Identification of macrophage activation-related biomarkers in obese type 2 diabetes that may be indicative of enhanced respiratory risk in COVID-19
Journal Article
Moin, A. S. M., Sathyapalan, T., Diboun, I., Atkin, S. L., & Butler, A. E. (in press). Identification of macrophage activation-related biomarkers in obese type 2 diabetes that may be indicative of enhanced respiratory risk in COVID-19. Scientific reports, 11(1), Article 6428.
Hyperactivation of the immune system through obesity and diabetes may enhance infection severity complicated by Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS). The objective was to determine the circulatory biomarkers for macrophage activation at baselin... Read More about Identification of macrophage activation-related biomarkers in obese type 2 diabetes that may be indicative of enhanced respiratory risk in COVID-19.