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Small body size increases the regional differentiation of populations of tropical mantellid frogs (A nura: M antellidae) (2012)
Journal Article
Pabijan, M., Wollenberg, K., & Vences, M. (2012). Small body size increases the regional differentiation of populations of tropical mantellid frogs (A nura: M antellidae). Journal of evolutionary biology, 25(11), 2310-2324.

The processes affecting species diversification may also exert an influence on patterns of genetic variability within species. We evaluated the contributions of five variables potentially influencing clade diversification (body size, reproductive mod... Read More about Small body size increases the regional differentiation of populations of tropical mantellid frogs (A nura: M antellidae).

Small body size increases the regional differentiation of populations of tropical mantellid frogs (Anura: Mantellidae) (2012)
Journal Article
Pabijan, M., Wollenberg, K. C., & Vences, M. (2012). Small body size increases the regional differentiation of populations of tropical mantellid frogs (Anura: Mantellidae). Journal of evolutionary biology, 25(11), 2310-2324.

The processes affecting species diversification may also exert an influence on patterns of genetic variability within species. We evaluated the contributions of five variables potentially influencing clade diversification (body size, reproductive mod... Read More about Small body size increases the regional differentiation of populations of tropical mantellid frogs (Anura: Mantellidae).

Diel and seasonal variations in the population dynamics of Hemimysis anomala, a non-indigenous mysid: implications for surveillance and management (2012)
Journal Article
Nunn, A., & Cowx, I. G. (2012). Diel and seasonal variations in the population dynamics of Hemimysis anomala, a non-indigenous mysid: implications for surveillance and management. Aquatic Invasions, 7(3), 357-365.

This study investigated diel and seasonal variations in the population dynamics of Hemimysis anomala, a non-indigenous mysid originating from the Ponto-Caspian region. There were strong diel variations in the abundance (catch-per-unit-effort; CPUE) o... Read More about Diel and seasonal variations in the population dynamics of Hemimysis anomala, a non-indigenous mysid: implications for surveillance and management.

Revision of the little brown frogs in the Gephyromantis decaryi complex with description of a new species (2012)
Journal Article
Wollenberg, K. C., Glaw, F., & Vences, M. (2012). Revision of the little brown frogs in the Gephyromantis decaryi complex with description of a new species. Zootaxa, 3421(1), 32-60.

We revise the systematics of a group of little brown leaf litter frogs from Madagascar that are notoriously difficult to diagnose, the Gephyromantis decaryi complex. Using an integrative combination of molecular data, bioacoustics, and morphology, we... Read More about Revision of the little brown frogs in the Gephyromantis decaryi complex with description of a new species.

Combined effect of cadmium and estradiol on the endocrine system of roach (Rutilus rutilus): In vitro and in vivo approaches (2012)
Journal Article
Gerbron, M., Geraudie, P., Xuereb, B., Hill, E. M., Rotchell, J., & Minier, C. (2012). Combined effect of cadmium and estradiol on the endocrine system of roach (Rutilus rutilus): In vitro and in vivo approaches. Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Part A, Molecular & integrative physiology, 163(Supplement), S34-S34.

The evolutionary significance of placental interdigitation in mammalian reproduction: Contributions from comparative studies (2012)
Journal Article
Capellini, I. (2012). The evolutionary significance of placental interdigitation in mammalian reproduction: Contributions from comparative studies. Placenta, 33(10), 763-768.

The placenta is fundamental to mammalian reproduction and is surprisingly diverse in gross morphology among species. Whether and how this diversity affects maternal investment and fetal growth is still poorly understood. Contrary to suggestions that... Read More about The evolutionary significance of placental interdigitation in mammalian reproduction: Contributions from comparative studies.

Not all little brown frogs are the same: A new species of secretive and cryptic Gephyromantis (Anura: Mantellidae) from Madagascar (2012)
Journal Article
Vieites, D. R., Wollenberg, K. C., & Vences, M. (2012). Not all little brown frogs are the same: A new species of secretive and cryptic Gephyromantis (Anura: Mantellidae) from Madagascar. Zootaxa, 3344(1), 34-46.

We describe a new species of small diurnal frog of the genus Gephyromantis from Mahasoa, a fragment of mid-altitude rainforest in the northern central east of Madagascar, located to the north east of Lake Alaotra. Analysis of DNA sequences of the mit... Read More about Not all little brown frogs are the same: A new species of secretive and cryptic Gephyromantis (Anura: Mantellidae) from Madagascar.

Olfactory cue use by three-spined sticklebacks foraging in turbid water: prey detection or prey location? (2012)
Journal Article
Johannesen, A., Dunn, A. M., & Morrell, L. J. (2012). Olfactory cue use by three-spined sticklebacks foraging in turbid water: prey detection or prey location?. Animal behaviour, 84(1), 151-158.

Foraging, when senses are limited to olfaction, is composed of two distinct stages: the detection of prey and the location of prey. While specialist olfactory foragers are able to locate prey using olfactory cues alone, this may not be the case for f... Read More about Olfactory cue use by three-spined sticklebacks foraging in turbid water: prey detection or prey location?.

Artificial enhancement of an extended phenotype signal increases investment in courtship by three-spined sticklebacks (2012)
Journal Article
Morrell, L. J., Hentley, W. T., Wickens, V. J., Wickens, J. B., & Rodgers, G. M. (2012). Artificial enhancement of an extended phenotype signal increases investment in courtship by three-spined sticklebacks. Animal behaviour, 84(1), 93-101.

Interactions between the components of a multiple-signal sexual display can be complex, and previous work has shown that alteration of one component can lead to changed investment in either the altered or other display components. Extended phenotype... Read More about Artificial enhancement of an extended phenotype signal increases investment in courtship by three-spined sticklebacks.

Consistency of leadership in shoals of mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki) in novel and in familiar environments (2012)
Journal Article
Burns, A. L. J., Herbert-Read, J. E., Morrell, L. J., & Ward, A. J. W. (2012). Consistency of leadership in shoals of mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki) in novel and in familiar environments. PLoS ONE, 7(5), 1-6.

In social animal groups, an individual's spatial position is a major determinant of both predation risk and foraging rewards. Additionally, the occupation of positions in the front of moving groups is generally assumed to correlate with the initiatio... Read More about Consistency of leadership in shoals of mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki) in novel and in familiar environments.

Benefits and Risks of Adopting the Global Code of Practice for Recreational Fisheries (2012)
Journal Article
Arlinghaus, R., Beard, T. D., Cooke, S. J., & Cowx, I. G. (2012). Benefits and Risks of Adopting the Global Code of Practice for Recreational Fisheries. Fisheries, 37(4), 165-172.

Recreational fishing constitutes the dominant or sole use of many fish stocks, particularly in freshwater ecosystems in Western industrialized countries. However, despite their social and economic importance, recreational fisheries are generally guid... Read More about Benefits and Risks of Adopting the Global Code of Practice for Recreational Fisheries.

Sequestration of edible oil from emulsions using new single and double layered microcapsules from plant spores (2012)
Journal Article
Diego-Taboada, A., Cousson, P., Raynaud, E., Huang, Y., Lorch, M., Binks, B., Queneau, Y., Boa, A. N., Atkin, S. L., Beckett, S. T., & Mackenzie, G. (2012). Sequestration of edible oil from emulsions using new single and double layered microcapsules from plant spores. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 22(19), 9767-9773.

Microcapsules were obtained conveniently from Lycopodium clavatum spores possessing either a single layered shell of sporopollenin (exine) or double layered shell of sporopollenin and cellulose with an inner layer (intine). These microcapsules were f... Read More about Sequestration of edible oil from emulsions using new single and double layered microcapsules from plant spores.

Two CYP3A-like genes in the marine mussel Mytilus edulis: mRNA expression modulation following short-term exposure to endocrine disruptors (2012)
Journal Article
Cubero-Leon, E., Puinean, A. M., Labadie, P., Ciocan, C., Itoh, N., Kishida, M., Osada, M., Minier, C., Hill, E. M., & Rotchell, J. M. (2012). Two CYP3A-like genes in the marine mussel Mytilus edulis: mRNA expression modulation following short-term exposure to endocrine disruptors. Marine environmental research, 74, 32-39.

Members of the vertebrate CYP3A subfamily are involved in the metabolism of steroids and a wide range of xenobiotics. In this study two CYP3A- like mRNAs have been isolated from the mussel (Mytilus edulis), and their seasonal expression profile and m... Read More about Two CYP3A-like genes in the marine mussel Mytilus edulis: mRNA expression modulation following short-term exposure to endocrine disruptors.

Metabolomic analysis of sex specific metabolites in gonads of the mussel, Mytilus edulis (2012)
Journal Article
Cubero-Leon, E., Minier, C., Hill, E. M., & Rotchell, J. (2012). Metabolomic analysis of sex specific metabolites in gonads of the mussel, Mytilus edulis. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part D: Genomics and Proteomics, 7(2), 212-219.

Marine mussels have been used as sentinel organisms to monitor exposure to a variety of chemical contaminants, including endocrine disrupting chemicals, in the aquatic environment. Although they are an important species for use in ecotoxicology inves... Read More about Metabolomic analysis of sex specific metabolites in gonads of the mussel, Mytilus edulis.

Restoring river connectivity: Prioritizing passage improvements for diadromous fishes and lampreys (2012)
Journal Article
Cowx, I. G., & Nunn, A. D. (2012). Restoring river connectivity: Prioritizing passage improvements for diadromous fishes and lampreys. AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment, 41(4), 402-409.

Physical obstructions are becoming increasingly recognized as major factors influencing the migrations, population structures, spawning success and recruitment of freshwater organisms. This paper presents a simple but effective method, intended for u... Read More about Restoring river connectivity: Prioritizing passage improvements for diadromous fishes and lampreys.

Improving the validation of finite element models with quantitative full-field strain comparisons (2012)
Journal Article
Gröning, F., Bright, J. A., Fagan, M. J., & O'Higgins, P. (2012). Improving the validation of finite element models with quantitative full-field strain comparisons. Journal of biomechanics, 45(8), 1498-1506.

The techniques used to validate finite element (FE) models against experimental results have changed little during the last decades, even though the traditional approach of using single point measurements from strain gauges has major limitations: the... Read More about Improving the validation of finite element models with quantitative full-field strain comparisons.

The robustness and restoration of a network of ecological networks (2012)
Journal Article
Pocock, M. J., Evans, D. M., & Memmott, J. (2012). The robustness and restoration of a network of ecological networks. Science, 335(6071), 973-977.

Understanding species' interactions and the robustness of interaction networks to species loss is essential to understand the effects of species' declines and extinctions. In most studies, different types of networks (such as food webs, parasitoid we... Read More about The robustness and restoration of a network of ecological networks.

The importance of craniofacial sutures in biomechanical finite element models of the domestic pig (2012)
Journal Article
Bright, J. A. (2012). The importance of craniofacial sutures in biomechanical finite element models of the domestic pig. PLoS ONE, 7(2), e31769.

Craniofacial sutures are a ubiquitous feature of the vertebrate skull. Previous experimental work has shown that bone strain magnitudes and orientations often vary when moving from one bone to another, across a craniofacial suture. This has led to th... Read More about The importance of craniofacial sutures in biomechanical finite element models of the domestic pig.