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Mathematica and finite geometry (1995)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Gordon, N. Mathematica and finite geometry. Presented at International Mathematica Symposium

We describe the use of Mathematica in the investigation of some aspects of finite geometry, in particular we look at an example of finding a single polynomial function corresponding to a set of polynomial functions, and an example of finding the PGL(... Read More about Mathematica and finite geometry.

Stable forward shooting for eigenvalues and expectation values (1995)
Journal Article
Killingbeck, J. P., Gordon, N. A., & Witwit, M. R. M. (1995). Stable forward shooting for eigenvalues and expectation values. Physics Letters A, 206(5-6), 279-282.

Internal differentiation techniques are used to produce a simple but highly accurate forwardsshootingmethod foreigenvaluesandexpectationvaluesof the Schrödinger equation. A multi-well potential is used as a test case.

Finite Geometry and Computer Algebra, with Applications (1994)
Gordon, N. Finite Geometry and Computer Algebra, with Applications. (Thesis). University of Hull.

The interaction between geometry and algebra is a diverse and fruitful area to explore. Of particular interest is the area of groups and geometry. In this work we will examine various aspects of this interplay, in particular looking at geometric cano... Read More about Finite Geometry and Computer Algebra, with Applications.

The relative order of a class of recurrent networks (1994)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Manchanda, S., Kambhampati, C., Tham, M., & Green, G. (1994, March). The relative order of a class of recurrent networks. Presented at International Conference on Control '94, Coventry, UK

Three types of recurrent network configurations have been proposed since they enable adequate description of temporal behaviour. The concept of relative order has been introduced so as to provide a framework for analysing such network configurations.... Read More about The relative order of a class of recurrent networks.

The lines of PG(4, 2) are the points on a quintic in PG(9,2) (1994)
Journal Article
Shaw, R., & Gordon, N. A. (1994). The lines of PG(4, 2) are the points on a quintic in PG(9,2). Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, 68(1), 226-231.

Let V denote a 5-dimensional vector space over a field, and let (bij) denote the 10 independent components of a bivectorb?Λ2Vrelative to a choice of product basis {eiΛej: 1 ≤i<j≤ 5} forΛ2V. It is well known thatb(≠ 0) is decomposable (pure, simple) i...

Line generalisation by repeated elimination of points (1993)
Journal Article
Visvalingam, M., & Whyatt, J. D. (1993). Line generalisation by repeated elimination of points. The Cartographic journal, 30(1), 46-51.

This paper presents a new approach to line generalisation which uses the concept of ‘effective area’ for progressive simplification of a line by point elimination. Two coastlines are used to compare the performance of this, with that of the widely us... Read More about Line generalisation by repeated elimination of points.

Cartographic Algorithms: Problems of Implementation and Evaluation and the Impact of Digitising Errors (1991)
Journal Article
Whyatt, J. D., & Visvalingam, M. (1991). Cartographic Algorithms: Problems of Implementation and Evaluation and the Impact of Digitising Errors. Computer graphics forum : journal of the European Association for Computer Graphics, 10(3), 225-235.

Cartographic generalisation remains one of the outstanding challenges in digital cartography and Geographical Information Systems (GIS). It is generally assumed that computerisation will lead to the removal of spurious variability introduced by the s... Read More about Cartographic Algorithms: Problems of Implementation and Evaluation and the Impact of Digitising Errors.

Approaches to the optimizing control problem (1988)
Journal Article
Ellis, J. E., Kambhampati, C., Sheng, G., & Roberts, P. D. (1988). Approaches to the optimizing control problem. International Journal of Systems Science, 19(10), 1969-1985.

The selection of the steady-state controls which enable a system to operate in an optimum manner is the optimizing control problem. An examination of direct and adaptive model-based approaches to this problem is made. In the direct approach, system m... Read More about Approaches to the optimizing control problem.

The signed Chi-score measure for the classification and mapping of polychotomous data (1981)
Journal Article
Visvalingam, M. (1981). The signed Chi-score measure for the classification and mapping of polychotomous data. The Cartographic journal, 18(1), 32-43.

Several polychotomous characteristics, when expressed in chi-score form, exhibit distributions in property space which deviate from the inherent assumptions of the more commonly used methods of cluster analysis. This paper suggests a novel approach t... Read More about The signed Chi-score measure for the classification and mapping of polychotomous data.

Indexing with coded deltas—a data compaction technique (1976)
Journal Article
Visvalingam, M. (1976). Indexing with coded deltas—a data compaction technique. Software: Practice and Experience, 6(3), 397-403.

The paper describes the coded delta scheme, which is one of the methods used by the Census Research Unit, University of Durham, for compacting the 1971 U.K. census data. It evaluates the merits and limitations of the technique in relation to the char... Read More about Indexing with coded deltas—a data compaction technique.

Mathematica in the teaching of mathematics for computer science students in H.E.
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Gordon, N. Mathematica in the teaching of mathematics for computer science students in H.E. Presented at 8th International Mathematica Symposium, Avignon

This paper considers the use of Mathematica in the teaching of mathematics to Computer Science students in Higher Education (H.E.). This is based on experiences in the English H.E. system, and includes examples of the kinds of illustrations and appro... Read More about Mathematica in the teaching of mathematics for computer science students in H.E..

Enabling multipurpose image interaction in modular visualization environments
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Wright, H., & Chatzinikos, F. Enabling multipurpose image interaction in modular visualization environments. Paper presented at Visualization and Data Analysis 2003

Recent improvements in processor and graphics power mean researchers can now interact with their running simulation at the same time as they view the results. This so-called 'computational steering' brings greater insight to the investigation process... Read More about Enabling multipurpose image interaction in modular visualization environments.

Integrating the DIS standards into a fully-immersive simulation application
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Cruz-Neira, C., Courter, D., & Springer, J. Integrating the DIS standards into a fully-immersive simulation application

Fully-immersive applications in a distributed environment play an increasing role for training and simulation related areas. The Distributed Interactive Simulation protocols were created to ensure interoperability across participating sites. However,... Read More about Integrating the DIS standards into a fully-immersive simulation application.

Automatic visualization and control of arbitrary numerical simulations
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Springer, J., & Wright, H. Automatic visualization and control of arbitrary numerical simulations

Authors’ preprint version as submitted to ECCOMAS Congress 2016, Minisymposium 505 - Interactive Simulations in Computational Engineering. Abstract: Visualization of numerical simulation data has become a cornerstone for many industries and research... Read More about Automatic visualization and control of arbitrary numerical simulations.

A subdivision-based implementation of non-uniform local refinement with THB-splines
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Li, Q., Ma, X., Cripps, R., & Lin, P. A subdivision-based implementation of non-uniform local refinement with THB-splines

Paper accepted for 15th IMA International Conference on Mathematics on Surfaces, 2017. Abstract: Local refinement of spline basis functions is an important process for spline approximation and local feature modelling in computer aided design (CAD). T... Read More about A subdivision-based implementation of non-uniform local refinement with THB-splines.

A computational framework for aesthetical navigation in musical search space
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Arshi, S., & Davis, D. A computational framework for aesthetical navigation in musical search space

Paper presented at 3rd AISB symposium on computational creativity, AISB 2016, 4-6th April, Sheffield. Abstract. This article addresses aspects of an ongoing project in the generation of artificial Persian (-like) music. Liquid Persian Music software... Read More about A computational framework for aesthetical navigation in musical search space.