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All Outputs (250)

Exercise and postprandial lipaemia: effects on peripheral vascular function, oxidative stress and gastrointestinal transit (2007)
Journal Article
Clegg, M., McClean, C., Davison, W. G., Murphy, H. M., Trinick, T., Duly, E., McLaughlin, J., Fogarty, M., & Shafat, A. (2007). Exercise and postprandial lipaemia: effects on peripheral vascular function, oxidative stress and gastrointestinal transit. Lipids in Health and Disease, 6(1), Article 30.

Postprandial lipaemia may lead to an increase in oxidative stress, inducing endothelial dysfunction. Exercise can slow gastric emptying rates, moderating postprandial lipaemia. The purpose of this study was to determine if moderate exercise, prior to... Read More about Exercise and postprandial lipaemia: effects on peripheral vascular function, oxidative stress and gastrointestinal transit.

Shared prescribing? A focus group study with community pharmacists (2007)
Journal Article
Irving, G., Hilton, A., & Campion, P. (2007). Shared prescribing? A focus group study with community pharmacists. Primary Health Care Research and Development, 8(4), 308-314.

Background: in the Community, randomised over Time) trial was a multi-centre pragmatic trial of pharmaceutical care in the community, which took place in five areas of East and North Yorkshire. of community pharmacists towards the process of ‘pharmac... Read More about Shared prescribing? A focus group study with community pharmacists.

Healthcare IT project failure: A systems perspective (2007)
Journal Article
Chowdhury, R., Butler, R. E., & Clarke, S. (2007). Healthcare IT project failure: A systems perspective. Journal of cases on information technology, 9(4), 1-15.

This case describes the experiences of a healthcare organization in the North of England that introduced a multi-lingual electronic patient information system, the first of its kind in this part of the country. This information technology (IT) based... Read More about Healthcare IT project failure: A systems perspective.

Input-output and general equilibrium models for Hull and Humber region in England (2007)
Journal Article
Bhattarai, K. (2007). Input-output and general equilibrium models for Hull and Humber region in England. Atlantic Economic Journal, 35(4), 473-490.

This paper shows how one can construct an input output table for four Humber sub regions in England with information on levels and share of employment and output provided by the Humber Forum using coefficients from the national input-output table of... Read More about Input-output and general equilibrium models for Hull and Humber region in England.

Characterisation of Schiff base and chromophore in green proteorhodopsin by solid-state NMR (2007)
Journal Article
Pfleger, N., Lorch, M., Woerner, A. C., Shastri, S., & Glaubitz, C. (2008). Characterisation of Schiff base and chromophore in green proteorhodopsin by solid-state NMR. Journal of Biomolecular NMR, 40(1), 15-21.

The proteorhodopsin family consists of hundreds of homologous retinal containing membrane proteins found in bacteria in the photic zone of the oceans. They are colour tuned to their environment and act as light-driven proton pumps with a potential en... Read More about Characterisation of Schiff base and chromophore in green proteorhodopsin by solid-state NMR.

The role of long memory in hedging effectiveness (2007)
Journal Article
Coakley, J., Dollery, J., & Kellard, N. (2007). The role of long memory in hedging effectiveness. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 52(6), 3075 - 3082.

A joint fractionally integrated, error-correction and multivariate GARCH (FIEC-BEKK) approach is applied to investigate hedging effectiveness using daily data 1995–2005. The findings reveal the proxied error-correction term has a long memory componen... Read More about The role of long memory in hedging effectiveness.

Social problem-solving processes and mood in college students: An examination of self-report and performance-based approaches (2007)
Journal Article
Anderson, R. J., Goddard, L., & Powell, J. H. (2009). Social problem-solving processes and mood in college students: An examination of self-report and performance-based approaches. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 33(2), 175-186.

Previous research has consistently linked poor problem-solving with depression and anxiety. However, much of this research has failed to directly assess real-life problem-solving, relying on self-appraisal or responses to hypothetical problems. This... Read More about Social problem-solving processes and mood in college students: An examination of self-report and performance-based approaches.

Crystal structures, thermogravimetric and magnetic properties of four organodiamine templated vanadium oxide frameworks: influences of diaminoalkane templates (2007)
Journal Article
Settheeworrarit, T., Prior, T. J., Meansiri, S., Limtrakul, J., & Rujiwatra, A. (2008). Crystal structures, thermogravimetric and magnetic properties of four organodiamine templated vanadium oxide frameworks: influences of diaminoalkane templates. Journal of inorganic and organometallic polymers and materials, 18(2), 253-263.

A series of four diaminoalkane templated vanadium oxide polymeric frameworks, [(V2O8V2O2)-O-IV-O-V](C2H10N2), [V (2O8V2V)-O-IV O-2](C3H12N2), [(V4O10V2V)-O-IV O-4](C4H14N2) and [(V4O102O4)-O-IV-O-V-O-V](C5H16N2), have been successfully prepared under... Read More about Crystal structures, thermogravimetric and magnetic properties of four organodiamine templated vanadium oxide frameworks: influences of diaminoalkane templates.

Discrepancy between parental reports of infants' receptive vocabulary and infants' behaviour in a preferential looking task (2007)
Journal Article
Houston-Price, C., Mather, E., & Sakkalou, E. (2007). Discrepancy between parental reports of infants' receptive vocabulary and infants' behaviour in a preferential looking task. Journal of child language, 34(4), 701-724.

Two experiments are described which explore the relationship between parental reports of infants' receptive vocabularies at 1;6 (Experiment 1a) or 1;3, 1;6 and 1;9. (Experiment 1b) and the comprehension infants demonstrated in a preferential looking... Read More about Discrepancy between parental reports of infants' receptive vocabulary and infants' behaviour in a preferential looking task.

The risk-based approach to AML : representation, paradox, and the 3rd directive (2007)
Journal Article
Demetis, D. S., & Angell, I. O. (2007). The risk-based approach to AML : representation, paradox, and the 3rd directive. Journal of Money Laundering Control, 10(4), 412-428.

© 2007, Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
Purpose. This paper seeks to deconstruct the proposed risk‐based approach to anti‐money laundering (AML) and to relate it to the text of the European Union's 3rd Directive. The paper also aims to discuss a... Read More about The risk-based approach to AML : representation, paradox, and the 3rd directive.

Multiphysics modelling of the spray forming process (2007)
Journal Article
Mi, J., Grant, P., Fritsching, U., Belkessam, O., Garmendia, I., & Landaberea, A. (2008). Multiphysics modelling of the spray forming process. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 477(1-2), 2-8.

An integrated, multiphysics numerical model has been developed through the joint efforts of the University of Oxford (UK), University of Bremen (Germany) and Inasmet (Spain) to simulate the spray forming process. The integrated model consisted of fou... Read More about Multiphysics modelling of the spray forming process.

An application of contingent valuation and decision tree analysis to water quality improvements (2007)
Journal Article
Atkins, J. P., Burdon, D., & Allen, J. H. (2007). An application of contingent valuation and decision tree analysis to water quality improvements. Marine pollution bulletin, 55(10-12), 591-602.

This paper applies contingent valuation and decision tree analysis to investigate public preferences for water quality improvements, and in particular reduced eutrophication. Such preferences are important given that the development of EU water quali... Read More about An application of contingent valuation and decision tree analysis to water quality improvements.

Estimating the scaling of rain rate moments from radar and rain gauge (2007)
Journal Article
Paulson, K. S., & Zhang, X. (2007). Estimating the scaling of rain rate moments from radar and rain gauge. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 112(20), Article D20107.

Rain rate is a physical parameter that is only defined over some spatial or spatial-temporal integration volume. The moments of rain rate fields calculated from measurements derived from integration volumes of the same shape and a range of sizes are... Read More about Estimating the scaling of rain rate moments from radar and rain gauge.

The effects of livestock grazing on foliar arthropods associated with bird diet in upland grasslands of Scotland (2007)
Journal Article
Dennis, P., Skartveit, J., McCracken, D. I., Pakeman, R. J., Beaton, K., Kunaver, A., & Evans, D. M. (2008). The effects of livestock grazing on foliar arthropods associated with bird diet in upland grasslands of Scotland. The journal of applied ecology, 45(1), 279-287.

1. Upland biotopes have conservation importance for their typical plant and animal species. Recently, the condition of upland habitats has deteriorated with associated declines in many upland birds. Grazing by increased densities of sheep has been im... Read More about The effects of livestock grazing on foliar arthropods associated with bird diet in upland grasslands of Scotland.

Consensus decision making in human crowds (2007)
Journal Article
Dyer, J. R. G., Ioannou, C. C., Morrell, L. J., Croft, D. P., Couzin, I. D., Waters, D. A., & Krause, J. (2008). Consensus decision making in human crowds. Animal behaviour, 75(2), 461-470.

In groups of animals only a small proportion of individuals may possess particular information, such as a migration route or the direction to a resource. Individuals may differ in preferred direction resulting in conflicts of interest and, therefore,... Read More about Consensus decision making in human crowds.

The design and synthesis of pyrazine amide ligands suitable for the "tiles" approach to molecular weaving with octahedral metal ions (2007)
Journal Article
Cockriel, D. L., McClain, J. M., Patel, K. C., Ullom, R., Hasley, T. R., Archibald, S. J., & Hubin, T. J. (2008). The design and synthesis of pyrazine amide ligands suitable for the "tiles" approach to molecular weaving with octahedral metal ions. Inorganic Chemistry Communications, 11(1), 1-4.

The pyrazine-containing ligands 1 (pyrazine-2-carboxylic acid (pyridine-2-ylmethyl)-amide) and 2 (pyrazine-2,5-dicarboxylic acid bis[(pyridine-2-yimethyl)-amide]) have been synthesized and characterized in order to probe their ability to form polynuc... Read More about The design and synthesis of pyrazine amide ligands suitable for the "tiles" approach to molecular weaving with octahedral metal ions.

Physical and biological development of a newly breached managed realignment site, Humber estuary, UK (2007)
Journal Article
Mazik, K., Smith, J. E., Leighton, A., & Elliott, M. (2007). Physical and biological development of a newly breached managed realignment site, Humber estuary, UK. Marine pollution bulletin, 55(10-12), 564-578.

As part of the Humber flood defence upgrade works (Urgent works) undertaken by the Environment Agency, the Paull Holme Strays site was identified as one of twelve potential managed realignment sites within the Humber catchment. The site was breached... Read More about Physical and biological development of a newly breached managed realignment site, Humber estuary, UK.

Fault diagnosis of an industrial gas turbine prototype using a system identification approach (2007)
Journal Article
Simani, S., & Patton, R. J. (2008). Fault diagnosis of an industrial gas turbine prototype using a system identification approach. Control engineering practice, 16(7), 769-786.

In this work, a model-based procedure exploiting analytical redundancy for the detection and isolation of faults on a gas turbine simulated process is presented. The main point of the paper consists of exploiting an identification scheme in connectio... Read More about Fault diagnosis of an industrial gas turbine prototype using a system identification approach.

Habitat primary production and the evolution of body size within the hartebeest clade (2007)
Journal Article
Capellini, I., & Gosling, L. M. (2007). Habitat primary production and the evolution of body size within the hartebeest clade. Biological journal of the Linnean Society, 92(3), 431-440.

Local adaptation is a key process in the evolution of biological diversity but relatively few studies have identified the selective forces that drive trait divergence at low taxonomic levels, particularly amongst mammals. Variation in body size acros... Read More about Habitat primary production and the evolution of body size within the hartebeest clade.

Gyro-scope: An individual-based computer model to forecast gyrodactylid infections on fish hosts (2007)
Journal Article
Wright, H., Cable, J., Potter, R., & van Oosterhout, C. (2008). Gyro-scope: An individual-based computer model to forecast gyrodactylid infections on fish hosts. International journal for parasitology, 38(5), 541-548.

Individual-based computer models (IBM) feature prominently in current theoretical ecology but have only been applied in a small number of parasitological studies. Here we designed an IBM to simulate the infection dynamics of gyrodactylid parasites an... Read More about Gyro-scope: An individual-based computer model to forecast gyrodactylid infections on fish hosts.