Proteomic identification of predictive biomarkers of resistance to neoadjuvant chemotherapy in luminal breast cancer: a possible role for 14-3-3 theta/tau and tBID?
Journal Article
Hodgkinson, V. C., ELFadl, D., Agarwal, V., Garimella, V., Russell, C., Long, E. D., Fox, J. N., McManus, P. L., Mahapatra, T. K., Kneeshaw, P. J., Drew, P. J., Lind, M. J., & Cawkwell, L. (2012). Proteomic identification of predictive biomarkers of resistance to neoadjuvant chemotherapy in luminal breast cancer: a possible role for 14-3-3 theta/tau and tBID?. Journal of Proteomics, 75(4), 1276-1283.
Introduction: Chemotherapy resistance is a major obstacle in effective neoadjuvant treatment for estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer. The ability to predict tumour response would allow chemotherapy administration to be directed towards only thos... Read More about Proteomic identification of predictive biomarkers of resistance to neoadjuvant chemotherapy in luminal breast cancer: a possible role for 14-3-3 theta/tau and tBID?.