Dictyostelium Sun-1 connects the centrosome to chromatin and ensures genome stability
Journal Article
Rivero, F., Xiong, H., Rivero-Crespo, F., Euteneuer, U., Mondal, S., Mana-Capelli, S., Larochelle, D., Vogel, A., Gassen, B., & Noegel, A. A. (2008). Dictyostelium Sun-1 connects the centrosome to chromatin and ensures genome stability. Traffic, 9(5), 708-724. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1600-0854.2008.00721.x
The centrosome-nucleus attachment is a prerequisite for faithful chromosome segregation during mitosis. We addressed the function of the nuclear envelope (NE) protein Sun-1 in centrosome-nucleus connection and the maintenance of genome stability in D... Read More about Dictyostelium Sun-1 connects the centrosome to chromatin and ensures genome stability.