Liebe (und/oder sexuelles Begehren)
Book Chapter
Gratzke, M. (2015). Liebe (und/oder sexuelles Begehren). In M. Schmidt (Ed.), Rücksendungen zu Jacques Derridas Die Postkarte. Ein essayistisches Glossar (223-230). Turia + Kant
All Outputs (1545)
Empirical research methods in property law (2015)
Book Chapter
Whitehouse, L., & Bright, S. (2015). Empirical research methods in property law. In S. Blandy, & S. Bright (Eds.), Researching Property Law (43-59). Palgrave Macmillan
Movies outside the mainstream: August underground and real/reel horror (2015)
Book Chapter
Aston, J. (2015). Movies outside the mainstream: August underground and real/reel horror. In L. Blake, & X. Aldana Reyes (Eds.), Digital horror: Haunted technologies, network panic and the found footage phenomenon (137-148). I. B. Tauris
Including all learners (2015)
Book Chapter
Glazzard, J. (2015). Including all learners. In A. Hansen (Ed.), Primary Professional Studies (64-84). (3rd ed.). Learning MattersPrimary teacher training is challenging. Trainees must be prepared to consider teaching in innovative ways, while remaining focussed on the unchanging requirements of children’s learning. The third edition of this popular core book supports trainee t... Read More about Including all learners.
Identity, citizenship, and moral constructs from the virtual self (2015)
Book Chapter
Martin, S. (2015). Identity, citizenship, and moral constructs from the virtual self. In K. Terry, & A. Cheney (Eds.), Utilizing Virtual and Personal Learning Environments for Optimal Learning (217-237). IGI Global. young people now access digital networks that include individuals very unlike them who promote different cultural, religious and ethical value systems and behaviour. Such value systems can create conflicts of expectation for young people seeking... Read More about Identity, citizenship, and moral constructs from the virtual self.
Elections in “Democratic” Bangladesh (2015)
Book Chapter
Chowdhury, M. J. A. (2015). Elections in “Democratic” Bangladesh. In M. Tushnet, & M. Khosla (Eds.), Unstable Constitutionalism: Law and Politics in South Asia (192-229). Cambridge University Press.
Mental toughness and fatigue: The impact of mental toughness on the development of fatigue. (2015)
Book Chapter
Earle, F. (2015). Mental toughness and fatigue: The impact of mental toughness on the development of fatigue. In D. Strycharczyk, & P. Clough (Eds.), Developing Mental Toughness: Coaching Strategies to Improve Performance, Resilience and Wellbeing (122-136). (2nd ed.). Kogan PageMental toughness is about how effectively individuals deal with stress, pressure and challenge. It is rooted in the notion of resilience but moves beyond this by adding ideas from the world of positive psychology. The result is a complete process whi... Read More about Mental toughness and fatigue: The impact of mental toughness on the development of fatigue..
Everyday practices in Greece in the shadow of property: Urban domination subverted (?) (2015)
Book Chapter
Sotiropoulou, I. (2015). Everyday practices in Greece in the shadow of property: Urban domination subverted (?). In A. Allen, A. Lampis, & M. Swilling (Eds.), Untamed Urbanisms (270-283). Routledge. This chapter is a first attempt to explore the stance towards property in urban space adopted by grassroots everyday practices in Greek urban centres. The schemes do not use official currency, and neither do they follow the rule of oblig... Read More about Everyday practices in Greece in the shadow of property: Urban domination subverted (?).
Developing active citizenship in schools : a case study of democracy in practice (2015)
Book Chapter
Hope, M. (2015). Developing active citizenship in schools : a case study of democracy in practice. In International handbook of progressive education (325 - 336). Peter Lang PublishingThis chapter offers a critique of current definitions of active citizenship and argues that children and young people need to be seen as citizens within their school communities and not just citizens of the future. Pedagogy and school decision-making... Read More about Developing active citizenship in schools : a case study of democracy in practice.
Innovation and Public Private Partnerships: Colloquium (2015)
Book Chapter
Iossa, E., & Bovis, C. H. (2015). Innovation and Public Private Partnerships: Colloquium. In G. Piga, & T. Tatrai (Eds.), Public Procurement Policy (101-113). Routledge
Nuns and Writing in Late Medieval England: The Quest Continues (2015)
Book Chapter
O'Mara, V. (2015). Nuns and Writing in Late Medieval England: The Quest Continues. In V. Blanton, V. O'Mara, & P. Stoop (Eds.), Nuns' Literacies in Medieval Europe: The Kansas City Dialogue (123-147). Brepols.
Towards a ‘circuit of technological imaginaries’ A theoretical approach (2015)
Book Chapter
Ornella, A. (2015). Towards a ‘circuit of technological imaginaries’ A theoretical approach. In D. Pezzoli-Olgiati (Ed.), Religion in cultural imaginary - explorations in visual and material practices (9-38). Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft
Emotions, gender expectations and the social role of Chancery, 1550-1650 (2015)
Book Chapter
Capern, A. L. (2015). Emotions, gender expectations and the social role of Chancery, 1550-1650. In S. Broomhall (Ed.), Authority, Gender and Emotions in Late Medieval and Early Modern England (187-209). Palgrave Macmillan. was a court that became infamous for provoking anger, contempt, distrust, and disgust, even loathing and rage, two basic emotions that feature right at the centre of Robert Plutchik’s three-dimensional emotions wheel. Chancery never became w... Read More about Emotions, gender expectations and the social role of Chancery, 1550-1650.
Exploring the Relationship between Perceptions of Organizational Emotional Intelligence and Turnover Intentions amongst Employees: The Mediating Role of Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction (2015)
Book Chapter
Da Camara, N., Dulewicz, V., & Higgs, M. (2015). Exploring the Relationship between Perceptions of Organizational Emotional Intelligence and Turnover Intentions amongst Employees: The Mediating Role of Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction. In New ways of studying emotions in organizations (295-339). Emerald Group Publishing Limited. the proliferation of research in emotional intelligence (EI) in the last 25 years has largely focused on the individual level, some researchers have proposed theories and measurement models for EI at the organizational level. Drawing from ea... Read More about Exploring the Relationship between Perceptions of Organizational Emotional Intelligence and Turnover Intentions amongst Employees: The Mediating Role of Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction.
Technology as a vehicle (tool and practice) for developing diverse creativities (2015)
Book Chapter
King, A. (2015). Technology as a vehicle (tool and practice) for developing diverse creativities. In Activating Diverse Musical Creativities (203-222). Bloomsbury Publishing.’s seminal work, Musical Creativities in Practice, has begun to change the way creativity is viewed in music (2012) . In this work Burnard rejects the view of a single concept of creativity that encompasses all aspects of music and instead pro... Read More about Technology as a vehicle (tool and practice) for developing diverse creativities.
'Rue e'en for ruth': Richard II and the imitation of sympathy (2015)
Book Chapter
Meek, R. (2015). 'Rue e'en for ruth': Richard II and the imitation of sympathy. In R. Meek, & E. Sullivan (Eds.), The Renaissance of emotion: Understanding affect in Shakespeare and his contemporaries (130-152). Manchester University Press. chapter examines the various instances of sympathetic engagement and emotional correspondence in Shakespeare’s Richard II. It explores the various figured audiences and emotionally engaged onlookers that the play depicts, and the ways in which t... Read More about 'Rue e'en for ruth': Richard II and the imitation of sympathy.
(S)wept From Power: two versions of tyrannicide in Richard III (2015)
Book Chapter
Kaegi, A. (2015). (S)wept From Power: two versions of tyrannicide in Richard III. In R. Meek, & E. Sullivan (Eds.), The Renaissance of Emotion: understanding affect in Shakespeare and his contemporaries (200-220). Manchester University Press
Introduction: “Out of the frying pan and into the fire” (2015)
Book Chapter
Metcalf, J., & Spaulding, C. (2015). Introduction: “Out of the frying pan and into the fire”. In J. Metcalf, & C. Spaulding (Eds.), African American Culture and Society After Rodney King: Provocations and Protests, Progression and 'Post-Racialism' (1-15). Ashgate. September 2013, the University of Hull (UK) hosted a conference entitled “The African American Experience Since 1992.” Organized jointly by the American Studies program and the Wilberforce Institute for the study of Slavery and Emancipation (WISE)... Read More about Introduction: “Out of the frying pan and into the fire”.
Afterword (2015)
Book Chapter
Oldfield, J. (2015). Afterword. In J. Metcalf, & C. Spaulding (Eds.), African American Culture and Society After Rodney King: Provocations and Protests, Progression and 'Post-Racialism' (303-307). Ashgate.
Ireland, Jamaica, and the fate of white protestants in the British Empire in the 1780s (2015)
Book Chapter
Burnard, T. (2015). Ireland, Jamaica, and the fate of white protestants in the British Empire in the 1780s. In A. McCarthy (Ed.), Ireland in the World Comparative, Transnational, and Personal Perspectives (15-33). Routledge. chapter characterises the shifting relationship between Irish and Welsh nationalists during the mid-twentieth century and then outlines the cooperative history of several significant Irish and Welsh organisations. The precursor was the Irish Ant... Read More about Ireland, Jamaica, and the fate of white protestants in the British Empire in the 1780s.