Jog, jogászat és jogtudomány hatása Weber módszertani nézeteire [The impact of law, lawyering, and jurisprudence on Weber's methodological views]
Journal Article
Cserne, P. (2008). Jog, jogászat és jogtudomány hatása Weber módszertani nézeteire [The impact of law, lawyering, and jurisprudence on Weber's methodological views]. Századvég, 46082
Law and legal science have played a significant, but hitherto underestimated role in Weber's life, both professional and non-academic. Trained as a lawyer, he drew upon an existing vocabulary of legal scholarship and adapted from it, more or less imp... Read More about Jog, jogászat és jogtudomány hatása Weber módszertani nézeteire [The impact of law, lawyering, and jurisprudence on Weber's methodological views].