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All Outputs (32)

Coordination and collaboration for humanitarian operational excellence : big data and modern information processing systems (2020)
Journal Article
Akhtar, P., Osburg, V.-S., Kabra, G., Ullah, S., Shabbir, H., & Kumari, S. (in press). Coordination and collaboration for humanitarian operational excellence : big data and modern information processing systems. Production planning & control,

Humanitarian operational excellence depends on effective coordination and collaboration not only between supply chain partners but also among other actors such as host government, local and international non-government organizations (NGOs), and donor... Read More about Coordination and collaboration for humanitarian operational excellence : big data and modern information processing systems.

Dynamic capabilities and environmental sustainability for emerging economies’ multinational enterprises (2020)
Journal Article
Akhtar, P., Ullah, S., Amin, S. H., Kabra, G., & Shaw, S. (2020). Dynamic capabilities and environmental sustainability for emerging economies’ multinational enterprises. International studies of management & organization, 50(1), 27-42.

The purpose of this study is to enhance our understanding of how macro (country)—level dynamic capabilities (DC), such as government environmental policies, legal and market requirements, and technological advances, and micro (firm)—level DC, such as... Read More about Dynamic capabilities and environmental sustainability for emerging economies’ multinational enterprises.

Knowledge retention in ERP implementations: the context of UK SMEs (2019)
Journal Article
Jayawickrama, U., Liu, S., Smith, M. H., Akhtar, P., Mamoon, M., & Bashir, A. (2019). Knowledge retention in ERP implementations: the context of UK SMEs. Production planning & control, 30(10-12), 1032-1047.

Knowledge retention (k-retention) is vital for various enterprise resource planning (ERP) implementations in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), though it is a highly demanding and challenging task. The aim of this paper is to investigate diff... Read More about Knowledge retention in ERP implementations: the context of UK SMEs.

Affective organizational commitment in global strategic partnerships: The role of individual-level microfoundations and social change (2019)
Journal Article
Ghouri, A. M., Akhtar, P., Shahbaz, M., & Shabbir, H. (2019). Affective organizational commitment in global strategic partnerships: The role of individual-level microfoundations and social change. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 146, 320-330.

The roles and commitment of employees within global strategic partnerships are imperative to their success. Whilst previous studies have addressed certain individual-level microfoundations and social change in an interpretivist manner, this study fir... Read More about Affective organizational commitment in global strategic partnerships: The role of individual-level microfoundations and social change.

Terrorism affected regions : the impact of different supply chain risk management strategies on financial performance (2019)
Khan, M. N. Terrorism affected regions : the impact of different supply chain risk management strategies on financial performance. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Purpose: Current geo-political events, such as terrorism and climatologic adversities, have highlighted the potential risks to supply chains (SCs), and their disastrous financial impacts on supply chains. Within supply chains, risk management plays a... Read More about Terrorism affected regions : the impact of different supply chain risk management strategies on financial performance.

Big data-savvy teams’ skills, big data-driven actions and business performance (2019)
Journal Article
Akhtar, P., Frynas, J. G., Mellahi, K., & Ullah, S. (2019). Big data-savvy teams’ skills, big data-driven actions and business performance. British Journal of Management, 30(2), 252-271.

Prior studies on big data analytics have emphasized the importance of specific big data skills and capabilities for organizational success; however, they have largely neglected to investigate the use of cross-functional teams' skills and its links to... Read More about Big data-savvy teams’ skills, big data-driven actions and business performance.

Measuring agri-food supply chain performance and risk through a new analytical framework: a case study of New Zealand dairy (2018)
Journal Article
Moazzam, M., Akhtar, P., Garnevska, E., & Marr, N. E. (2018). Measuring agri-food supply chain performance and risk through a new analytical framework: a case study of New Zealand dairy. Production planning & control, 29(15), 1258-1274.

Many researchers and practitioners have long recognized the significance of measuring performance. Although general guidelines for measuring business performance are widely available, not appropriate measurement frameworks have been developed for mea... Read More about Measuring agri-food supply chain performance and risk through a new analytical framework: a case study of New Zealand dairy.

Effective contracting for high operational performance in projects (2018)
Journal Article
Kapsali, M., Roehrich, J. K., & Akhtar, P. (2019). Effective contracting for high operational performance in projects. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 39(2), 294-325.

Effective contracting for high operational performance in projects Abstract Purpose – This study examines combinations of contract clauses in order to ascertain which combinations correlate to high operational performance. Design/methodology/approach... Read More about Effective contracting for high operational performance in projects.

Nature of technology and location effects on firm performance in the US medical device industry (2018)
Journal Article
Rao-Nicholson, R., Khan, Z., & Akhtar, P. (2019). Nature of technology and location effects on firm performance in the US medical device industry. Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 28(5), 498-517.

This paper examines the location effects on firm performance (sales, employment and market value) by analyzing geographical and technological proximities in the US medical device industry. The nature of technology is introduced as a new way to scruti... Read More about Nature of technology and location effects on firm performance in the US medical device industry.

Strategies and effective decision-making against terrorism affecting supply chain risk management and security: A novel combination of triangulated methods (2018)
Journal Article
Khan, M. N., Akhtar, P., & Merali, Y. (2018). Strategies and effective decision-making against terrorism affecting supply chain risk management and security: A novel combination of triangulated methods. Industrial management + data systems, 118(7), 1528-1546.

Purpose –The aim of this study is to investigate the knowledge gaps in the published research on terrorism-related risk in supply chains, and to develop a framework of strategies and effective decision-making to enable practitioners to address terro... Read More about Strategies and effective decision-making against terrorism affecting supply chain risk management and security: A novel combination of triangulated methods.

Risk matrix driven supply chain risk management: Adapting risk matrix based tools to modelling interdependent risks and risk appetite (2018)
Journal Article
Qazi, A., & Akhtar, P. (2018). Risk matrix driven supply chain risk management: Adapting risk matrix based tools to modelling interdependent risks and risk appetite. Computers and Industrial Engineering,

There is a major research gap of developing a supply chain risk management process integrating the risk appetite of a decision maker and all stages of the risk management process within an interdependent network of systemic risks. We introduce an ite... Read More about Risk matrix driven supply chain risk management: Adapting risk matrix based tools to modelling interdependent risks and risk appetite.

Sensory stimulation for sensible consumption: Multisensory marketing for e-tailing of ethical brands (2018)
Journal Article
Yoganathan, V., Osburg, V.-S., & Akhtar, P. (2019). Sensory stimulation for sensible consumption: Multisensory marketing for e-tailing of ethical brands. Journal of business research, 96, 386-396.

© 2018 Elsevier Inc. Amidst strong competition and lack of resources and functional superiority, ethical brands may seek an experiential approach to marketing online. A between-subjects online experiment (N = 308) shows that ethically-congruent visua... Read More about Sensory stimulation for sensible consumption: Multisensory marketing for e-tailing of ethical brands.

The role of country-level institutional factors in escaping the natural resource curse: Insights from Ghana (2018)
Journal Article
Adams, D., Ullah, S., Akhtar, P., Adams, K., & Saidi, S. (2019). The role of country-level institutional factors in escaping the natural resource curse: Insights from Ghana. Resources policy, 61, 433-440.

Empirical research shows that developing countries that are rich in natural resources tend to suffer slow economic growth and development due to various factors such as quality of institutions, governance, among others. The phenomenon of slow growth... Read More about The role of country-level institutional factors in escaping the natural resource curse: Insights from Ghana.

The long-run relationships between transport energy consumption, transport infrastructure, and economic growth in MENA countries (2018)
Journal Article
Saidi, S., Shahbaz, M., & Akhtar, P. (2018). The long-run relationships between transport energy consumption, transport infrastructure, and economic growth in MENA countries. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 111, 78-95.

This paper investigates the impact of transport energy consumption and transport infrastructure on economic growth by utilizing panel data on MENA countries (the Middle East and North Africa region) for the period of 2000-2016. The MENA region panel... Read More about The long-run relationships between transport energy consumption, transport infrastructure, and economic growth in MENA countries.

Exploring perceptions of advertising ethics: an informant-derived approach (2018)
Journal Article
Shabbir, H. A., Maalouf, H., Griessmair, M., Colmekcioglu, N., & Akhtar, P. (2018). Exploring perceptions of advertising ethics: an informant-derived approach. Journal of Business Ethics, 1-18.

Whilst considerable research exists on determining consumer responses to pre-determined statements within numerous ad ethics contexts, our understanding of consumer thoughts regarding ad ethics in general remains lacking. The purpose of our study the... Read More about Exploring perceptions of advertising ethics: an informant-derived approach.

Dealing with endogeneity bias: The generalized method of moments (GMM) for panel data (2018)
Journal Article
Ullah, S., Akhtar, P., & Zaefarian, G. (2018). Dealing with endogeneity bias: The generalized method of moments (GMM) for panel data. Industrial marketing management, 71, 69-78.

Endogeneity bias can lead to inconsistent estimates and incorrect inferences, which may provide misleading conclusions and inappropriate theoretical interpretations. Sometimes such bias can even lead to coefficients having the wrong sign. Although th... Read More about Dealing with endogeneity bias: The generalized method of moments (GMM) for panel data.

Service multinational enterprises and linkages development in Pakistan (2017)
Journal Article
Khan, Z., Park, J.-Y., & Akhtar, P. (2018). Service multinational enterprises and linkages development in Pakistan. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences / Revue Canadienne des Sciences de l'Administration, 35(3), 473-487.

The development of various types of linkages is key for understanding the impact of multinational enterprises (MNEs) on the economic development of host markets. By utilizing qualitative research approach, this paper investigates the linkages creatio... Read More about Service multinational enterprises and linkages development in Pakistan.

Chain coordinators’ strategic leadership and coordination effectiveness: New Zealand-Euro agri-food supply chains (2017)
Journal Article
Akhtar, P., Kaur, S., & Punjaisri, K. (2017). Chain coordinators’ strategic leadership and coordination effectiveness: New Zealand-Euro agri-food supply chains. European Business Review, 29(5), 515-533.

Purpose – Although suitable leadership is crucial for chain coordinators (CEOs, managing directors and heads of departments) to achieve the effectiveness of supply chain coordination (operational and social performances contributing to financial perf... Read More about Chain coordinators’ strategic leadership and coordination effectiveness: New Zealand-Euro agri-food supply chains.

Essential micro-foundations for contemporary business operations : top management tangible competencies, relationship-based business networks and environmental sustainability (2017)
Journal Article
Akhtar, P., Khan, Z., Frynas, J. G., Tse, Y. K., & Rao-Nicholson, R. (2018). Essential micro-foundations for contemporary business operations : top management tangible competencies, relationship-based business networks and environmental sustainability. British Journal of Management, 29(1), 43-62.

Although various studies have emphasized linkages between firm competencies, networks and sustainability at organizational level, the links between top management tangible competencies (e.g., contemporary relevant quantitative-focused education such... Read More about Essential micro-foundations for contemporary business operations : top management tangible competencies, relationship-based business networks and environmental sustainability.

The role of HR practices in developing employee resilience: a case study from the Pakistani telecommunications sector (2017)
Journal Article
Khan, Z., Rao-Nicholson, R., Akhtar, P., Tarba, S. Y., Ahammad, M. F., & Vorley, T. (2019). The role of HR practices in developing employee resilience: a case study from the Pakistani telecommunications sector. The international journal of human resource management, 30(8), 1342-1369.

There has been increasing interest in understanding the factors that contribute to the development of employee resilience. Despite such interest, there is a dearth of research examining the contributory role played by HR practices in enhancing employ... Read More about The role of HR practices in developing employee resilience: a case study from the Pakistani telecommunications sector.