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FreeStyle Libre Flash Glucose Monitoring system for people with type 1 diabetes in the UK: a budget impact analysis (2022)
Journal Article
Blissett, R., Blissett, D., Levrat-Guillen, F., Deshmukh, H., Wilmot, E. G., Ryder, R. E., Walton, C., & Sathyapalan, T. (2022). FreeStyle Libre Flash Glucose Monitoring system for people with type 1 diabetes in the UK: a budget impact analysis. BMJ Open Diabetes Research and Care, 10(2), Article e002580.

INTRODUCTION: This study aims to estimate the budget impact of increased uptake of the FreeStyle Libre Flash Glucose Monitoring system in people with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) in the UK. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: A budget impact model was de... Read More about FreeStyle Libre Flash Glucose Monitoring system for people with type 1 diabetes in the UK: a budget impact analysis.

Impact of pharmacological interventions on anthropometric indices in women with polycystic ovary syndrome: a systematic review and meta‐analysis of randomised controlled trials (2021)
Journal Article
Abdalla, M. A., Shah, N., Deshmukh, H., Sahebkar, A., Östlundh, L., Al‐Rifai, R. H., Atkin, S. L., & Sathyapalan, T. (in press). Impact of pharmacological interventions on anthropometric indices in women with polycystic ovary syndrome: a systematic review and meta‐analysis of randomised controlled trials. Clinical Endocrinology,

Context: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a heterogeneous condition affecting women of reproductive age and is associated with increased body weight. Objective: To review the literature on the effect of different pharmacological interventions on t... Read More about Impact of pharmacological interventions on anthropometric indices in women with polycystic ovary syndrome: a systematic review and meta‐analysis of randomised controlled trials.

Genetic risk for the polycystic ovary syndrome, bone mineral density and fractures in women and men: A UK Biobank Mendelian randomisation study (2021)
Journal Article
Deshmukh, H., Shah, N., Papageorgiou, M., Abdalla, M. A., Lhaf, F., Aye, M., & Sathyapalan, T. (2022). Genetic risk for the polycystic ovary syndrome, bone mineral density and fractures in women and men: A UK Biobank Mendelian randomisation study. Bone, 155, Article 116285.

Introduction: There is conflicting data on the effect of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) on bone mineral density (BMD) and fracture risk. Recent genetic data suggest that men may also carry genetic risk factors for PCOS; the associations of these fa... Read More about Genetic risk for the polycystic ovary syndrome, bone mineral density and fractures in women and men: A UK Biobank Mendelian randomisation study.

Effect of pharmacological interventions on lipid profiles and C-reactive protein in polycystic ovary syndrome: A systematic review and meta-analysis (2021)
Journal Article
Abdalla, M. A., Shah, N., Deshmukh, H., Sahebkar, A., Östlundh, L., Al-Rifai, R. H., Atkin, S. L., & Sathyapalan, T. (in press). Effect of pharmacological interventions on lipid profiles and C-reactive protein in polycystic ovary syndrome: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Clinical Endocrinology,

Context: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a heterogeneous condition affecting women of reproductive age. It is associated with dyslipidaemia and elevated plasma C-reactive protein (CRP), which increase the risks of cardiovascular disease (CVD). Ob... Read More about Effect of pharmacological interventions on lipid profiles and C-reactive protein in polycystic ovary syndrome: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

Impact of pharmacological interventions on insulin resistance in women with polycystic ovary syndrome: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials (2021)
Journal Article
Abdalla, M. A., Shah, N., Deshmukh, H., Sahebkar, A., Östlundh, L., Al-Rifai, R. H., Atkin, S. L., & Sathyapalan, T. (in press). Impact of pharmacological interventions on insulin resistance in women with polycystic ovary syndrome: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Clinical Endocrinology,

Objective: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a complex endocrine condition affecting women of reproductive age. It is characterized by insulin resistance and is a major risk factor for type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). The objective was to review th... Read More about Impact of pharmacological interventions on insulin resistance in women with polycystic ovary syndrome: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.

Previous structured education attendance and the relationship with HbA1c and hypoglycaemia awareness in people living with type 1 diabetes mellitus using FreeStyle Libre: insights from the Association of British Clinical Diabetologists (ABCD) Nationwide Audit (2021)
Journal Article
Shah, N., Deshmukh, H., Wilmot, E. G., Patmore, J., Choudhary, P., Christian, P., Herring, R., Furlong, N., Saunders, S., Narendran, P., Barnes, D. J., Walton, C., Ryder, R. E., & Sathyapalan, T. (in press). Previous structured education attendance and the relationship with HbA1c and hypoglycaemia awareness in people living with type 1 diabetes mellitus using FreeStyle Libre: insights from the Association of British Clinical Diabetologists (ABCD) Nationwide Audit. British Journal of Diabetes,

Impaired Awareness of Hypoglycemia and Severe Hypoglycemia in Drivers With Diabetes: Insights From the Association of British Clinical Diabetologists Nationwide Audit (2021)
Journal Article
Deshmukh, H., Wilmot, E. G., Choudhary, P., Narendran, P., Shah, N., Barnes, D., Kamruddin, S., Banatwalla, R., Christian, P., Saunders, S., Lumb, A., Herring, R., Patmore, J., Walton, C., Ryder, R. E., & Sathyapalan, T. (2021). Impaired Awareness of Hypoglycemia and Severe Hypoglycemia in Drivers With Diabetes: Insights From the Association of British Clinical Diabetologists Nationwide Audit. Diabetes Care, 44(11), e190-e191.

Predictors of diabetes-related distress before and after FreeStyle Libre-1 use: Lessons from the Association of British Clinical Diabetologists nationwide study (2021)
Journal Article
Deshmukh, H., Wilmot, E. G., Gregory, R., Barnes, D., Narendran, P., Saunders, S., Furlong, N., Kamaruddin, S., Banatwalla, R., Herring, R., Kilvert, A., Patmore, J., Walton, C., Ryder, R. E., & Sathyapalan, T. (2021). Predictors of diabetes-related distress before and after FreeStyle Libre-1 use: Lessons from the Association of British Clinical Diabetologists nationwide study. Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism, 23(10), 2261-2268.

Aim: To identify the baseline demographic and clinical characteristics associated with diabetes-related distress (DRD) and factors associated with improvement in DRD after initiating use of the FreeStyle Libre (FSL) in people living with type 1 diabe... Read More about Predictors of diabetes-related distress before and after FreeStyle Libre-1 use: Lessons from the Association of British Clinical Diabetologists nationwide study.

The Effect of Free Androgen Index on the Quality of Life of Women With Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: A Cross-Sectional Study (2021)
Journal Article
Abdalla, M. A., Deshmukh, H., Mohammed, I., Atkin, S., Reid, M., & Sathyapalan, T. (2021). The Effect of Free Androgen Index on the Quality of Life of Women With Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: A Cross-Sectional Study. Frontiers in Physiology, 12, Article 652559.

Purpose: Free androgen index (FAI) and anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH) are independently associated with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). This study aimed to describe the relationship between these two markers and health-related quality of life (HR-QoL... Read More about The Effect of Free Androgen Index on the Quality of Life of Women With Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: A Cross-Sectional Study.

The potential role of incretin-based therapies for polycystic ovary syndrome: a narrative review of the current evidence (2021)
Journal Article
Abdalla, M. A., Deshmukh, H., Atkin, S., & Sathyapalan, T. (2021). The potential role of incretin-based therapies for polycystic ovary syndrome: a narrative review of the current evidence. Therapeutic Advances in Endocrinology and Metabolism, 12,

© The Author(s), 2021. Introduction: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common endocrine disorder that affects women of reproductive age. Metabolic consequences associated with PCOS include, but are not limited to, insulin resistance (IR), type 2... Read More about The potential role of incretin-based therapies for polycystic ovary syndrome: a narrative review of the current evidence.

Therapeutics for type-2 diabetes mellitus: a glance at the recent inclusions and novel agents under development for use in clinical practice (2021)
Journal Article
Shah, N., Abdalla, M. A., Deshmukh, H., & Sathyapalan, T. (2021). Therapeutics for type-2 diabetes mellitus: a glance at the recent inclusions and novel agents under development for use in clinical practice. Therapeutic Advances in Endocrinology and Metabolism, 12,

Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a chronic, progressive, and multifaceted illness resulting in significant physical and psychological detriment to patients. As of 2019, 463 million people are estimated to be living with DM worldwide, out of which 90% have t... Read More about Therapeutics for type-2 diabetes mellitus: a glance at the recent inclusions and novel agents under development for use in clinical practice.

Hyperthyroidism, and bone mineral density : dissecting the causal association with Mendelian randomization analysis (2020)
Journal Article
Deshmukh, H., Papageorgiou, M., Aye, M., England, J., Abdalla, M., & Sathyapalan, T. (in press). Hyperthyroidism, and bone mineral density : dissecting the causal association with Mendelian randomization analysis. Clinical Endocrinology,

Untreated hyperthyroidism is associated with accelerated bone turnover, low bone mineral density (BMD) and increased susceptibility to fragility fractures. Although treatment appears to improve or even reverse some of these adverse skel... Read More about Hyperthyroidism, and bone mineral density : dissecting the causal association with Mendelian randomization analysis.

miRNAs as a novel clinical biomarker and therapeutic targets in polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS): A review (2020)
Journal Article
Abdalla, M., Deshmukh, H., Atkin, S. L., & Sathyapalan, T. (2020). miRNAs as a novel clinical biomarker and therapeutic targets in polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS): A review. Life Sciences, 259,

© 2020 Elsevier Inc. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the most prevalent endocrine disorder in females of the reproductive age. PCOS is commonly manifested as ovulatory dysfunction, clinical and biochemical excess androgen level, and polycystic ov... Read More about miRNAs as a novel clinical biomarker and therapeutic targets in polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS): A review.

Effect of flash glucose monitoring on glycemic control, hypoglycemia, diabetes-related distress, and resource utilization in the association of british clinical diabetologists (Abcd) nationwide audit (2020)
Journal Article
Deshmukh, H., Wilmot, E. G., Gregory, R., Barnes, D., Narendran, P., Saunders, S., Furlong, N., Kamaruddin, S., Banatwalla, R., Herring, R., Kilvert, A., Patmore, J., Walton, C., Ryder, R. E., & Sathyapalan, T. (2020). Effect of flash glucose monitoring on glycemic control, hypoglycemia, diabetes-related distress, and resource utilization in the association of british clinical diabetologists (Abcd) nationwide audit. Diabetes Care, 43(9), 2153-2160.

OBJECTIVE The FreeStyle Libre (FSL) flash glucose-monitoring device was made available on the U.K. National Health Service (NHS) drug tariff in 2017. This study aims to explore the U.K. real-world experience of FSL and the impact on glycemic control,... Read More about Effect of flash glucose monitoring on glycemic control, hypoglycemia, diabetes-related distress, and resource utilization in the association of british clinical diabetologists (Abcd) nationwide audit.

Association of endocrine active environmental compounds with body mass index and weight loss following bariatric surgery (2020)
Journal Article
Deshmukh, H., Aylward, L. L., Rose, M., Fernandes, A., Sedman, P., Thatcher, N. J., Atkin, S. L., & Sathyapalan, T. (2020). Association of endocrine active environmental compounds with body mass index and weight loss following bariatric surgery. Clinical Endocrinology, 93(3), 280-287.

The objective of this study was to study associations of a wide range of halogenated biphenyls, dibenzo‐p‐dioxins, dibenzofurans, and diphenylethers with body mass index (BMI) and evaluate changes in their concentration following bariat... Read More about Association of endocrine active environmental compounds with body mass index and weight loss following bariatric surgery.

A review of therapeutic options for managing the metabolic aspects of polycystic ovary syndrome (2020)
Journal Article
Abdalla, M. A., Deshmukh, H., Atkin, S., & Sathyapalan, T. (2020). A review of therapeutic options for managing the metabolic aspects of polycystic ovary syndrome. Therapeutic Advances in Endocrinology and Metabolism, 11,

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common endocrine disorder in women of reproductive age. Metabolic sequelae associated with PCOS range from insulin resistance to type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and cardiovascular disease (CVD). Insulin resistanc... Read More about A review of therapeutic options for managing the metabolic aspects of polycystic ovary syndrome.

Effects of empagliflozin on metabolic parameters in polycystic ovary syndrome: a randomized controlled study (2019)
Journal Article
Javed, Z., Papageorgiou, M., Deshmukh, H., Rigby, A. S., Qamar, U., Abbas, J., Khan, A. Y., Kilpatrick, E. S., Atkin, S. L., & Sathyapalan, T. (2019). Effects of empagliflozin on metabolic parameters in polycystic ovary syndrome: a randomized controlled study. Clinical Endocrinology, 90(6), 805-813.

Background: Empagliflozin is a sodium-glucose-cotransporter-2 inhibitor that improves cardiovascular risk and promotes weight loss in patients with type 2 diabetes. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is associated with obesity and increased cardiovascu... Read More about Effects of empagliflozin on metabolic parameters in polycystic ovary syndrome: a randomized controlled study.

A randomized, controlled trial of vitamin D supplementation on cardiovascular risk factors, hormones, and liver markers in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (2019)
Journal Article
Javed, Z., Papageorgiou, M., Deshmukh, H., Kilpatrick, E., Mann, V., Corless, L., Abouda, G., Rigby, A. S., Atkin, S., & Sathyapalan, T. (2019). A randomized, controlled trial of vitamin D supplementation on cardiovascular risk factors, hormones, and liver markers in women with polycystic ovary syndrome. Nutrients, 11(1), 188.

© 2019 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) increases the risk of metabolic syndrome and non-alcoholic-fatty-liver disease (NAFLD). Vitamin D supplementation may exert positive effects on liver biochemis... Read More about A randomized, controlled trial of vitamin D supplementation on cardiovascular risk factors, hormones, and liver markers in women with polycystic ovary syndrome.

Development of a novel risk prediction and risk stratification score for polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) (2018)
Journal Article
Deshmukh, H., Papageorgiou, M., Kilpatrick, E. S., Atkin, S. L., & Sathyapalan, T. (in press). Development of a novel risk prediction and risk stratification score for polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Clinical Endocrinology, 90(1), 162-169.

The aim of this study was to develop a simple phenotypic algorithm that can capture the underlying clinical and hormonal abnormalities to help in the diagnosis and risk stratification of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).

The study... Read More about Development of a novel risk prediction and risk stratification score for polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).

Effects of acute insulin-induced hypoglycaemia on endothelial microparticles in adults with and without type 2 diabetes (2018)
Journal Article
Al-Qaissi, A., Papageorgiou, M., Deshmukh, H., Madden, L. A., Rigby, A., Kilpatrick, E. S., Atkin, S. L., & Sathyapalan, T. (2019). Effects of acute insulin-induced hypoglycaemia on endothelial microparticles in adults with and without type 2 diabetes. Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism, 21(3), 533-540.

Endothelial microparticles (EMPs) are novel surrogate markers of endothelial injury and dysfunction that may be differentially produced in response to acute insulin‐induced hypoglycaemia in adults with and without type 2 diabetes.