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All Outputs (691)

Density functional theory for the crystallization of two-dimensional dipolar colloidal alloys (2018)
Journal Article
Somerville, W. R., Stokes, J. L., Adawi, A. M., Horozov, T. S., Archer, A. J., & Buzza, D. M. (2018). Density functional theory for the crystallization of two-dimensional dipolar colloidal alloys. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 30(40),

Two-dimensional mixtures of dipolar colloidal particles with different dipole moments exhibit extremely rich self-assembly behaviour and are relevant to a wide range of experimental systems, including charged and super-paramagnetic colloids at liquid... Read More about Density functional theory for the crystallization of two-dimensional dipolar colloidal alloys.

Corrigendum to “Iron and nickel isotope compositions of presolar silicon carbide grains from supernovae” [Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 221 (2018) 127–144] (2018)
Journal Article
Kodolányi, J., Stephan, T., Trappitsch, R., Hoppe, P., Pignatari, M., Davis, A. M., & Pellin, M. J. (2018). Corrigendum to “Iron and nickel isotope compositions of presolar silicon carbide grains from supernovae” [Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 221 (2018) 127–144]. Geochimica et cosmochimica acta, 239, 481-482.

Lyotropic 'hairy' TiO2 nanorods (2018)
Journal Article
Cheng, F., Verrelli, E., Alharthi, F. A., Kelly, S. M., O'Neill, M., Kemp, N. T., Kitney, S. P., Lai, K. T., Mehl, G. H., & Anthopoulos, T. (2019). Lyotropic 'hairy' TiO2 nanorods. Nanoscale advances, 1(1), 254-264.

We report the synthesis of the first stable, solution-processable and photocrosslinkable hybrid organic/inorganic titanium dioxide nanorods as ‘hairy rods’ coated with phosphonate ligands with photoreactive coumarin groups located in a terminal posit... Read More about Lyotropic 'hairy' TiO2 nanorods.

Ultrafast double magnetization switching in GdFeCo with two picosecond-delayed femtosecond pump pulses (2018)
Journal Article
Atxitia, U., & Ostler, T. A. (2018). Ultrafast double magnetization switching in GdFeCo with two picosecond-delayed femtosecond pump pulses. Applied physics letters, 113(6), Article 062402.

The recently discovered thermally induced magnetization switching (TIMS) induced by single femtosecond laser pulses in ferrimagnetic GdFeCo alloys proceeds on the picosecond time-scale. The rate at which data can be changed for use of TIMS in technol... Read More about Ultrafast double magnetization switching in GdFeCo with two picosecond-delayed femtosecond pump pulses.

Method to reduce the formation of crystallites in ZnO nanorod thin-films grown via ultra-fast microwave heating (2018)
Journal Article
Gray, R. J., Jaafar, A. H., Verrelli, E., & Kemp, N. T. (2018). Method to reduce the formation of crystallites in ZnO nanorod thin-films grown via ultra-fast microwave heating. Thin solid films, 662, 116-122.

© 2018 This paper discusses the nucleation and growth mechanisms of ZnO nanorod thin-films and larger sized crystallites that form within the solution and on surfaces during an ultra-fast microwave heating growth process. In particular, the work focu... Read More about Method to reduce the formation of crystallites in ZnO nanorod thin-films grown via ultra-fast microwave heating.

Amphiphile-Induced Anisotropic Colloidal Self-Assembly (2018)
Journal Article
Rey, M., Yu, T., Bley, K., Landfester, K., Buzza, D. M. A., & Vogel, N. (2018). Amphiphile-Induced Anisotropic Colloidal Self-Assembly. Langmuir : the ACS journal of surfaces and colloids, 34(34), 9990-10000.

Spherical colloidal particles typically self-assemble into hexagonal lattices when adsorbed at liquid interfaces. More complex assembly structures, including particle chains and phases with square symmetry, were theoretically predicted almost two dec... Read More about Amphiphile-Induced Anisotropic Colloidal Self-Assembly.

Roles of heating and helicity in ultrafast all-optical magnetization switching in TbFeCo (2018)
Journal Article
Lu, X., Zou, X., Hinzke, D., Liu, T., Wang, Y., Cheng, T., Wu, J., Ostler, T. A., Cai, J., Nowak, U., Chantrell, R. W., Zhai, Y., & Xu, Y. (2018). Roles of heating and helicity in ultrafast all-optical magnetization switching in TbFeCo. Applied physics letters, 113(3), Article 032405.

Using the time-resolved magneto-optical Kerr effect method, helicity-dependent all-optical magnetization switching (HD-AOS) is observed in ferrimagnetic TbFeCo films. Our results reveal the individual roles of the thermal and nonthermal effects after... Read More about Roles of heating and helicity in ultrafast all-optical magnetization switching in TbFeCo.

On the [α/Fe]-[Fe/H] relations in early-type galaxies (2018)
Journal Article
Vincenzo, F., Kobayashi, C., & Taylor, P. (2018). On the [α/Fe]-[Fe/H] relations in early-type galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, 480(1), L38–L42.

We study how the predicted [α/Fe]-[Fe/H] relations in early-type galaxies vary as functions of their stellar masses, ages and stellar velocity dispersions, by making use of cosmological chemodynamical simulations with feedback from active galactic nu... Read More about On the [α/Fe]-[Fe/H] relations in early-type galaxies.

An ambitwistor string field theory approach to supergravity (2018)
Riccombeni, D. A. An ambitwistor string field theory approach to supergravity. (Thesis). University of Hull.

In this thesis a covariant closed superstring field theory, equivalent to classical ten-dimensional Type II supergravity, is presented. The defining conformal field theory is the ambitwistor string worldsheet theory of Mason and Skinner [1]. This t... Read More about An ambitwistor string field theory approach to supergravity.

NuGrid stellar data set – II. Stellar yields from H to Bi for stellar models with MZAMS = 1–25 M⊙ and Z = 0.0001–0.02 (2018)
Journal Article
Ritter, C., Herwig, F., Jones, S., Pignatari, M., Fryer, C., & Hirschi, R. (2018). NuGrid stellar data set – II. Stellar yields from H to Bi for stellar models with MZAMS = 1–25 M⊙ and Z = 0.0001–0.02. Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 480(1), 538-571.

We provide here a significant extension of the NuGrid Set 1 models in mass coverage and towards lower metallicity, adopting the same physics assumptions. The combined data set now includes the initial masses

= 1, 1.65, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,... Read More about NuGrid stellar data set – II. Stellar yields from H to Bi for stellar models with MZAMS = 1–25 M⊙ and Z = 0.0001–0.02.

Probability distribution of substituted titanium in RT12 (R = Nd and Sm; T = Fe and Co) Structures (2018)
Journal Article
Skelland, C., Ostler, T., Westmoreland, S. C., Evans, R. F., Chantrell, R. W., Yano, M., Shoji, T., Manabe, A., Kato, A., Ito, M., Winklhofer, M., Zimanyi, G., Fischbacher, J., Schrefl, T., & Hrkac, G. (2018). Probability distribution of substituted titanium in RT12 (R = Nd and Sm; T = Fe and Co) Structures. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 54(11), Article 2103405.

We investigated the atomic fill site probability distributions across supercell structures of RT12-x Ti (R = Nd and Sm; T = Fe and Co). We use a combined molecular dynamics and Boltzmann distribution approach to extrapolate the probability distributi... Read More about Probability distribution of substituted titanium in RT12 (R = Nd and Sm; T = Fe and Co) Structures.

The local rotation curve of the Milky Way based on SEGUE and RAVE data (2018)
Journal Article
Sysoliatina, K., Just, A., Golubov, O., Parker, Q. A., Grebel, E. K., Kordopatis, G., Zwitter, T., Bland-Hawthorn, J., Gibson, B. K., Kunder, A., Munari, U., Navarro, J., Reid, W., Seabroke, G., Steinmetz, M., & Watson, F. (2018). The local rotation curve of the Milky Way based on SEGUE and RAVE data. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 614, A63.

Aims. We construct the rotation curve of the Milky Way in the extended solar neighbourhood using a sample of Sloan Extension for Galactic Understanding and Exploration (SEGUE) G-dwarfs. We investigate the rotation curve shape for the presence of any... Read More about The local rotation curve of the Milky Way based on SEGUE and RAVE data.

Evolution of starburst galaxies in the Illustris simulation (2018)
Journal Article
Wilkinson, C. L., Pimbblet, K. A., Stott, J. P., Few, C. G., & Gibson, B. K. (2018). Evolution of starburst galaxies in the Illustris simulation. Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 479(1), 758-767.

© 2018 The Author(s). Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of The Royal Astronomical Society. There is a consensus in the literature that starburst galaxies are triggered by interaction events. However, it remains an open question as to wha... Read More about Evolution of starburst galaxies in the Illustris simulation.

X-ray absorption study of platinum and palladium atoms in argon matrices: Evidence for platinum in a substitutional site and a short Pd–Ar interaction (2018)
Journal Article
Harris, N., Sakr, A. K., Snelling, H. V., & Young, N. A. (2018). X-ray absorption study of platinum and palladium atoms in argon matrices: Evidence for platinum in a substitutional site and a short Pd–Ar interaction. Journal of molecular structure, 1172, 80-88.

The Pt L3-edge X-ray absorption spectrum of Pt atoms generated in a hollow cathode sputtering device and trapped in an Ar matrix yielded a PtAr distance of 3.78(4) Å with a coordination number of ca. 12 which confirms the evidence from electronic abs... Read More about X-ray absorption study of platinum and palladium atoms in argon matrices: Evidence for platinum in a substitutional site and a short Pd–Ar interaction.

Competition of lattice and spin excitations in the temperature dependence of spin-wave properties (2018)
Journal Article
Di Gennaro, M., Miranda, A. L., Ostler, T. A., Romero, A. H., & Verstraete, M. J. (2018). Competition of lattice and spin excitations in the temperature dependence of spin-wave properties. Physical Review B, 97(21), Article 214417.

The interplay of magnons and phonons can induce strong temperature variations in the magnetic exchange interactions, leading to changes in the magnetothermal response. This is a central mechanism in many magnetic phenomena, and in the new field of Sp... Read More about Competition of lattice and spin excitations in the temperature dependence of spin-wave properties.

Site-Resolved Contributions to the Magnetic-Anisotropy Energy and Complex Spin Structure of Fe/MgO Sandwiches (2018)
Journal Article
Cuadrado, R., Oroszlány, L., Deák, A., Ostler, T. A., Meo, A., Chepulskii, R. V., Apalkov, D., Evans, R. F., Szunyogh, L., & Chantrell, R. W. (2018). Site-Resolved Contributions to the Magnetic-Anisotropy Energy and Complex Spin Structure of Fe/MgO Sandwiches. Physical Review Applied, 9(5), Article 054048.

Fe/MgO-based magnetic tunnel junctions are among the most promising candidates for spintronic devices due to their high thermal stability and high tunneling magnetoresistance. Despite its apparent simplicity, the nature of the interactions between th... Read More about Site-Resolved Contributions to the Magnetic-Anisotropy Energy and Complex Spin Structure of Fe/MgO Sandwiches.

Does cage quantum delocalisation influence the translation-rotational bound states of molecular hydrogen in clathrate hydrate? (2018)
Journal Article
Benoit, D. M., Lauvergnat, D., & Scribano, Y. (2018). Does cage quantum delocalisation influence the translation-rotational bound states of molecular hydrogen in clathrate hydrate?. Faraday Discussions, 212, 533-546.

In this study, we examine the effect of a flexible description of the clathrate hydrate framework on the translation-rotation (TR) eigenstates of guest molecules such as molecular hydrogen. Traditionally, the water cage structure is assumed to be rig... Read More about Does cage quantum delocalisation influence the translation-rotational bound states of molecular hydrogen in clathrate hydrate?.

193 nm ArF laser ablation and patterning of chitosan thin films (2018)
Journal Article
Aesa, A., & Walton, C. (2018). 193 nm ArF laser ablation and patterning of chitosan thin films. Applied physics. A, Materials science & processing, 124(6), Article 444.

This paper reports laser ablation studies on spin coated bio polymer chitosan films, β-l,4-1inked 2-amino-2-deoxy-D-glucopyranose. Chitosan has been irradiated using an ArF laser emitting at 193 nm. An ablation threshold of FT = 858 mJcm-2 has been... Read More about 193 nm ArF laser ablation and patterning of chitosan thin films.

The origin of the Milky Way's halo age distribution (2018)
Journal Article
Carollo, D., Tissera, P. B., Beers, T. C., Gudin, D., Gibson, B. K., Freeman, K. C., & Monachesi, A. (2018). The origin of the Milky Way's halo age distribution. Astrophysical journal. Letters, 859(1), L7.

© 2018. The American Astronomical Society.. We present an analysis of the radial age gradients for the stellar halos of five Milky Way (MW) mass-sized systems simulated as part of the Aquarius Project. The halos show a diversity of age trends, reflec... Read More about The origin of the Milky Way's halo age distribution.

Coma Berenices: The First Evidence for Incomplete Vertical Phase-mixing in Local Velocity Space with RAVE—Confirmed with Gaia DR2 (2018)
Journal Article
Monari, G., Famaey, B., Minchev, I., Antoja, T., Bienaymé, O., Gibson, B. K., Grebel, E. K., Kordopatis, G., McMillan, P., Navarro, J., Parker, Q. A., Quillen, A. C., Reid, W., Seabroke, G., Siebert, A., Steinmetz, M., Wyse, R. F. G., & Zwitter, T. (2018). Coma Berenices: The First Evidence for Incomplete Vertical Phase-mixing in Local Velocity Space with RAVE—Confirmed with Gaia DR2. Research Notes of the AAS, 2(2), 32.