Attitudes and Susceptibility to use Banned Substances among High-Level Adolescent Athletes from the UK: A Cluster-Randomised Control Trial.

A randomised Phase II trial of carboplatin and gemcitabine ± vandetanib in first-line treatment of patients with advanced urothelial cell cancer not suitable to receive cisplatin (2020)
Journal Article
Jones, R., Crabb, S., Chester, J., Elliott, T., Huddart, R., Birtle, A., Evans, L., Lester, J., Jagdev, S., Casbard, A., Huang, C., Madden, T. A., & Griffiths, G. (2020). A randomised Phase II trial of carboplatin and gemcitabine ± vandetanib in first-line treatment of patients with advanced urothelial cell cancer not suitable to receive cisplatin. BJU international, 126(2), 292-299.

To assess the efficacy and tolerability of the dual epidermal growth factor receptor/vascular endothelial growth factor receptor inhibitor, vandetanib, in combination with carboplatin and gemcitabine in the first‐line treatment of patient... Read More about A randomised Phase II trial of carboplatin and gemcitabine ± vandetanib in first-line treatment of patients with advanced urothelial cell cancer not suitable to receive cisplatin.

Development and evaluation of a screening tool to aid the diagnosis of a cluster headache (2020)
Journal Article
Buture, A., Boland, J. W., Dikomitis, L., Huang, C., & Ahmed, F. (2020). Development and evaluation of a screening tool to aid the diagnosis of a cluster headache. Brain Sciences, 10(2), Article 77.

Cluster headache (CH), a severe primary headache, is often misdiagnosed and mismanaged. The aim of this study was to develop and evaluate a screening tool to aid the diagnosis of CH. We developed a novel 12-item screening tool. This was comprised of... Read More about Development and evaluation of a screening tool to aid the diagnosis of a cluster headache.

Intention-to-treat analyses for randomised controlled trials in hospice/palliative care: the case for analyses to be of people exposed to the intervention. (2019)
Journal Article
Kochovska, S., Huang, C., Johnson, M. J., Agar, M. R., Fallon, M. T., Kaasa, S., Hussain, J. A., Portenoy, R. K., Higginson, I. J., & Currow, D. C. (2020). Intention-to-treat analyses for randomised controlled trials in hospice/palliative care: the case for analyses to be of people exposed to the intervention. Journal of pain and symptom management, 59(3), 637-645.

© 2019 American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine Context: Minimizing bias in randomized controlled trials (RCTs) includes intention-to-treat analyses. Hospice/palliative care RCTs are constrained by high attrition unpredictable when consent... Read More about Intention-to-treat analyses for randomised controlled trials in hospice/palliative care: the case for analyses to be of people exposed to the intervention..

The association between body mass index and subclinical thyroid dysfunction in different sexes of Chinese (2019)
Journal Article
Pan, Z., Huang, C., Meng, Z., Zhang, W., Li, Y., Yu, X., Du, X., Liu, M., Sun, J., Zhang, Q., Gao, Y., Song, K., Wang, X., Fan, Y., & Zhao, L. (2019). The association between body mass index and subclinical thyroid dysfunction in different sexes of Chinese. Endocrine practice, 25(11), 1166-1175.

Copyright © 2019 AACE. Objective: To study subclinical thyroid dysfunction (SCTD)-subclinical hyperthyroidism and subclinical hypothyroidism-in Chinese patients in relation to body mass index (BMI) and to determine whether a difference between sexes... Read More about The association between body mass index and subclinical thyroid dysfunction in different sexes of Chinese.

Presurgery conditioning interventions (prehabilitation) in adults undergoing lower limb surgery for peripheral arterial disease (2019)
Journal Article
Palmer, J., Pymer, S., Smith, G. E., Harwood, A. E., Ingle, L., Huang, C., & Chetter, I. C. (2019). Presurgery conditioning interventions (prehabilitation) in adults undergoing lower limb surgery for peripheral arterial disease. The Cochrane database of systematic reviews, 2019(9), Article CD013407.

This is a protocol for a Cochrane Review (Intervention). The objectives are as follows:

To assess the effectiveness of prehabilitation (preoperative exercise, either alone or in combination with nutritional or psychological interventions or both)... Read More about Presurgery conditioning interventions (prehabilitation) in adults undergoing lower limb surgery for peripheral arterial disease.

Validity and effectiveness of paediatric early warning systems and track and trigger tools for identifying and reducing clinical deterioration in hospitalised children: a systematic review (2019)
Journal Article
Trubey, R., Huang, C., Lugg-Widger, F. V., Hood, K., Allen, D., Edwards, D., Lacy, D., Lloyd, A., Mann, M., Mason, B., Oliver, A., Roland, D., Sefton, G., Skone, R., Thomas-Jones, E., Tume, L. N., & Powell, C. (2019). Validity and effectiveness of paediatric early warning systems and track and trigger tools for identifying and reducing clinical deterioration in hospitalised children: a systematic review. BMJ open, 9(5), Article e022105.

© 2019 Author(s) (or their employer(s)). Re-use permitted under CC BY. Published by BMJ. Objective To assess (1) how well validated existing paediatric track and trigger tools (PTTT) are for predicting adverse outcomes in hospitalised children, and (... Read More about Validity and effectiveness of paediatric early warning systems and track and trigger tools for identifying and reducing clinical deterioration in hospitalised children: a systematic review.

The relationship between red blood cell distribution width and metabolic syndrome in elderly Chinese: a cross-sectional study (2019)
Journal Article
Yan, Z., Fan, Y., Meng, Z., Huang, C., Liu, M., Zhang, Q., Song, K., & Jia, Q. (2019). The relationship between red blood cell distribution width and metabolic syndrome in elderly Chinese: a cross-sectional study. Lipids in Health and Disease, 18(1), Article 34.

© 2019 The Author(s). Objective: Metabolic syndrome (MS) is a group of risk factors which includes hypertension, hyperglycemia, abnormal cholesterol levels, and obesity. Red blood cell distribution width (RDW) is a parameter that reflects the heterog... Read More about The relationship between red blood cell distribution width and metabolic syndrome in elderly Chinese: a cross-sectional study.

Association between platelet distribution width and serum uric acid in Chinese population (2019)
Journal Article
Liu, X., Wang, H., Huang, C., Meng, Z., Zhang, W., Li, Y., Yu, X., Du, X., Liu, M., Sun, J., Zhang, Q., Gao, Y., Song, K., Wang, X., Zhao, L., & Fan, Y. (2019). Association between platelet distribution width and serum uric acid in Chinese population. BioFactors, 45(3), 326-334.

© 2019 International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Platelet distribution width (PDW) is a simple and inexpensive parameter, which could predict activation of coagulation efficiently. And it has been confirmed to have a significant role... Read More about Association between platelet distribution width and serum uric acid in Chinese population.

Agreement between breathlessness severity and unpleasantness in people with chronic breathlessness: A longitudinal clinical study (2019)
Journal Article
Ekström, M., Williams, M., Johnson, M. J., Huang, C., & Currow, D. C. (2019). Agreement between breathlessness severity and unpleasantness in people with chronic breathlessness: A longitudinal clinical study. Journal of pain and symptom management, 57(4), 715-723.e5.

Context: Chronic breathlessness is a cardinal symptom in cardiopulmonary disease where both overall intensity or severity (S) and unpleasantness (U) are commonly quantified. Objective: We aimed to evaluate agreement between breathlessness severity an... Read More about Agreement between breathlessness severity and unpleasantness in people with chronic breathlessness: A longitudinal clinical study.

Gender-Specific Differences on the Association of Hypertension with Subclinical Thyroid Dysfunction (2019)
Journal Article
Zhang, J., Huang, C., Meng, Z., Fan, Y., Yang, Q., Zhang, W., Gao, Y., Yang, Z., Cai, H., Bian, B., Li, Y., Yu, X., Du, X., Xu, S., Nie, J., Liu, M., Sun, J., Zhang, Q., Gao, Y., Song, K., …Zhao, L. (2019). Gender-Specific Differences on the Association of Hypertension with Subclinical Thyroid Dysfunction. International Journal of Endocrinology, 2019, Article 6053068.

© 2019 Jingkai Zhang et al. Objective. Both hypertension and subclinical thyroid dysfunction (STD) have high prevalence and clinical importance, but their relationship is still a matter of debate. We aimed to explore gender-specific difference on the... Read More about Gender-Specific Differences on the Association of Hypertension with Subclinical Thyroid Dysfunction.

No obvious association exists between red blood cell distribution width and thyroid function (2019)
Journal Article
Wang, P., Huang, C., Meng, Z., Zhang, W., Li, Y., Yu, X., Du, X., Liu, M., Sun, J., Zhang, Q., Gao, Y., Song, K., Wang, X., Fan, Y., & Zhao, L. (2019). No obvious association exists between red blood cell distribution width and thyroid function. Biomarkers in Medicine, 13(16), 1363-1372.

© 2019 Future Medicine Ltd. Aim: We aimed to explore gender impacts on the associations between red blood cell distribution width (RDW) and thyroid function in the Chinese population. Methods/results: Gender impacts on the associations between RDW an... Read More about No obvious association exists between red blood cell distribution width and thyroid function.

Cardiovascular and musculoskeletal response to supervised exercise in patients with intermittent claudication (2018)
Journal Article
Harwood, A. E., Totty, J. P., Pymer, S., Huang, C., Hitchman, L., Carradice, D., Wallace, T., Smith, G. E., & Chetter, I. C. (2019). Cardiovascular and musculoskeletal response to supervised exercise in patients with intermittent claudication. Journal of vascular surgery, 69(6), 1899-1908.e1.

Intermittent claudication occurs in 20 % of the population over 70 and treatment includes a supervised exercise programme (SEP). Whilst there is evidence demonstrating walking improvements following a SEP there is conflicting data on the ph... Read More about Cardiovascular and musculoskeletal response to supervised exercise in patients with intermittent claudication.

A validation and calibration process for self-reported tobacco use with participants’ cotinine levels: an example from the Building Blocks trial (2018)
Journal Article
Huang, C., Roberts, Z., Cannings-John, R., Sanders, J., Pickett, K., Montgomery, A., & Robling, M. (2019). A validation and calibration process for self-reported tobacco use with participants’ cotinine levels: an example from the Building Blocks trial. Nicotine and Tobacco Research, 21(12), 1660-1664.

Reducing smoking in pregnancy was a primary outcome in our Building Blocks trial of the Family Nurse Partnership. We calibrated maternal reports of smoking using cotinine values derived from urine samples to assess tobacco use. This involves identify... Read More about A validation and calibration process for self-reported tobacco use with participants’ cotinine levels: an example from the Building Blocks trial.

A prospective, mixed-methods, before and after study to identify the evidence base for the core components of an effective Paediatric Early Warning System and the development of an implementation package containing those core recommendations for use in the UK: Paediatric early warning system - utilisation and mortality avoidance- the PUMA study protocol (2018)
Journal Article
Thomas-Jones, E., Lloyd, A., Roland, D., Sefton, G., Tume, L., Hood, K., Huang, C., Edwards, D., Oliver, A., Skone, R., Lacy, D., Sinha, I., Preston, J., Mason, B., Jacob, N., Trubey, R., Strange, H., Moriarty, Y., Grant, A., Allen, D., & Powell, C. (2018). A prospective, mixed-methods, before and after study to identify the evidence base for the core components of an effective Paediatric Early Warning System and the development of an implementation package containing those core recommendations for use in the UK: Paediatric early warning system - utilisation and mortality avoidance- the PUMA study protocol. BMC Pediatrics, 18(1), Article 244.

© 2018 The Author(s). Background: In hospital, staff need to routinely monitor patients to identify those who are seriously ill, so that they receive timely treatment to improve their condition. A Paediatric Early Warning System is a multi-faceted so... Read More about A prospective, mixed-methods, before and after study to identify the evidence base for the core components of an effective Paediatric Early Warning System and the development of an implementation package containing those core recommendations for use in the UK: Paediatric early warning system - utilisation and mortality avoidance- the PUMA study protocol.

Determinants of physiological uptake of 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose in palatine tonsils (2018)
Journal Article
Birkin, E., Moore, K. S., Huang, C., Christopher, M., Rees, J. I., Jayaprakasam, V., & Fielding, P. A. (2018). Determinants of physiological uptake of 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose in palatine tonsils. Medicine, 97(24), Article e11040.

To determine the extent of physiological variation of uptake of 18F-flurodeoxyglucose (FDG) within palatine tonsils. To define normal limits for side-to-side variation and characterize factors affecting tonsillar uptake of FDG.

Over a period of 16... Read More about Determinants of physiological uptake of 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose in palatine tonsils.

The effectiveness of an intervention to reduce alcohol-related violence in premises licensed for the sale and on-site consumption of alcohol: a randomized controlled trial (2017)
Journal Article
Moore, S. C., Alam, M. F., Heikkinen, M., Hood, K., Huang, C., Moore, L., Murphy, S., Playle, R., Shepherd, J., Shovelton, C., Sivarajasingam, V., & Williams, A. (2017). The effectiveness of an intervention to reduce alcohol-related violence in premises licensed for the sale and on-site consumption of alcohol: a randomized controlled trial. Addiction, 112(11), 1898-1906.

Background and Aims: Premises licensed for the sale and consumption of alcohol can contribute to levels of assault-related injury through poor operational practices that, if addressed, could reduce violence. We tested the real-world effectiveness of... Read More about The effectiveness of an intervention to reduce alcohol-related violence in premises licensed for the sale and on-site consumption of alcohol: a randomized controlled trial.

Ignorability for general longitudinal data (2017)
Journal Article
Farewell, D. M., Huang, C., & Didelez, V. (2017). Ignorability for general longitudinal data. Biometrika, 104(2), 317-326.

Likelihood factors that can be disregarded for inference are termed ignorable. We demonstrate that close ties exist between ignorability and identification of causal effects by covariate adjustment. A graphical condition, stability, plays a role anal... Read More about Ignorability for general longitudinal data.