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All Outputs (147)

Life will never be the same again: examining grief in survivors bereaved by young suicide (2012)
Journal Article
Bell, J., Stanley, N., Mallon, S., & Manthorpe, J. (2012). Life will never be the same again: examining grief in survivors bereaved by young suicide. Illness, Crisis and Loss, 20(1), 49-68.

This article explores existing assumptions about the nature of bereavement by suicide. Drawing on data from a U.K. study of student suicide, we hope to contribute to a fuller understanding of the uniqueness of bereavement by suicide and new pathways... Read More about Life will never be the same again: examining grief in survivors bereaved by young suicide.

Gay and lesbian carers : ageing in the shadow of dementia (2011)
Journal Article
Price, E. (2012). Gay and lesbian carers : ageing in the shadow of dementia. Ageing and Society, 32(3), 516-532.

This article reports on findings from a qualitative study, undertaken in England, which explored the experiences of 21 gay men and lesbian women who care, or cared, for a person with dementia. The aim of the study was to explore this experience throu... Read More about Gay and lesbian carers : ageing in the shadow of dementia.

Motivations, migration and experiences of black African nurses in the United Kingdom (2011)
Likupe, G. Motivations, migration and experiences of black African nurses in the United Kingdom. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This thesis explores experiences of black African nurses from sub-Saharan Africa in the UK. The exploration starts with motivational factors which cause black African nurses to migrate, as it is argued that migration trajectories have an influence on... Read More about Motivations, migration and experiences of black African nurses in the United Kingdom.

Categories and their consequences: Understanding and supporting the caring relationships of older lesbian, gay and bisexual people (2011)
Journal Article
Cronin, A., Ward, R., Pugh, S., King, A., & Price, E. (2011). Categories and their consequences: Understanding and supporting the caring relationships of older lesbian, gay and bisexual people. International Social Work, 54(3), 421-435.

This article advocates incorporating biographical narratives into social work practice involving older lesbian, gay and bisexual service users. Offering a critique of 'sexuality-blind' conditions in current policy and practice, the discussion draws o... Read More about Categories and their consequences: Understanding and supporting the caring relationships of older lesbian, gay and bisexual people.

Caring for mum and dad: lesbian women negotiating family and navigating care (2011)
Journal Article
Price, E. (2011). Caring for mum and dad: lesbian women negotiating family and navigating care. The British journal of social work, 41(7), 1288-1303.

This article reports on findings from a qualitative study that explored the experiences of twenty-one gay men and lesbian women who care, or cared, for a person with dementia in England.The aim of the study was to explore how a person's gay or lesbia... Read More about Caring for mum and dad: lesbian women negotiating family and navigating care.

Delivering Preventive Programmes in Schools: Identifying Gender Issues (2010)
Book Chapter
Ellis, J., Stanley, N., & Bell, J. (2010). Delivering Preventive Programmes in Schools: Identifying Gender Issues. In C. Barter, & D. Berridge (Eds.), Children Behaving Badly?: Peer Violence Between Children and Young People (217-230). John Wiley and Sons.

This chapter considers preventive approaches to violence in young people's relationships that have emerged in the UK over the last 10 years.  In particular, we explore the evidence on preventive programmes delivered in schools and draw on two indepen... Read More about Delivering Preventive Programmes in Schools: Identifying Gender Issues.

Don't look back? Improving health and social care service delivery for older LGB users (2010)
Ward, R., Pugh, S., & Price, L. (2010). Don't look back? Improving health and social care service delivery for older LGB users

There are wide gaps in knowledge about the lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) UK population in relation to their physical and mental health outcomes, use of health and social services and experiences of health and social care more generally.  Very littl... Read More about Don't look back? Improving health and social care service delivery for older LGB users.

The role of perfectionism in student suicide : three case studies from the UK (2010)
Journal Article
Bell, J., Stanley, N., Mallon, S., & Manthorpe, J. (2010). The role of perfectionism in student suicide : three case studies from the UK. OMEGA - Journal of Death and Dying, 61(3), 251-267.

A number of studies have investigated the relationship between suicide and perfectionism but none to our knowledge have been based on studies of completed suicides. This article aims to provide important insight into the potency that certain profiles... Read More about The role of perfectionism in student suicide : three case studies from the UK.

Suicidal students’ use of and attitudes to primary care support services (2010)
Journal Article
Stanley, N., Mallon, S., Bell, J., & Manthorpe, J. (2010). Suicidal students’ use of and attitudes to primary care support services. Primary Health Care Research and Development, 11(04), 315-325.

Aim: The aims of this study were to improve responses to students in distress and who are feeling suicidal, to help practitioners to increase their responsiveness to those at high risk of suicide and to develop effective responses to those affected b... Read More about Suicidal students’ use of and attitudes to primary care support services.

'My biggest fear was that people would reject me once they knew my status...': Stigma as experienced by patients in an HIV/AIDS clinic in Johannesburg, South Africa (2010)
Journal Article
Gilbert, L., & Walker, L. (2010). 'My biggest fear was that people would reject me once they knew my status...': Stigma as experienced by patients in an HIV/AIDS clinic in Johannesburg, South Africa. Health and Social Care in the Community, 18(2), 139-146.

Stigma is not a new concept; however, it remains highly significant in the context of HIV/AIDS in South Africa. There is wide consensus that HIV/AIDS-related stigma compromises the well-being of people living with the disease. This paper is part of a... Read More about 'My biggest fear was that people would reject me once they knew my status...': Stigma as experienced by patients in an HIV/AIDS clinic in Johannesburg, South Africa.

'His mam, my dad, my girlfriend, loads of people used to bring him up': the value of social support for (ex) offender fathers (2010)
Journal Article
Walker, L. (2010). 'His mam, my dad, my girlfriend, loads of people used to bring him up': the value of social support for (ex) offender fathers. Child & family social work, 15(2), 238-247.

This research analyses key findings from qualitative research conducted with (ex) offender fathers and their probation officers. This paper focuses on the critical role of family and social support for (ex) offender fathers who seek to build and main... Read More about 'His mam, my dad, my girlfriend, loads of people used to bring him up': the value of social support for (ex) offender fathers.

Trapped in transition: findings from a UK study of student suicide (2009)
Journal Article
Stanley, N., Mallon, S., Bell, J., & Manthorpe, J. (2009). Trapped in transition: findings from a UK study of student suicide. British Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 37(4), 419-433.

This study of student suicide within UK higher education directs attention to the community context of suicide. A modified psychological autopsy approach was used to explore 20 case studies of student suicide from the period 2000-2005, drawing on the... Read More about Trapped in transition: findings from a UK study of student suicide.

The faith closet (2009)
Journal Article
Humphrey, C. (2009). The faith closet. Journal of practice teaching and learning, 8(3), 7-27.

This article is based upon research with student social workers and their educators which foregrounded the personal-professional interface in becoming a social worker.  Faith was an explicit dimension of this research project insofar as an interest i... Read More about The faith closet.

Coming out to care: gay and lesbian carers' experiences of dementia services (2009)
Journal Article
Price, E. (2010). Coming out to care: gay and lesbian carers' experiences of dementia services. Health and Social Care in the Community, 18(2), 160-168.

This article reports on findings from a qualitative study, undertaken in England that explored the experiences of 21 gay men and lesbian women who care, or cared, for a person with dementia.  The aim of the study was to explore how a person's gay or... Read More about Coming out to care: gay and lesbian carers' experiences of dementia services.

"They (ARVs) are my life, without them I'm nothing" - experiences of patients attending a HIV/AIDS clinic in Johannesburg, South Africa (2009)
Journal Article
Gilbert, L., & Walker, L. (2009). "They (ARVs) are my life, without them I'm nothing" - experiences of patients attending a HIV/AIDS clinic in Johannesburg, South Africa. Health and Place, 15(4), 1123-1129.

This paper is a part of a larger study that explores the "social complexity" of antiretroviral therapy (ART), in resource-limited environments. Drawing on in-depth interviews with a sample of 44 patients in an urban HIV/AIDS clinic in Johannesburg, S... Read More about "They (ARVs) are my life, without them I'm nothing" - experiences of patients attending a HIV/AIDS clinic in Johannesburg, South Africa.

'My son gave birth to me': offending fathers - generative, reflexive and risky? (2009)
Journal Article
Walker, L. (2010). 'My son gave birth to me': offending fathers - generative, reflexive and risky?. The British journal of social work, 40(5), 1402-1418.

This paper analyses key findings from narrative interviews with 16 (ex) offender fathers. All fathers interviewed served custodial sentences, ranging from 6 months to 14 years, and were on licence at the time of interview. This research focuses on th... Read More about 'My son gave birth to me': offending fathers - generative, reflexive and risky?.