Estuarine ecosystems: Structure, function and management (ECSA-42 Symposium in Russia)
Journal Article
Telesh, I. V., Elliott, M., & de Jonge, V. N. (2010). Estuarine ecosystems: Structure, function and management (ECSA-42 Symposium in Russia). Marine pollution bulletin, 61(4-6), 147-148.
All Outputs (153)
Dr Donald S McLusky - an appreciation and thanks from ECSS (2009)
Journal Article
Wolanski, E., Valiela, I., & Elliott, M. (2010). Dr Donald S McLusky - an appreciation and thanks from ECSS. Estuarine, coastal and shelf science, 90(4), 173.
Life strategies of fishes in European estuaries: the functional guild approach (2008)
Journal Article
Franco, A., Elliott, M., Franzoi, P., & Torricelli, P. (2008). Life strategies of fishes in European estuaries: the functional guild approach. Marine ecology progress series, 354, 219-228. structure and functioning of estuarine fish assemblages have been analysed using data sets for 38 transitional waters covering all European latitudes, including NE Atlantic estuaries, Mediterranean lagoons and Scandinavian fjords. The fish specie... Read More about Life strategies of fishes in European estuaries: the functional guild approach.
Accurate quantification of the influence of benthic macro- and meio-fauna on the geometric properties of estuarine muds by micro computer tomography (2007)
Journal Article
Mazik, K., Curtis, N., Fagan, M. J., Taft, S., & Elliott, M. (2008). Accurate quantification of the influence of benthic macro- and meio-fauna on the geometric properties of estuarine muds by micro computer tomography. Journal of experimental marine biology and ecology, 354(2), 192-201. paper describes the novel application of high resolution micro computer tomography (microCT) to the quantification of the properties of marine biogenic structures. CT scanning has been used to examine sediments in the past but the resolution of... Read More about Accurate quantification of the influence of benthic macro- and meio-fauna on the geometric properties of estuarine muds by micro computer tomography.
Physical and biological development of a newly breached managed realignment site, Humber estuary, UK (2007)
Journal Article
Mazik, K., Smith, J. E., Leighton, A., & Elliott, M. (2007). Physical and biological development of a newly breached managed realignment site, Humber estuary, UK. Marine pollution bulletin, 55(10-12), 564-578. part of the Humber flood defence upgrade works (Urgent works) undertaken by the Environment Agency, the Paull Holme Strays site was identified as one of twelve potential managed realignment sites within the Humber catchment. The site was breached... Read More about Physical and biological development of a newly breached managed realignment site, Humber estuary, UK.
Estuarine, coastal and marine ecosystem restoration: Confusing management and science – A revision of concepts (2007)
Journal Article
Burdon, D., Hemingway, K. L., Elliott, M., & Apitz, S. E. (2007). Estuarine, coastal and marine ecosystem restoration: Confusing management and science – A revision of concepts. Estuarine, coastal and shelf science, 74(3), 349-366. review presents recent concepts, understanding and experience of the restoration, recovery and human-mediated modification of estuarine, coastal and marine ecosystems. It shows that these can be divided into four categories: natural recovery fro... Read More about Estuarine, coastal and marine ecosystem restoration: Confusing management and science – A revision of concepts.
Preface: Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in coastal and transitional waters. Edited by Anita Franco, Michael Elliott and Patrizia Torricelli (2007)
Journal Article
Franco, A., Torricelli, P., & Elliott, M. (2007). Preface: Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in coastal and transitional waters. Edited by Anita Franco, Michael Elliott and Patrizia Torricelli. Estuarine, coastal and shelf science, 75(1-2), 1-3.
Integrated marine management and administration for an island state-the case for a new Marine Agency for the UK (2006)
Journal Article
Elliott, M., Boyes, S. J., & Burdon, D. (2006). Integrated marine management and administration for an island state-the case for a new Marine Agency for the UK. Marine pollution bulletin, 52(5), 469-474.
The effects of chemical pollution on the bioturbation potential of estuarine intertidal mudflats (2000)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Mazik, K., & Elliott, M. The effects of chemical pollution on the bioturbation potential of estuarine intertidal mudflatsBioturbation by benthic infauna has important implications for the fate of contaminants as well as for changes to the sediment structure, chemistry and transport characteristics. There is an extensive literature dealing with the influence of sediment... Read More about The effects of chemical pollution on the bioturbation potential of estuarine intertidal mudflats.
Intertidal fauna of the industrialized Forth estuary (1976)
Journal Article
McLusky, D., Bryant, D., Elliott, M., Teare, M., & Moffat, G. (1976). Intertidal fauna of the industrialized Forth estuary. Marine pollution bulletin, 7(3), 48-52. estuarine Firth of Forth on the East Coast of Scotland receives a considerable volume of industrial and domestic effluent. This report summarizes the present status of intertidal invertebrates and their bird predators. © 1976.
Exposure of benthic invertebrates to sediment vibration: From laboratory experiments to outdoor simulated pile-driving
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Harding, H. R., Voellmy, I., Simpson, S. D., Radford, A. N., Breithaupt, T., Elliott, M., Roberts, L., Simpson, S., Bruintjes, R., Harding, H., Radford, A., & Voellmy, I. K. Exposure of benthic invertebrates to sediment vibration: From laboratory experiments to outdoor simulated pile-drivingActivities directly interacting with the seabed, such as pile-driving, can produce vibrations that have the potential to impact benthic invertebrates within their vicinity. This stimuli may interfere with crucial behaviors such as foraging and predat... Read More about Exposure of benthic invertebrates to sediment vibration: From laboratory experiments to outdoor simulated pile-driving.
Data for 'Laboratory-based NMR metabolomics calls into question the validity of laboratory bioassays measuring environmental stress'
Elliott, M., Charlton, A., & Donarski, J. Data for 'Laboratory-based NMR metabolomics calls into question the validity of laboratory bioassays measuring environmental stress'. [Data]Dataset from metabolomics evaluation of lab-based experiments using the ragworm, Hediste diversicolor
A proposed framework for managing environmental causes and consequences of ocean traffic and ports
Book Chapter
Elliott, M., & Grant, D. A proposed framework for managing environmental causes and consequences of ocean traffic and ports. In European decision sciences institute (EDSI2016), 7th annual conferencePaper presented at European Decision Sciences Institute (ED2016), 7th Annual Conference, 24th to 27th May 2016, Helsinki. Abstract The cumulative and in-combination effects of ocean shipping and port operations need addressing via a detailed, rigorou... Read More about A proposed framework for managing environmental causes and consequences of ocean traffic and ports.