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Leveling the Playing Field: A New Proposed Method to Address Relative Age- and Maturity-Related Bias in UK Male Academy Soccer Players (2022)
Journal Article
Bolckmans, S., Starkes, J. L., Towlson, C., Barnes, C., Parkin, G., & Helsen, W. F. (2022). Leveling the Playing Field: A New Proposed Method to Address Relative Age- and Maturity-Related Bias in UK Male Academy Soccer Players. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 4, Article 847438.

Relative age selection bias persists within all major soccer leagues and youth soccer academies across the globe, with the relative age effect (RAE) being typically characterized as the over selection of relatively older players (who have sometimes a... Read More about Leveling the Playing Field: A New Proposed Method to Address Relative Age- and Maturity-Related Bias in UK Male Academy Soccer Players.

Acute aerobic exercise-conditioned serum reduces colon cancer cell proliferation in vitro through interleukin-6-induced regulation of DNA damage (2022)
Journal Article
Orange, S. T., Jordan, A. R., Odell, A., Kavanagh, O., Hicks, K. M., Eaglen, T., Todryk, S., & Saxton, J. M. (2022). Acute aerobic exercise-conditioned serum reduces colon cancer cell proliferation in vitro through interleukin-6-induced regulation of DNA damage. International journal of cancer. Journal international du cancer, 151(2), 265-274.

Epidemiological evidence shows that regular physical activity is associated with reduced risk of primary and recurrent colon cancer. However, the underlying mechanisms of action are poorly understood. We evaluated the effects of stimulating a human c... Read More about Acute aerobic exercise-conditioned serum reduces colon cancer cell proliferation in vitro through interleukin-6-induced regulation of DNA damage.

Quantifying volume and high-speed technical actions of professional soccer players using foot-mounted inertial measurement units (2022)
Journal Article
Lewis, G., McLaren-Towlson, C., Roversi, P., Domogalla, C., Herrington, L., & Barrett, S. (2022). Quantifying volume and high-speed technical actions of professional soccer players using foot-mounted inertial measurement units. PLoS ONE, 17(2), Article e0263518.

Aims The aims of the study were two-fold: I) examine the validity and reliability of high-speed kicking actions using foot-mounted inertial measurement unit's (IMU), ii) quantify soccer players within-microcycle and inter-positional differences in bo... Read More about Quantifying volume and high-speed technical actions of professional soccer players using foot-mounted inertial measurement units.

A survey on the English FA heading guidelines for youth soccer: evidence of compliance, but with limited knowledge of safety (2022)
Journal Article
Roberts, J., McLaren-Towlson, C., & Malone, J. (2022). A survey on the English FA heading guidelines for youth soccer: evidence of compliance, but with limited knowledge of safety. International journal of sports science & coaching, 18(1), 176-182.

Soccer heading may be problematic for neurocognitive function. The English Football Association (FA) recently introduced guidelines in order to limit the number of headers within training for youth soccer. However, it remains to be seen what the infl... Read More about A survey on the English FA heading guidelines for youth soccer: evidence of compliance, but with limited knowledge of safety.

Biomechanical differences between ablebodied and spinal cord injured individuals walking in an overground robotic exoskeleton (2022)
Journal Article
Hayes, S. C., White, M., Wilcox, C. R. J., White, H. S. F., & Vanicek, N. (2022). Biomechanical differences between ablebodied and spinal cord injured individuals walking in an overground robotic exoskeleton. PLoS ONE, 17(1), Article e0262915.

Background Robotic assisted gait training (RAGT) uses a powered exoskeleton to support an individual's body and move their limbs, with the aim of activating latent, pre-existing movement patterns stored in the lower spinal cord called central pattern... Read More about Biomechanical differences between ablebodied and spinal cord injured individuals walking in an overground robotic exoskeleton.

Measurement properties of external training load variables during standardised games in soccer: Implications for training and monitoring strategies (2022)
Journal Article
Clubb, J., Towlson, C., & Barrett, S. (2022). Measurement properties of external training load variables during standardised games in soccer: Implications for training and monitoring strategies. PLoS ONE, 17(1), Article e0262274.

The aim of this study was to assess the measurement properties of external training load measures across three formats of standardised training games. Eighty-eight players from two English professional soccer clubs participated in the study spanning... Read More about Measurement properties of external training load variables during standardised games in soccer: Implications for training and monitoring strategies.

Modeling and control of anterior–posterior and medial–lateral sways in standing posture (2022)
Journal Article
Hou, M., Fagan, M., Vanicek, N., & Dobson, C. A. (2022). Modeling and control of anterior–posterior and medial–lateral sways in standing posture. Journal of biomechanics, 134, Article 110930.

To study essential anterior–posterior and medial–lateral sways of the stance caused by rotational movements about the ankle and hip joints, a mathematical model is developed for the 3D postural kinematics and dynamics. The model is in the form of non... Read More about Modeling and control of anterior–posterior and medial–lateral sways in standing posture.

Perceptions of professional soccer coaches, support staff and players toward virtual reality and the factors that modify their intention to use it (2021)
Journal Article
Greenhough, B., Barrett, S., Towlson, C., & Abt, G. (2021). Perceptions of professional soccer coaches, support staff and players toward virtual reality and the factors that modify their intention to use it. PLoS ONE, 16(12), Article e0261378.

A small evidence base supports the use of virtual reality in professional soccer, yet there is a lack of information available on perceptions and desire to use the technology from those employed at professional soccer clubs. Therefore, the aim of the... Read More about Perceptions of professional soccer coaches, support staff and players toward virtual reality and the factors that modify their intention to use it.

Through-knee versus above-knee amputation for vascular and non-vascular major lower limb amputations (2021)
Journal Article
Crane, H., Boam, G., Carradice, D., Vanicek, N., Twiddy, M., & Smith, G. E. (2021). Through-knee versus above-knee amputation for vascular and non-vascular major lower limb amputations. The Cochrane database of systematic reviews, 2021(12), CD013839.

BACKGROUND: Diabetes and vascular disease are the leading causes of lower limb amputation. Currently, 463 million adults are living with diabetes, and 202 million with peripheral vascular disease, worldwide. When a lower limb amputation is considered... Read More about Through-knee versus above-knee amputation for vascular and non-vascular major lower limb amputations.

The effect of bio-banding on technical and tactical indicators of talent identification in academy soccer players (2021)
Journal Article
Towlson, C., Abt, G., MacMaster, C., Gonçalves, B., Sampaio, J., Toner, J., MacFarlane, N., Barrett, S., Hamilton, A., Jack, R., Hunter, F., Stringer, A., & Myers, T. (in press). The effect of bio-banding on technical and tactical indicators of talent identification in academy soccer players. Science and Medicine in Football,

Aim: The aim of this study was to examine the effect of bio-banding on technical and tactical markers of talent identification in 11- to 14-year-old academy soccer players. Methods: Using a repeated measures design, 92 players were bio-banded using p... Read More about The effect of bio-banding on technical and tactical indicators of talent identification in academy soccer players.

The effect of bio-banding on academy soccer player passing networks: Implications of relative pitch size (2021)
Journal Article
McLaren-Towlson, C., Abt, G., Barrett, S., Cumming, S., Hunter, F., Hamilton, A., Lowthorpe, A., Goncalves, B., Corsie, M., & Swinton, P. (2021). The effect of bio-banding on academy soccer player passing networks: Implications of relative pitch size. PLoS ONE, 16(12), Article e0260867.

The primary aims of this study were to examine the effects of bio-banding players on passing networks created during 4v4 small-sided games (SSGs), while also examining the interaction of pitch size using passing network analysis compared to a coach-b... Read More about The effect of bio-banding on academy soccer player passing networks: Implications of relative pitch size.

The effect of bio-banding on the anthropometric, physical fitness and functional movement characteristics of academy soccer players (2021)
Journal Article
MacMaster, C., Portas, M., Parkin, G., Cumming, S., Wilcox, C., & Towlson, C. (2021). The effect of bio-banding on the anthropometric, physical fitness and functional movement characteristics of academy soccer players. PLoS ONE, 16(11), Article e0260136.

The study examined if maturity status bio-banding reduces within-group variance in anthropometric, physical fitness and functional movement characteristics of 319, under-14 and under-15 players from 19 UK professional soccer academies. Bio-banding re... Read More about The effect of bio-banding on the anthropometric, physical fitness and functional movement characteristics of academy soccer players.

Effects of aquatic therapy on balance in older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis (2021)
Journal Article
Shariat, A., Ghayour Najafabadi, M., Ghannadi, S., Nakhostin-Ansari, A., Hakakzadeh, A., Shaw, B. S., Ingle, L., & Cleland, J. A. (2021). Effects of aquatic therapy on balance in older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis. European Geriatric Medicine,

Purpose: Balance is a key component of movement for daily activities, especially in older adults. Previous studies examining aquatic therapy as an effective way for improving balance have yielded inconsistent findings. The current systematic review a... Read More about Effects of aquatic therapy on balance in older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

A Brief Review of Methods to Quantify High-Speed Running in Rugby League: Are Current Methods Appropriate? (2021)
Journal Article
Bennett, T., Marshall, P., Barrett, S., Malone, J., & McLaren-Towlson, C. (2022). A Brief Review of Methods to Quantify High-Speed Running in Rugby League: Are Current Methods Appropriate?. Strength and conditioning journal, 44(3), 69-79.

High-speed running (HSR) has been documented within rugby league to differentiate playing standard and position and often precedes pivotal match events. Practitioners and researchers place importance on HSR because of its inclusion in assessing the d... Read More about A Brief Review of Methods to Quantify High-Speed Running in Rugby League: Are Current Methods Appropriate?.

Teaching person-centred practice in physiotherapy curricula: a literature review (2021)
Journal Article
Killingback, C., Tomlinson, A., Stern, J., & Whitfield, C. (2022). Teaching person-centred practice in physiotherapy curricula: a literature review. Physical Therapy Reviews, 27(1), 40-50.

Background: There is a growing expectation that healthcare should focus on the needs of the individual patient with the philosophy of person-centred practice as the central model for care delivery. Given the importance of person-centred practice, the... Read More about Teaching person-centred practice in physiotherapy curricula: a literature review.

Ratings of perceived exertion at the ventilatory anaerobic threshold in people with coronary heart disease: A CARE CR study (2021)
Journal Article
Nichols, S., Engin, B., Carroll, S., Buckley, J., & Ingle, L. (2021). Ratings of perceived exertion at the ventilatory anaerobic threshold in people with coronary heart disease: A CARE CR study. Annals of physical and rehabilitation medicine, 64(6), Article 101462.

Background: Exercise prescription guidelines for individuals undergoing cardiovascular rehabilitation (CR) are often based on heart rate training zones and rating of perceived exertion (RPE). United Kingdom guidelines indicate that patients should ex... Read More about Ratings of perceived exertion at the ventilatory anaerobic threshold in people with coronary heart disease: A CARE CR study.

Implementing supportive exercise interventions in the colorectal cancer care pathway: a process evaluation of the PREPARE-ABC randomised controlled trial (2021)
Journal Article
Murdoch, J., Varley, A., McCulloch, J., Jones, M., Thomas, L. B., Clark, A., Stirling, S., Turner, D., Swart, A. M., Dresser, K., Howard, G., Saxton, J., & Hernon, J. (2021). Implementing supportive exercise interventions in the colorectal cancer care pathway: a process evaluation of the PREPARE-ABC randomised controlled trial. BMC Cancer, 21(1), Article 1137.

Background: A colorectal resection is standard treatment for patients with colorectal cancer (CRC). However, the procedure results in significant post-operative mortality and reduced quality of life. Maximising pre-operative cardiopulmonary fitness c... Read More about Implementing supportive exercise interventions in the colorectal cancer care pathway: a process evaluation of the PREPARE-ABC randomised controlled trial.

Snitches get Stitches and End up in Ditches: A Systematic Review of the Factors Associated with Whistleblowing Intentions (2021)
Journal Article
Nicholls, A. R., Fairs, L. R., Toner, J., Jones, L., Mantis, C., Barkoukis, V., Perry, J. L., Micle, A. V., Theodorou, N. C., Shakhverdieva, S., Stoicescu, M., Vesic, M. V., Dikic, N., Andjelkovic, M., Muñoz-Guerra Revilla, J., Grimau, E. G., Martínez, M. A., Amigo, J. A., & Schomöller, A. (2021). Snitches get Stitches and End up in Ditches: A Systematic Review of the Factors Associated with Whistleblowing Intentions. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, Article 631538.

Blowing the whistle on corruption or wrongdoing can facilitate the detection, investigation, and then prosecution of a violation that may have otherwise gone undetected. The purpose of this systematic review was to identify the factors that are assoc... Read More about Snitches get Stitches and End up in Ditches: A Systematic Review of the Factors Associated with Whistleblowing Intentions.

A Systematic Review of Exercise Prescription in Patients with Intermittent Claudication: Does Pain Matter? (2021)
Journal Article
Seed, S., Harwood, A., Sinclair, J., Pymer, S., Caldow, E., Ingle, L., Egun, A., & Birkett, S. (in press). A Systematic Review of Exercise Prescription in Patients with Intermittent Claudication: Does Pain Matter?. Annals of vascular surgery,

Background: Current guidelines for intermittent claudication advocate exercise at moderate to maximal claudication pain. However, adherence rates to supervised exercise programmes (SEP) remain poor and claudication pain is a contributing factor. Limi... Read More about A Systematic Review of Exercise Prescription in Patients with Intermittent Claudication: Does Pain Matter?.