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Through-plane permeability for untreated and PTFE-treated gas diffusion layers in proton exchange membrane fuel cells (2010)
Journal Article
Ismail, M. S., Damjanovic, T., Hughes, K., Ingham, D. B., Ma, L., Pourkashanian, M., & Rosli, M. (2010). Through-plane permeability for untreated and PTFE-treated gas diffusion layers in proton exchange membrane fuel cells. Journal of Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage, 7(5), Article 051016.

The through-plane permeability has been experimentally measured for untreated and polytetrafluoroethylene-treated (PTFE-treated) gas diffusion layers (GDLs), as used in proton exchange membrane fuel cells. Contrary to what the literature has previous... Read More about Through-plane permeability for untreated and PTFE-treated gas diffusion layers in proton exchange membrane fuel cells.

Coastal and offshore wind energy generation: is it environmentally benign? (2010)
Journal Article
Wilson, J. C., Elliott, M., Cutts, N. D., Mander, L., Mendão, V., Perez-Dominguez, R., & Phelps, A. (2010). Coastal and offshore wind energy generation: is it environmentally benign?. Energies, 3(7), 1383-1422.

Offshore and coastal wind power is one of the fastest growing industries in many areas, especially those with shallow coastal regions due to the preferable generation conditions available in the regions. As with any expanding industry, there are conc... Read More about Coastal and offshore wind energy generation: is it environmentally benign?.

Beacon-aided adaptive localization of noise sources aboard a pass-by railcar using a trackside microphone array (2010)
Journal Article
Wu, Y. I., Lau, S. K., Wong, K. T., & Tang, S. K. (2010). Beacon-aided adaptive localization of noise sources aboard a pass-by railcar using a trackside microphone array. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 59(8), 3720-3727.

A new adaptive "beamforming" signal-processing algorithm is developed to locate the loudest noise sources aboard a railcar that passes by a trackside immobile microphone array. This proposed microphone-array beamformer tracks the railcar's spatial mo... Read More about Beacon-aided adaptive localization of noise sources aboard a pass-by railcar using a trackside microphone array.

Serum IL10 and circulating CD4+CD25high regulatory T cell numbers as predictors of clinical outcome and survival in patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (2010)
Journal Article
Alhamarneh, O., Agada, F., Madden, L., Stafford, N., & Greenman, J. (2011). Serum IL10 and circulating CD4+CD25high regulatory T cell numbers as predictors of clinical outcome and survival in patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. Head & neck, 33(3), 415-423.

Background. Patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) commonly have an imbalance in T helper (Th)1/Th2-type cytokines and elevated levels of CD4 + CD25 high regulatory T cells (Treg). Here, we investigated the association of circul... Read More about Serum IL10 and circulating CD4+CD25high regulatory T cell numbers as predictors of clinical outcome and survival in patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.

The Middle Permian (Capitanian) mass extinction on land and in the oceans (2010)
Journal Article
Bond, D. P. G., Hilton, J., Wignall, P. B., Ali, J. R., Stevens, L. G., Sun, Y., & Lai, X. (2010). The Middle Permian (Capitanian) mass extinction on land and in the oceans. Earth-Science Reviews, 102(1-2), 100-116.

A Middle Permian mass extinction, first discovered in 1994, has become known as the "end-Guadalupian event" in the literature. However, recent studies of foraminifera- and brachiopod-range truncations in conodont-dated sections on the South China Blo... Read More about The Middle Permian (Capitanian) mass extinction on land and in the oceans.

Can surrounding greenery reduce noise annoyance at home? (2010)
Journal Article
Li, H. N., Chau, C. K., & Tang, S. K. (2010). Can surrounding greenery reduce noise annoyance at home?. Science of the Total Environment, 408(20), 4376-4384.

Annoyance has been identified as the most important psychological impact arisen from noise. Besides socioeconomic status, residing neighborhood characteristics such as greenery has been shown to be able to reduce noise annoyance. To study the effects... Read More about Can surrounding greenery reduce noise annoyance at home?.

Multivariate Elliptical Processes (2010)
Journal Article
Bingham, B., Fry, J., & Kiesel, R. (2010). Multivariate Elliptical Processes. Statistica Neerlandica, 64(3), 352-366.

We introduce and study multivariate elliptic processes, thus providing a dynamic counterpart to the (static) multivariate elliptic distributions. We pay special attention to the dynamics for Lévy processes and diffusions. We also discuss discrete ver... Read More about Multivariate Elliptical Processes.

Interfacing Living Unicellular Algae Cells with Biocompatible Polyelectrolyte-Stabilised Magnetic Nanoparticles (2010)
Journal Article
Fakhrullin, R. F., Shlykova, L. V., Zamaleeva, A. I., Nurgaliev, D. K., Osin, Y. N., García-Alonso, J., & Paunov, V. N. (2010). Interfacing Living Unicellular Algae Cells with Biocompatible Polyelectrolyte-Stabilised Magnetic Nanoparticles. Macromolecular bioscience, 10(10), 1257-1264.

Green algae are a promising platform for the development of biosensors and bioelectronic devices. Here we report a reliable single-step technique for the functionalisation of living unicellular green algae Chlorella pyrenoidosa with biocompatible 15n... Read More about Interfacing Living Unicellular Algae Cells with Biocompatible Polyelectrolyte-Stabilised Magnetic Nanoparticles.

Democratic milieu: Analysing democratic practice in the new governance (2010)
Journal Article
Farrelly, M., & Skelcher, C. (2010). Democratic milieu: Analysing democratic practice in the new governance. Representation, 46(2), 139 - 150.

Understanding emerging democratic practices in the context of the wider, and changing, system of governance in which they operate poses problems for research, not least because broader concepts, such as political culture, focus on historical patterns... Read More about Democratic milieu: Analysing democratic practice in the new governance.

GN-DTD: Graphical notation for describing XML documents (2010)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Zainol, Z., & Wang, B. (2010, April). GN-DTD: Graphical notation for describing XML documents. Presented at 2nd International Conference on Advances in Databases, Knowledge, and Data Applications, DBKDA 2010

This paper presents a graphical approach to model XML documents based on a Data Type Documentation called Graphical Notations-Data Type Documentation (GN-DTD). GN-DTD allows us to capture syntax and semantic of XML documents in a simple way but preci... Read More about GN-DTD: Graphical notation for describing XML documents.

Uremic cardiomyopathy and insulin resistance: a critical role for Akt? (2010)
Journal Article
Semple, D., Smith, K., Bhandari, S., & Seymour, A. M. L. (2011). Uremic cardiomyopathy and insulin resistance: a critical role for Akt?. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology : JASN, 22(2), 207-215.

Uremic cardiomyopathy is a classic complication of chronic renal failure whose cause is unclear and treatment remains disappointing. Insulin resistance is an independent predictor of cardiovascular mortality in chronic renal failure. Underlying insul... Read More about Uremic cardiomyopathy and insulin resistance: a critical role for Akt?.

Transmission properties of plasmonic metamaterial quantum cascade lasers (2010)
Journal Article
Austin, D., Mullin, N., Bismuto, A., Luxmoore, I., Adawi, A. M., Revin, D. G., Soulby, M., Cockburn, J. W., Jiang, Q., Krysa, A. B., Cullis, A. G., Faist, J., Hobbs, J. K., & Wilson, L. R. (2010). Transmission properties of plasmonic metamaterial quantum cascade lasers. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 22(16), 1217-1219.

We report the results of transmission experiments performed on hybridized plasmonic metamaterial quantum cascade lasers. This device was formed by etching an array of split ring resonators (SRRs) onto the gold coated facet of a laser. Broadband midin... Read More about Transmission properties of plasmonic metamaterial quantum cascade lasers.

Howard Ferguson's 'Amore langueo', 'The dream of the rood' and new music in the 1950s (2010)
Journal Article
Wilson, C. R. (2010). Howard Ferguson's 'Amore langueo', 'The dream of the rood' and new music in the 1950s. Tempo, 64(253), 2-12.

A re-evaluation of the work and status of a composer not infrequently occurs a decade after death and/or during an anniversary year. Howard Ferguson was born on 21 October 1908. The centennial year of his birth saw a number of high-profile concerts a... Read More about Howard Ferguson's 'Amore langueo', 'The dream of the rood' and new music in the 1950s.

Scale model study of balcony insertion losses on a building façade with non-parallel line sources (2010)
Journal Article
Tang, S. K. (2010). Scale model study of balcony insertion losses on a building façade with non-parallel line sources. Applied acoustics. Acoustique appliqué. Angewandte Akustik, 71(10), 947-954.

The screening effect of balconies on a building faade in the case where the noise source is not parallel to the faade is studied using scale model experiment in the present study. Results show that the angle of source inclination to the faade has sub... Read More about Scale model study of balcony insertion losses on a building façade with non-parallel line sources.

A polymorphism in the 3' UTR of IRF4 linked to susceptibility and pathogenesis in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia and Hodgkin lymphoma has limited impact in multiple myeloma: Correspondence (2010)
Journal Article
Pratt, G., Fenton, J. A., Allsup, D., Fegan, C., Morgan, G. J., Jackson, G., Sunter, N. J., Hall, A. G., Irving, J. A., & Allan, J. M. (2010). A polymorphism in the 3' UTR of IRF4 linked to susceptibility and pathogenesis in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia and Hodgkin lymphoma has limited impact in multiple myeloma: Correspondence. British journal of haematology, 150(3), 371-373.

Categorical perception of morphed objects using a free-naming experiment (2010)
Journal Article
Hartendorp, M. O., Van der Stigchel, S., Burnett, H. G., Jellema, T., Eilers, P. H., & Postma, A. (2010). Categorical perception of morphed objects using a free-naming experiment. Visual Cognition, 18(9), 1320-1347.

Morphed figures entail a dominant and nondominant interpretation. Testing perception of morphed objects using forced-choice methods demonstrates that morphed figures are perceived as their dominant interpretation ("categorical perception", or CP). Us... Read More about Categorical perception of morphed objects using a free-naming experiment.

Induction of endothelial cell proliferation by recombinant and microparticle-tissue factor involves β1-integrin and extracellular signal regulated kinase activation (2010)
Journal Article
Collier, M. E. W., & Ettelaie, C. (2010). Induction of endothelial cell proliferation by recombinant and microparticle-tissue factor involves β1-integrin and extracellular signal regulated kinase activation. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology, 30(9), 1810-1817.

Objective: Increased levels of circulating tissue factor (TF) in the form of microparticles increase the risk of thrombosis. However, any direct influence of microparticle-associated TF on vascular endothelial cell proliferation is not known. In this... Read More about Induction of endothelial cell proliferation by recombinant and microparticle-tissue factor involves β1-integrin and extracellular signal regulated kinase activation.

A stairway to heaven? Structure of the religious involvement inventory and spiritual well-being scale (2010)
Journal Article
Gow, A. J., Watson, R., Whiteman, M., & Deary, I. J. (2011). A stairway to heaven? Structure of the religious involvement inventory and spiritual well-being scale. Journal of religion and health, 50(1), 5-19.

Being religious or having spiritual beliefs has been linked to improved health and well-being in several empirical studies. Potential underlying mechanisms can be suggested by psychometrically reliable and valid indices. Two self-report measures of r... Read More about A stairway to heaven? Structure of the religious involvement inventory and spiritual well-being scale.

Politics UK (2010)
Jones, B., & Lord Norton of Louth, P. (2010). Politics UK. Pearson

Politics UK is an indispensible introduction to British politics,providing a thorough and accessible overview of the institutions and processes of British government, a good grounding in British political history, and an incisive introduction to the... Read More about Politics UK.