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Measuring serious violence perpetration: comparison of police-recorded and self-reported data in a UK cohort (2025)
Journal Article
Cornish, R., Teyhan, A., Tilling, K., Macleod, J., & Brennan, I. (2025). Measuring serious violence perpetration: comparison of police-recorded and self-reported data in a UK cohort. International Journal of Population Data Science, 10(1),

Determining risk factors and consequences of serious violence requires accurate measures of violence. Self-reported and police-recorded offending are subject to different sources of bias.
To compare risk of self-reported an... Read More about Measuring serious violence perpetration: comparison of police-recorded and self-reported data in a UK cohort.

Quantifying speculative-bubble effects in major European soccer leagues (2025)
Journal Article
Fry, J., & Binner, J. (2025). Quantifying speculative-bubble effects in major European soccer leagues. Economics letters, 248, Article 112208.

We apply the theory of super-exponential rational bubbles to football transfer data. Refining previous qualitative approaches we model the aggregate transfer spend as a fraction of the TV income. Evidence of substantial bubble effects is found across... Read More about Quantifying speculative-bubble effects in major European soccer leagues.

Make it Right: Regulatory Intervention in Managers’ Misconduct and Corporate Risk (2025)
Journal Article
He, F., Du, H., Li, Y., & Hao, J. (online). Make it Right: Regulatory Intervention in Managers’ Misconduct and Corporate Risk. Journal of Business Ethics,

Regulatory intervention is important in shaping corporate behaviour, especially in markets with relatively weak property rights. Using a sample of publicly listed companies in China from 2006 to 2021, this study investigates the impact of regulatory... Read More about Make it Right: Regulatory Intervention in Managers’ Misconduct and Corporate Risk.

Health professionals’ practice experiences of infant mental health (2025)
Journal Article
Phillips, S., & Davenport, C. (2025). Health professionals’ practice experiences of infant mental health. Journal of Family and Child Health, 2(2), 72-78.

Infant mental health (IMH) is a recognised but complex concept that
can be threatened by difficulties in parent–infant attachment and
trauma. The impact of poor infant mental health is long lasting; yet there is little existing literature regardi... Read More about Health professionals’ practice experiences of infant mental health.

Optimisation of the preparation phase for orthopaedic surgery: Study protocol for a student-led multimodal prehabilitation feasibility trial (BoneFit) (2025)
Journal Article
Ingle, L., Snook, J., Smith, L., Oliver, B., Bray, J., Wells, L., Moorhouse, J., Dixon, L., Simpson, P., Osman, S., Saxton, J., Rajendran, A., Gopalakrishnan, G., & Symes, T. (2025). Optimisation of the preparation phase for orthopaedic surgery: Study protocol for a student-led multimodal prehabilitation feasibility trial (BoneFit). PLoS ONE, 20(2 February), Article e0314680.

Background Since the Covid-19 pandemic, a surgical backlog for total hip replacement (THR) and total knee replacement (TKR) surgery remains in the United Kingdom. Multimodal prehabilitation pathways (encompassing exercise, nutritional support and psy... Read More about Optimisation of the preparation phase for orthopaedic surgery: Study protocol for a student-led multimodal prehabilitation feasibility trial (BoneFit).

Shallow seamounts are “oases” and activity hubs for pelagic predators in a large-scale marine reserve (2025)
Journal Article
Weber, S. B., Richardson, A. J., Thompson, C. D., Brown, J., Campanella, F., Godley, B. J., Hussey, N. E., Meeuwig, J. J., Rose, P., Weber, N., Witt, M. J., & Broderick, A. C. (2025). Shallow seamounts are “oases” and activity hubs for pelagic predators in a large-scale marine reserve. PLoS Biology, 23(2 February), Article e3003016.

Seamounts have been likened to “oases” of life in the comparative : deserts of the open ocean, often harbouring high densities of threatened and exploited pelagic top predators. However, few such aggregations have been studied in any detail and the m... Read More about Shallow seamounts are “oases” and activity hubs for pelagic predators in a large-scale marine reserve.

The Hobby–Eberly Telescope Dark Energy Experiment Survey (HETDEX) Active Galactic Nuclei Catalog: The Fourth Data Release (2025)
Journal Article
Liu, C., Gebhardt, K., Mentuch Cooper, E., Davis, D., Schneider, D. P., Jarvis, M. J., Farrow, D. J., Finkelstein, S. L., Chávez Ortiz, Ó. A., & The HETDEX Collaboration. (2025). The Hobby–Eberly Telescope Dark Energy Experiment Survey (HETDEX) Active Galactic Nuclei Catalog: The Fourth Data Release. Astrophysical Journal Supplement, 276(2), Article 72.

We present the active galactic nuclei (AGN) catalog from the fourth data release (HDR4) of the Hobby–Eberly Telescope Dark Energy Experiment Survey (HETDEX). HETDEX is an untargeted spectroscopic survey. HDR4 contains 345,874 Integral Field Unit obse... Read More about The Hobby–Eberly Telescope Dark Energy Experiment Survey (HETDEX) Active Galactic Nuclei Catalog: The Fourth Data Release.

ERS guideline recommendation on airflow for breathlessness: the pitfalls of applying GRADE evidence ratings to complex non-pharmacological interventions (2025)
Journal Article
Luckett, T., Swan, F., Clark, J., Roberts, M., Pearson, M., Hutchinson, A., Currow, D., Kochovska, S., Crooks, M., Smith, T., & Johnson, M. (2025). ERS guideline recommendation on airflow for breathlessness: the pitfalls of applying GRADE evidence ratings to complex non-pharmacological interventions. European respiratory journal, 65(2), Article 2402244.

A pan-European perspective of third space professionals located in learning and teaching centres (2025)
Journal Article
Scott, G. W., Costa, M. J., Ewen, M., Lillie, C., Peterbauer, H., Vettori, O., Weiß, C., Warm, J., Valk, A., Karm, M., Soots, H.-B., Geirsdóttir, G., Magni, F., Agrati, L. S., Basbas, N., Căprioară, D., Girtu, M., Torstensdotter, G. L., Dalenius, P., Kilborn, J., …Savaş, T. C. (2025). A pan-European perspective of third space professionals located in learning and teaching centres. Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education,

During 2023, the European University Association brought together members of 10 Learning and Teaching Centres from 10 European countries to explore the development and strategic benefits of Learning and Teaching Centres. Through critical self-reflect... Read More about A pan-European perspective of third space professionals located in learning and teaching centres.

The impact of impact: an invitation to philosophise (2025)
Journal Article
Brauer, R., Björn, I., Burgess, G., Dymitrow, M., Greenman, J., Grzelak-Kostulska, E., Pöllänen, P., & Williams, T. (in press). The impact of impact: an invitation to philosophise. Minerva,

This position paper argues for the introduction of a philosophy of research impact, as an invitation to think deeply about the implications of the impact agenda. It delves into the transformative influence of prioritising the end-product of the resea... Read More about The impact of impact: an invitation to philosophise.

Understanding literature reviews: a guide for enhancing nursing practice globally (2025)
Journal Article
Butler, S. (2025). Understanding literature reviews: a guide for enhancing nursing practice globally. Nurse Researcher,

Background Literature reviews are essential in nursing for integrating research into practice, informing clinical guidelines and shaping health policy. They comprehensively synthesise the available evidence, supporting nurses in making informed decis... Read More about Understanding literature reviews: a guide for enhancing nursing practice globally.

Decoupling the Effects of Temperature, Strain, and Refractive Index in Long-Period Fiber Grating Used for Epoxy Resin Cure Monitoring (2025)
Journal Article
Ivanov, O. V., Bhavsar, K., & Gilbert, J. M. (2025). Decoupling the Effects of Temperature, Strain, and Refractive Index in Long-Period Fiber Grating Used for Epoxy Resin Cure Monitoring. Sensors, 25(3), Article 786.

Epoxy resins are widely used in the manufacture of composite materials for a wide range of applications. Control of the curing process is an important consideration in ensuring product quality and minimizing production times. The curing of epoxy resi... Read More about Decoupling the Effects of Temperature, Strain, and Refractive Index in Long-Period Fiber Grating Used for Epoxy Resin Cure Monitoring.

Experiences of integrating social prescribing link workers into primary care in England: Bolting on, fitting in or belonging (2025)
Journal Article
Tierney, S., Westlake, D., Wong, G., Turk, A., Markham, S., Gorenberg, J., Reeve, J., Mitchell, C., Husk, K., Redwood, S., Pope, C., Baird, B., & Ram Mahtani, K. (online). Experiences of integrating social prescribing link workers into primary care in England: Bolting on, fitting in or belonging. The British journal of general practice : the journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners,

Background: Following the 2019 NHS Long-Term Plan, link workers (LWs) have been employed across primary care in England to deliver social prescribing (SP).
Aim: To understand and explain how the LW role is being implemented in primary care in Englan... Read More about Experiences of integrating social prescribing link workers into primary care in England: Bolting on, fitting in or belonging.

Reading Isolation, Writing Loneliness; Book Groups and Creative Practice in Prison (2025)
Journal Article
Metcalf, J., & Burkinshaw, L. (in press). Reading Isolation, Writing Loneliness; Book Groups and Creative Practice in Prison. Critical Survey,

This article discusses the need for discursive reading and creative writing practices aimed towards capable readers in prisons. It contends that prison book groups, particularly those with an embedded creative writing component and themed in consider... Read More about Reading Isolation, Writing Loneliness; Book Groups and Creative Practice in Prison.

"I'm living in a 'no' world now…"- A qualitative study of the widespread impact of living with chronic breathlessness, and experiences of identification and assessment of this symptom in an older, frail community-based population (2025)
Journal Article
Elliott-Button, H., Johnson, M. J., Hutchinson, A., Currow, D. C., & Clark, J. (2025). "I'm living in a 'no' world now…"- A qualitative study of the widespread impact of living with chronic breathlessness, and experiences of identification and assessment of this symptom in an older, frail community-based population. NPJ Primary Care Respiratory Medicine, 35(1), Article 5.

Chronic breathlessness is a debilitating symptom with detrimental impact on individuals and carers. However, little is known about the experiences of community-dwelling, frail, older adults living with chronic breathlessness. To explore, (i) the psyc... Read More about "I'm living in a 'no' world now…"- A qualitative study of the widespread impact of living with chronic breathlessness, and experiences of identification and assessment of this symptom in an older, frail community-based population.

An Ordinal Collaboration Network Model with Zero Truncated Poisson Latent Variables and Its Application (2025)
Journal Article
Yang, Q., Tian, Y.-Z., Zhang, Y.-J., Wang, Y., & Mian, Z. (2025). An Ordinal Collaboration Network Model with Zero Truncated Poisson Latent Variables and Its Application. Stat, 14(1), Article e70040.

Link prediction has traditionally been regarded as a binary classification problem, aiming to predict whether a link exists between two nodes in a given network. However, this binary framework fails to account for the cooperation intensity or the div... Read More about An Ordinal Collaboration Network Model with Zero Truncated Poisson Latent Variables and Its Application.

Spatial and temporal (annual and decadal) trends of metal(loid) concentrations and loads in an acid mine drainage-affected river (2025)
Journal Article
Jennings, E., Onnis, P., Crane, R., Comber, S. D. W., Byrne, P., Riley, A. L., Mayes, W. M., Jarvis, A. P., & Hudson-Edwards, K. A. (2025). Spatial and temporal (annual and decadal) trends of metal(loid) concentrations and loads in an acid mine drainage-affected river. Science of the Total Environment, 964, Article 178496.

Acid mine drainage (AMD) is a worldwide problem that degrades river systems and is difficult and expensive to remediate. To protect affected catchments, it is vital to understand the behaviour of AMD-related metal(loid) contaminants as a function of... Read More about Spatial and temporal (annual and decadal) trends of metal(loid) concentrations and loads in an acid mine drainage-affected river.

Dynamic co-evolution of transposable elements and the piRNA pathway in African cichlid fishes (2025)
Journal Article
Almeida, M. V., Blumer, M., Yuan, C. U., Sierra, P., Price, J. L., Quah, F. X., Friman, A., Dallaire, A., Vernaz, G., Putman, A. L., Smith, A. M., Joyce, D. A., Butter, F., Haase, A. D., Durbin, R., Santos, M. E., & Miska, E. A. (2025). Dynamic co-evolution of transposable elements and the piRNA pathway in African cichlid fishes. Genome Biology, 26(1), Article 14.

BACKGROUND: East African cichlid fishes have diversified in an explosive fashion, but the (epi)genetic basis of the phenotypic diversity of these fishes remains largely unknown. Although transposable elements (TEs) have been associated with phenotypi... Read More about Dynamic co-evolution of transposable elements and the piRNA pathway in African cichlid fishes.

Delirium prevention in hospices: Opportunities and limitations – A focused ethnography (2025)
Journal Article
Featherstone, I., Johnson, M. J., Sheldon, T., Kelley, R., Hawkins, R., Bravington, A., Callin, S., Dixon, R., Obita, G., & Siddiqi, N. (2025). Delirium prevention in hospices: Opportunities and limitations – A focused ethnography. Palliative medicine, 39(3), 391-400.

Background: Delirium is common and distressing for hospice in-patients. Hospital-based research shows delirium may be prevented by targeting its risk factors. Many preventative strategies address patients’ fundamental care needs. However, there is li... Read More about Delirium prevention in hospices: Opportunities and limitations – A focused ethnography.