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All Outputs (28)

Are There Non-Invasive Biomarker(s) That Would Facilitate the Detection of Ovarian Torsion? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (2024)
Journal Article
Naylor, M., Doherty, G., Draper, H., Fletcher, D. M., Rigby, A., Adedipe, T., & Guinn, B. A. (2024). Are There Non-Invasive Biomarker(s) That Would Facilitate the Detection of Ovarian Torsion? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 25(21), Article 11664.

Ovarian torsion (OT) is a rare gynaecological emergency that requires a prompt diagnosis for optimal patient management. To determine whether there were any biomarkers suitable for the non-invasive detection of OT, two independent reviewers performed... Read More about Are There Non-Invasive Biomarker(s) That Would Facilitate the Detection of Ovarian Torsion? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.

Empowering Women Leaders in a Time of Crisis: Fostering Inclusion in Ukrainian Academia (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Gonzalez-Arnal, S., & Marakhovska, N. (2024, June). Empowering Women Leaders in a Time of Crisis: Fostering Inclusion in Ukrainian Academia. Presented at II International Conference Political and Economic Self-Constitution: Migration, Inequalities and Discrimination., University of the Peloponnese, Corinth, Greece

Croatian Veteran Masculinities and Exclusive Narratives: Points of Identification With the “Myth of the Homeland War” in the 2010s (2024)
Book Chapter
Baker, C., & Touquet, H. (2025). Croatian Veteran Masculinities and Exclusive Narratives: Points of Identification With the “Myth of the Homeland War” in the 2010s. In P. Schulz, B. Hamber, & H. Touquet (Eds.), Masculinities and Queer Perspectives in Transitional Justice (208-227). Routledge.

A generation after the end of the Croatian War of Independence, transitional justice advocates had hoped Croatian society would be able to separate individual and organizational responsibility for war crimes from the moral significance of a war of se... Read More about Croatian Veteran Masculinities and Exclusive Narratives: Points of Identification With the “Myth of the Homeland War” in the 2010s.

I am a scientist: Overcoming biased assumptions around diversity in science through explicit representation of scientists in lectures (2023)
Journal Article
Henri, D. C., Coates, K., & Hubbard, K. (2023). I am a scientist: Overcoming biased assumptions around diversity in science through explicit representation of scientists in lectures. PLoS ONE, 18(7), Article e0271010.

The lack of diversity in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) is a significant issue for the sector. Many organisations and educators have identified lack of representation of historically marginalised groups within teaching mater... Read More about I am a scientist: Overcoming biased assumptions around diversity in science through explicit representation of scientists in lectures.

Invisible in Plain Sight? Grandfathers Caring for Orphaned Grandchildren in Rural Malawi (2023)
Journal Article
Lazaro, M. C., Walker, L., & Robson, E. (in press). Invisible in Plain Sight? Grandfathers Caring for Orphaned Grandchildren in Rural Malawi. African Studies,

Millions of orphans, created by parental deaths due to the HIV/AIDS pandemic in sub-Saharan Africa, live with, and are cared for, by grandparents. Little research has considered how grandparents and, in particular, grandfathers, are caring for orphan... Read More about Invisible in Plain Sight? Grandfathers Caring for Orphaned Grandchildren in Rural Malawi.

Young peoples’ perceptions of digital, media and information literacies across Europe: gender differences, and the gaps between attitudes and abilities (2023)
Journal Article
Jones, S. L., & Procter, R. (in press). Young peoples’ perceptions of digital, media and information literacies across Europe: gender differences, and the gaps between attitudes and abilities. Technology, Pedagogy and Education,

The need to develop digital, media and information literacies in young people is not a new idea. Increasing numbers of regional, national and international policies make the case and offer frameworks for such literacy development in schools. However,... Read More about Young peoples’ perceptions of digital, media and information literacies across Europe: gender differences, and the gaps between attitudes and abilities.

Is the uptake, engagement, and effectiveness of exclusively mobile interventions for the promotion of weight-related behaviors equal for all? A systematic review (2023)
Journal Article
Szinay, D., Forbes, C. C., Busse, H., DeSmet, A., Smit, E. S., & König, L. M. (in press). Is the uptake, engagement, and effectiveness of exclusively mobile interventions for the promotion of weight-related behaviors equal for all? A systematic review. Obesity Reviews, Article e13542.

Mobile health interventions are promising behavior change tools. However, there is a concern that they may benefit some populations less than others and thus widen inequalities in health. This systematic review investigated differences in uptake of,... Read More about Is the uptake, engagement, and effectiveness of exclusively mobile interventions for the promotion of weight-related behaviors equal for all? A systematic review.

"The End Justifies the Memes": A Feminist Relational Discourse Analysis of the Role of Macro Memes in Facilitating Supportive Discussions for Victim-Survivors of Narcissistic Abuse (2022)
Journal Article
Howard, V., & Adan, A. (2022). "The End Justifies the Memes": A Feminist Relational Discourse Analysis of the Role of Macro Memes in Facilitating Supportive Discussions for Victim-Survivors of Narcissistic Abuse. Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace, 16(4), Article 10.

This article reports the results of a qualitative study which aimed to investigate the role of internet memes in facilitating supportive discussions among women on an online platform concerning narcissistic abuse. Narcissistic abuse is an under-recog... Read More about "The End Justifies the Memes": A Feminist Relational Discourse Analysis of the Role of Macro Memes in Facilitating Supportive Discussions for Victim-Survivors of Narcissistic Abuse.

Identity and the Prosecution of Interpersonal Violence in Late Medieval Yorkshire, 1340-85 (2022)
Brown, S. (2022). Identity and the Prosecution of Interpersonal Violence in Late Medieval Yorkshire, 1340-85. (Thesis). University of Cambridge.

There has been a strong historiographical focus on quantifying medieval crime and profiling criminals. This methodology has often resulted in a failure to consider the intersection between the law and social attitudes. This current investigation is i... Read More about Identity and the Prosecution of Interpersonal Violence in Late Medieval Yorkshire, 1340-85.

Unmarried Adolescents’ Experiences of Using Reproductive and Maternal Health Services in Nigeria and Uganda: A Qualitative Study (2022)
Journal Article
Onukwugha, F., Agaba, P., Hayter, M., & Orton, B. (2022). Unmarried Adolescents’ Experiences of Using Reproductive and Maternal Health Services in Nigeria and Uganda: A Qualitative Study. Social Sciences, 11(5), Article 203.

Adolescents’ access and use of reproductive and maternal health (RMH) services is a critical part of the global strategy for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). However, previous studies have shown that a complex range of factors, inc... Read More about Unmarried Adolescents’ Experiences of Using Reproductive and Maternal Health Services in Nigeria and Uganda: A Qualitative Study.

Volcanologists—who are we and where are we going? (2022)
Journal Article
Kavanagh, J. L., Annen, C. J., Burchardt, S., Chalk, C., Gallant, E., Morin, J., Scarlett, J., & Williams, R. (2022). Volcanologists—who are we and where are we going?. Bulletin of volcanology, 84(5), Article 53.

Equity, diversity and inclusivity (EDI) are principles all scientific groups and organisations should strive to achieve as they secure working conditions, policies and practices that not only promote high-quality scientific output but also well-being... Read More about Volcanologists—who are we and where are we going?.

Perspectives of Adolescents, Parents, Service Providers, and Teachers on Mobile Phone Use for Sexual Reproductive Health Education (2022)
Journal Article
Ochieng, B. M., Smith, L., Orton, B., Hayter, M., Kaseje, M., Wafula, C. O., Ocholla, P., Onukwugha, F., & Kaseje, D. C. O. (2022). Perspectives of Adolescents, Parents, Service Providers, and Teachers on Mobile Phone Use for Sexual Reproductive Health Education. Social Sciences, 11(5), Article 196.

Mobile health (mHealth) programs offer opportunities to improve the sexual and reproductive health (SRH) of adolescents by providing information. This paper reports the findings of a study carried out in Homabay County, Kenya, to assess stakeholders’... Read More about Perspectives of Adolescents, Parents, Service Providers, and Teachers on Mobile Phone Use for Sexual Reproductive Health Education.

Adolescents’ sexual and reproductive health education: perspectives from secondary school teachers in Northern Nigeria (2022)
Journal Article
Emenike, N., Onukwugha, F. I., Sarki, A., & Smith, L. (in press). Adolescents’ sexual and reproductive health education: perspectives from secondary school teachers in Northern Nigeria. Sex Education,

Lack of sexual and reproductive health (SRH) education contributes to poor SRH outcomes for adolescents and young people in Sub-Saharan Africa. School-based comprehensive SRH education programmes in low- and middle-income countries aim to advance gen... Read More about Adolescents’ sexual and reproductive health education: perspectives from secondary school teachers in Northern Nigeria.

The effectiveness and characteristics of mHealth interventions to increase adolescent's use of Sexual and Reproductive Health services in Sub-Saharan Africa: A systematic review (2022)
Journal Article
Onukwugha, F. I., Smith, L., Kaseje, D., Wafula, C., Kaseje, M., Orton, B., Hayter, M., & Magadi, M. (2022). The effectiveness and characteristics of mHealth interventions to increase adolescent's use of Sexual and Reproductive Health services in Sub-Saharan Africa: A systematic review. PLoS ONE, 17(1), Article e0261973.

Background mHealth innovations have been proposed as an effective solution to improving adolescent access to and use of Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) services; particularly in regions with deeply entrenched traditional social norms. However, r... Read More about The effectiveness and characteristics of mHealth interventions to increase adolescent's use of Sexual and Reproductive Health services in Sub-Saharan Africa: A systematic review.

(Gas)lighting Their Way to Coercion and Violation in Narcissistic Abuse; An Autoethnographic Exploration (2022)
Journal Article
Howard, V. (2022). (Gas)lighting Their Way to Coercion and Violation in Narcissistic Abuse; An Autoethnographic Exploration. Journal of Autoethnography, 3(1), 84-102.

Narcissistic abuse is a hidden form of abuse and remains under-recognized in society and within the helping professions, partly due to victim difficulties in articulating the manipulative behaviors they have experienced. Though research focusing on n... Read More about (Gas)lighting Their Way to Coercion and Violation in Narcissistic Abuse; An Autoethnographic Exploration.

Preconception interventions to reduce the risk of alcohol-exposed pregnancies: A systematic review (2021)
Journal Article
Reid, N., Schölin, L., Erng, M. N., Montag, A., Hanson, J., & Smith, L. (2021). Preconception interventions to reduce the risk of alcohol-exposed pregnancies: A systematic review. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 45(12), 2414-2429.

Background: The preconception period provides a unique opportunity to optimize the health of women and children. High rates of alcohol use and unintended pregnancies are common across many Western societies, and alcohol-exposed pregnancies (AEPs) are... Read More about Preconception interventions to reduce the risk of alcohol-exposed pregnancies: A systematic review.

The savage slave mistress: Punishing women in the British Caribbean, 1750–1834 (2021)
Journal Article
Burnard, T., & Coleman, D. (in press). The savage slave mistress: Punishing women in the British Caribbean, 1750–1834. Atlantic Studies: Literary, Historical and Cultural Perspectives,

In 1775, on a tour of the West Indies, Henry Smeathman produced a sketch entitled Creole Delicacy or The Domestic Felicity of Africans in the West Indies (published 1788). The image depicts a flogging presided over by an elegantly dressed white woman... Read More about The savage slave mistress: Punishing women in the British Caribbean, 1750–1834.