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Studio pedagogy: Perspectives from record producers (2016)
Book Chapter
King, A. (2016). Studio pedagogy: Perspectives from record producers. In A. King, & E. Himonides (Eds.), Music, technology, and education: critical perspectives (45-66). Routledge.

This chapter considers how educators can develop principles of music production in a digital age. It focuses upon the practices used in the audio industry from both an analogue and digital perspective. Three renowned music producers were interviewed... Read More about Studio pedagogy: Perspectives from record producers.

Processes of learning in the project studio (2016)
Book Chapter
Slater, M. (2016). Processes of learning in the project studio. In A. King, & E. Himonides (Eds.), Music, Technology, and Education : Critical Perspectives (9-26). Routledge.

The emergence of the project studio is a story of increasing access to ever more powerful technologies that allow music to be produced in increasingly diverse circumstances. In 1973 Melody Maker responded, somewhat tongue-in-cheek, to an emerging tre... Read More about Processes of learning in the project studio.

Locating project studios and studio projects (2016)
Journal Article
Slater, M. (2016). Locating project studios and studio projects. Journal of the Royal Musical Association, 141(1), 167-202.

Via a longitudinal case study of a studio project (Middlewood Sessions, 2004–12), this research explores processes of music-making in the increasingly prevalent context of the project studio to give an insight into contemporary music-making practices... Read More about Locating project studios and studio projects.

Is adherence therapy an effective adjunct treatment for patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders? A systematic review and meta-analysis (2016)
Journal Article
Gray, R., Bressington, D., Ivanecka, A., Hardy, S., Jones, M., Schulz, M., von Bormann, S., White, J., Anderson, K. H., & Chien, W.-T. (2016). Is adherence therapy an effective adjunct treatment for patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders? A systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Psychiatry, 16(1), 1-12.

Background Poor adherence to medication in schizophrenia spectrum disorders leads to inadequate symptom control. Adherence therapy (AT) is an intervention that seeks to reduce patients’ psychiatric symptoms by enhancing treatment adherence. We aimed... Read More about Is adherence therapy an effective adjunct treatment for patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders? A systematic review and meta-analysis.

Bring that Beat Back: Sampling as Virtual Collaboration (2016)
Book Chapter
Oliver, R. (2016). Bring that Beat Back: Sampling as Virtual Collaboration. In S. Whiteley, & S. Rambarran (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Music and Virtuality (65-80). Oxford University Press.

This chapter focuses on music technology and production techniques that predate the Internet but have contemporary relevance. The role of digital sampling in the development of hip hop, and other subsequent genres based around use of “breakbeats,” is... Read More about Bring that Beat Back: Sampling as Virtual Collaboration.

The Western reception of Sergei Taneyev (2015)
Journal Article
Desbruslais, S. (2015). The Western reception of Sergei Taneyev. Zhurnal Obshchestva teorii muzyki, 9(1), 7-18

Sergei Taneyev is not a common name in Western musicology. Short studies of his theoretical writings include Allen Forte’s critical review of New Grove (1982), Ellon Carpenter’s survey in Russian Theoretical Thought in Music (1983), and Catherine Nol... Read More about The Western reception of Sergei Taneyev.

Breakbeat syncretism: The drum sample in African American popular music (2015)
Book Chapter
Oliver, R. (2015). Breakbeat syncretism: The drum sample in African American popular music. In J. Metcalf, & C. Spaulding (Eds.), African American Culture and Society After Rodney King: Provocations and Protests, Progression and 'Post-Racialism' (177-192). Ashgate

Technology as a vehicle (tool and practice) for developing diverse creativities (2015)
Book Chapter
King, A. (2015). Technology as a vehicle (tool and practice) for developing diverse creativities. In Activating Diverse Musical Creativities (203-222). Bloomsbury Publishing.

Burnard’s seminal work, Musical Creativities in Practice, has begun to change the way creativity is viewed in music (2012) . In this work Burnard rejects the view of a single concept of creativity that encompasses all aspects of music and instead pro... Read More about Technology as a vehicle (tool and practice) for developing diverse creativities.

'By the sweet power of musicke'. Effect in Shakespeare's musical imagery (2014)
Journal Article
Wilson, C. (2014). 'By the sweet power of musicke'. Effect in Shakespeare's musical imagery. Comparatio, 6(2), 241-262

Der vorliegende Beitrag unternimmt es, die vielfältigen Dimensionen von Shakespeares musikalischer Bildlichkeit zu erschließen: Er bietet einen Überblick über die verschiedenartigen Formen musikalischer Komponenten und ihre teilweise sehr subtile Ver... Read More about 'By the sweet power of musicke'. Effect in Shakespeare's musical imagery.

Nests, arcs and cycles in the lifespan of a studio project (2014)
Journal Article
Slater, M. (2015). Nests, arcs and cycles in the lifespan of a studio project. Popular music, 34(1), 67-93.

Middlewood Sessions produced a kind of popular music that infuses the timbral aesthetics of jazz and orchestral music with the driving rhythms of dance music. This studio project, lasting for almost eight years, provided a rich resource for gaining i... Read More about Nests, arcs and cycles in the lifespan of a studio project.

Heuristics for expressive performance (2014)
Book Chapter
Prior, H., & Leech-Wilkinson, D. (2014). Heuristics for expressive performance. In R. Timmers, D. Fabian, & E. Schubert (Eds.), Expressiveness in musical performance: Empirical approaches across styles and cultures. Oxford University Press.

This chapter discusses concepts and terms that professional musicians find useful in preparing for and talking and thinking about expressive performance. An example is “shape,” which, as recent research has shown, is immensely flexible and useful for... Read More about Heuristics for expressive performance.

Performance (2014)
Book Chapter
King, E. (2014). Performance. In Music in the Social and Behavioral Sciences: An encyclopedia. SAGE Publications

Mixtapes and turntablism : DJs' perspectives on musical shape (2013)
Journal Article
Greasley, A. E., & Prior, H. (2013). Mixtapes and turntablism : DJs' perspectives on musical shape. Empirical Musicology Review, 8(1), 23-43.

The notion of musical shape is widely used by performing musicians, but most studies have focussed on classical performing contexts. This paper extends this research to DJs performing on turntables, chosen in light of existing evidence from a questio... Read More about Mixtapes and turntablism : DJs' perspectives on musical shape.

Helical Time (an open ended song cycle for combinations of baritone voice, violin, piano and trumpet with instrumental pre-/inter-/post-ludes) (2013)
Digital Artefact
Borthwick, A. (2013). Helical Time (an open ended song cycle for combinations of baritone voice, violin, piano and trumpet with instrumental pre-/inter-/post-ludes)

(i) 'Time Being', for baritone voice and piano, in Tsang, L. & Venables, P.(eds) Finding Ursula Vaughan Williams:An Anthology of New Songs for Voice and Piano, with an Introduction by Lee Tsang (York: University of York Music Press, 2010). Supplement... Read More about Helical Time (an open ended song cycle for combinations of baritone voice, violin, piano and trumpet with instrumental pre-/inter-/post-ludes).