The afterlife of Neda Ukraden: negotiating space and memory through popular music after the fall of Yugoslavia
Book Chapter
Baker, C. (2012). The afterlife of Neda Ukraden: negotiating space and memory through popular music after the fall of Yugoslavia. In Music, politics and violence (60 - 82). Wesleyan University Press
All Outputs (1545)
Enoch Powell (2012)
Book Chapter
Lord Norton of Louth, P. (2012). Enoch Powell. In Eminent Parliamentarians: the speaker's lectures (132 - 158). Biteback Publishing
Introduction (2012)
Book Chapter
Lord Norton of Louth, P. (2012). Introduction. In P. Norton (Ed.), Eminent parliamentarians: the Speaker's lectures (1-11). Biteback PublishingThe introduction chapter explains why genre study provides a compelling theoretical and methodological framework for studying East Asian and transnational cinemas. It presents an overview of the development of genre study and identifies three interre... Read More about Introduction.
Preface (2012)
Book Chapter
Elliott, M. (2012). Preface. In S. Rajagopal, H. A. Jenner, & V. P. Venugopalan (Eds.), Operational and Environmental Consequences of Large Industrial Cooling Water Systems (v-xi). Springer.
The basics of writing for publication and the steps to success: getting started (2012)
Book Chapter
Watson, R. (2012). The basics of writing for publication and the steps to success: getting started. In K. Holland, & R. Watson (Eds.), Writing for publication in nursing and healthcare (7-22). Wiley-Blackwell. chapter contains sections titled:
Barriers to Writing
Getting Started
The Process of Publishing
What Happens Next?
Ellis Ashmead Bartlett, War Correspondence and the First World War (2012)
Book Chapter
Macleod, J. (2012). Ellis Ashmead Bartlett, War Correspondence and the First World War. In Y. T. McEwen, & F. A. Fisken (Eds.), War, Journalism and History: War Correspondents in the Two World Wars (31--48). Peter Lang.
The Student Prince: Music-making with technology (2012)
Book Chapter
King, A. (2012). The Student Prince: Music-making with technology. In G. E. McPherson, & G. F. Welch (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Music Education (476 - 491). Oxford University Press. article examines recording studio practice in education. It begins by tracing the historical background of music-making with technology and providing an overview of how technology is used in the music curriculum. It then discusses the key relati... Read More about The Student Prince: Music-making with technology.
Sikh Soldiers in Europe during the First World War, 1914-1918 (2012)
Book Chapter
Omissi, D. (2012). Sikh Soldiers in Europe during the First World War, 1914-1918. In K. A. Jacobsen, & K. Myrvold (Eds.), Sikhs Across Borders: Transnational Practices of European Sikhs (36 - 50). Bloomsbury Publishing
A nascent transnational civil society (2012)
Book Chapter
Monaghan, E. (2012). A nascent transnational civil society. In J. Hayward, & R. Wurzel (Eds.), European disunion: between sovereignty and solidarity (32 - 47). Palgrave Macmillan.
Evaluating different cost-benefit analysis methods for port security operations (2012)
Book Chapter
Sherman, G., Siebers, P.-O., Menachof, D., & Aickelin, U. (2012). Evaluating different cost-benefit analysis methods for port security operations. In J. Faulin, A. A. Juan, S. E. Grasman, & M. J. Fry (Eds.), Decision making in service industries: a practical approach. CRC PressService industries, such as ports, are attentive to their standards, a smooth service flow and economic viability. Cost benefit analysis has proven itself as a useful tool to support this type of decision making; it has been used by businesses and go... Read More about Evaluating different cost-benefit analysis methods for port security operations.
Music and fantasy types in Tim Burton's Edward Scissorhands (2012)
Book Chapter
Binns, A. (2012). Music and fantasy types in Tim Burton's Edward Scissorhands. In The music of fantasy cinema (132 - 147). Equinox Press
The Law of the Sea 1850-2010 (2012)
Book Chapter
Barnes, R. (2012). The Law of the Sea 1850-2010. In A History of the North Atlantic Fisheries. Volume 2 (177-225). Hauschild VerlagThis chapter considers the law of the sea and the regulation of fisheries in the North Atlantic from 1850 onwards. However, in order to provide a more coherent legal perspective, slightly broader chronological and geographic considerations are requir... Read More about The Law of the Sea 1850-2010.
Sex, gender identity and adolescent's academic motivation and classroom behaviour (2012)
Book Chapter
Bugler, M., St Clair-Thompson, H., & McGeown, S. P. (2012). Sex, gender identity and adolescent's academic motivation and classroom behaviour. In S. McGeown (Ed.), Psychology of Gender Differences (107-129). Nova Science Publishers© 2012 Nova Science Publishers, Inc. Sex differences or gender differences have long been investigated within the school environment; however the distinction between the two is often unclear. Whilst sex refers to differences between males and females... Read More about Sex, gender identity and adolescent's academic motivation and classroom behaviour.
Comparing leadership patterns and dynamics in the legislative arena (2012)
Book Chapter
Norton, P. (2012). Comparing leadership patterns and dynamics in the legislative arena. In L. Helms (Ed.), Comparative political leadership (56-76). Palgrave Macmillan. know what legislatures are but we know much less about what they do and have little theory to help us understand what goes on within them as they shape the political agenda and achieve particular public policies.
Insomnia (2012)
Book Chapter
French, R. (2012). Insomnia. In Sketches, Dispatches, Hull Tales and Ballads (0 - 0). Kingston PressA short story about an academic who has just given a paper on Writers and Insomnia being taken on a harrowing journey by a cab driver who suffers from insomnia.
Introduction to Dee Brown's "Folktales of the Native American" (2012)
Book Chapter
Porter, J. (2012). Introduction to Dee Brown's "Folktales of the Native American". In Folktales of the Native American. Folio SocietyAn up to the minute introduction to one of the great classics of American ethnography reissued and beautifully illustrated by the Folio Society.
Elsewhere (2012)
Book Chapter
French, R. (2012). Elsewhere. In Under Travelling Skies, departures from Larkin (0 - 0). Kingston PressShort story about John Lennon meeting Philip Larkin in a motorway service cafe.
Between the 'Metaphysics of the Stone Age' and the 'Brave New World': H.L.A. Hart on the Law's Assumptions about Human Nature (2012)
Book Chapter
Cserne, P. (2012). Between the 'Metaphysics of the Stone Age' and the 'Brave New World': H.L.A. Hart on the Law's Assumptions about Human Nature. In M. Jovanović, & B. Spaić (Eds.), Jurisprudence and Political Philosophy in the 21st Century: Reassessing Legacies (71 - 89). Peter Lang Pub IncThis paper analyses H.L.A. Hart’s views on the epistemic character of the law’s assumptions about human behaviour, as articulated in Causation in the Law and Punishment and Responsibility. Hart suggests that the assumptions behind legal doctrines typ... Read More about Between the 'Metaphysics of the Stone Age' and the 'Brave New World': H.L.A. Hart on the Law's Assumptions about Human Nature.
The tangled role of international law in Africa and its contribution to the eradication of slavery (2012)
Book Chapter
Burchill, R. (2012). The tangled role of international law in Africa and its contribution to the eradication of slavery. In J. Quirk, & D. Vigneswaran (Eds.), Slavery, migration and contemporary bondage in Africa. The University of Hull
Disruptive violence as means to create a space for reflection: thoughts on Tarantino’s attempts at audience irritation (2012)
Book Chapter
Ornella, A. D. (2012). Disruptive violence as means to create a space for reflection: thoughts on Tarantino’s attempts at audience irritation. In R. von Dassanowsky (Ed.), Quentin Tarantino's Inglourious Basterds : A Manipulation of Metacinema (215-246). Continuum