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Alert rules for remote monitoring of cardiovascular patients (2012)
Journal Article
Bohacik, J., & Davis, D. (2012). Alert rules for remote monitoring of cardiovascular patients. Journal of information technologies, 5(1), 16 - 23

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in most European countries and its prevention requires major life-style changes using limited health-care resources. Remote cardiovascular decision support seems to allow cardiovascular patients to... Read More about Alert rules for remote monitoring of cardiovascular patients.

Crime, Surveillance and the Media (2012)
Book Chapter
McCahill, M. (2012). Crime, Surveillance and the Media. In Routledge Handbook of Surveillance Studies (244 - 250). Routledge

The role of systematic reviews of qualitative evidence in evaluating interventions: a case study (2012)
Journal Article
Lorenc, T., Pearson, M., Jamal, F., Cooper, C., & Garside, R. (2012). The role of systematic reviews of qualitative evidence in evaluating interventions: a case study. Research Synthesis Methods, 3(1), 1-10.

Systematic reviews of qualitative evidence have been widely used to provide information on the context and implementation of interventions, and their potential barriers and facilitators. However, such reviews face a number of methodological challenge... Read More about The role of systematic reviews of qualitative evidence in evaluating interventions: a case study.

Corrosion resistance study of electrophoretic deposited hydroxyapatite on stainless steel for implant applications (2012)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Chew, K. K., Zein, S. H. S., Ahmad, A. L., McPhail, D. S., & Boccaccini, A. R. Corrosion resistance study of electrophoretic deposited hydroxyapatite on stainless steel for implant applications

Stainless steel (SS) is often used for orthopaedic and dental implants because of its excellent mechanical characteristics. However, from an electrochemical perspective, SS can be susceptible to corrosion-related problems. Inorganic bioactive coating... Read More about Corrosion resistance study of electrophoretic deposited hydroxyapatite on stainless steel for implant applications.

Dissociating positive and negative influences of verbal processing on the recognition of pictures of faces and objects (2012)
Journal Article
Nakabayashi, K., Burton, A. M., Brandimonte, M. A., & Lloyd-Jones, T. J. (2012). Dissociating positive and negative influences of verbal processing on the recognition of pictures of faces and objects. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 38(2), 376-390.

Four experiments investigated the role of verbal processing in the recognition of pictures of faces and objects. We used (a) a stimulus-encoding task where participants learned sequentially presented pictures in control, articulatory suppression, and... Read More about Dissociating positive and negative influences of verbal processing on the recognition of pictures of faces and objects.

Two CYP3A-like genes in the marine mussel Mytilus edulis: mRNA expression modulation following short-term exposure to endocrine disruptors (2012)
Journal Article
Cubero-Leon, E., Puinean, A. M., Labadie, P., Ciocan, C., Itoh, N., Kishida, M., Osada, M., Minier, C., Hill, E. M., & Rotchell, J. M. (2012). Two CYP3A-like genes in the marine mussel Mytilus edulis: mRNA expression modulation following short-term exposure to endocrine disruptors. Marine environmental research, 74, 32-39.

Members of the vertebrate CYP3A subfamily are involved in the metabolism of steroids and a wide range of xenobiotics. In this study two CYP3A- like mRNAs have been isolated from the mussel (Mytilus edulis), and their seasonal expression profile and m... Read More about Two CYP3A-like genes in the marine mussel Mytilus edulis: mRNA expression modulation following short-term exposure to endocrine disruptors.

Queen Caroline’s pains and penalties: Silence and speech in the dramatic art of British women’s suffrage (2012)
Journal Article
Cockin, K. (2012). Queen Caroline’s pains and penalties: Silence and speech in the dramatic art of British women’s suffrage. Law and literature, 24(1), 40-58.

In Britain, the act that launched the militant campaign of the suffragettes in 1905 was the interruption of a political meeting in Manchester. The violent silencing and arrest of the women ensued. The women’s suffrage campaigns in Britain became more... Read More about Queen Caroline’s pains and penalties: Silence and speech in the dramatic art of British women’s suffrage.

Roles of the sea in medieval England (2012)
Gorski, R. (2012). R. Gorski (Ed.). Roles of the sea in medieval England. Boydell & Brewer

England's relationship with the sea in the later middle ages has been unjustly neglected, a gap which this volume seeks to fill. The physical fact of the kingdom's insularity made the seas around England fundamentally important to its development wit... Read More about Roles of the sea in medieval England.

Modeling the human mandible under masticatory loads: which input variables are important? (2012)
Journal Article
Gröning, F., Fagan, M., & O'higgins, P. (2012). Modeling the human mandible under masticatory loads: which input variables are important?. Anatomical Record: Advances in Integrative Anatomy and Evolutionary Biology, 295(5), 853-863.

Finite element analyses (FEA) that have simulated masticatory loadings of the human mandible differ significantly with regard to their basic input variables such as material properties, constraints, and applied forces. With sensitivity analyses it is... Read More about Modeling the human mandible under masticatory loads: which input variables are important?.

Investigating the mechanical properties of RDX crystals using nano-indentation (2012)
Journal Article
Hudson, R. J., Zioupos, P., & Gill, P. P. (2012). Investigating the mechanical properties of RDX crystals using nano-indentation. Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics, 37(2), 191-197.

The shock sensitivity of RDX is of major interest for the development of insensitive munitions. Previous research has implied that internal defects that form within RDX crystals have a strong sensitising effect, increasing the probability of shock in... Read More about Investigating the mechanical properties of RDX crystals using nano-indentation.

The Chinese version of the cardiac depression scale: Mokken scaling (2012)
Journal Article
Wang, W., Hare, D. L., Ski, C. F., Thompson, D. R., & Watson, R. (2012). The Chinese version of the cardiac depression scale: Mokken scaling. Health and quality of life outcomes, 10(1), 33 - 36.

Background: Myocardial infarction is a major cause of death and morbidity in many countries, including China. The aim of this study was to analyse a Mandarin Chinese translation of the Cardiac Depression Scale for a hierarchy of items according to th... Read More about The Chinese version of the cardiac depression scale: Mokken scaling.

Researching student perspectives on interprofessional online learning via asynchronous text-based conferencing in healthcare education: a literature review (2012)
Journal Article
Loke, J. C.-F. (2012). Researching student perspectives on interprofessional online learning via asynchronous text-based conferencing in healthcare education: a literature review. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, 2(2), 141 - 150.

Background: There is an increasing important role for asynchronous text-based computer mediated conferencing as a pedagogic tool in interprofessional learning for nurses in higher education. Available research studies on asynchronous text-based inter... Read More about Researching student perspectives on interprofessional online learning via asynchronous text-based conferencing in healthcare education: a literature review.

Railways, roads and the British white fish industry, 1920-70 (2012)
Journal Article
Wilcox, M. (2012). Railways, roads and the British white fish industry, 1920-70. Business history, 54(5), 741-764.

It is well known that the railways facilitated the development of the British fishing industry in the nineteenth century. Using sources only recently made available for research, this article explores the relationship between the fish trade and railw... Read More about Railways, roads and the British white fish industry, 1920-70.

Impact of high mathematics education on the number sense. (2012)
Journal Article
Castronovo, J., & Göbel, S. M. (2012). Impact of high mathematics education on the number sense. PLoS ONE, 7(4), e33832.

In adult number processing two mechanisms are commonly used: approximate estimation of quantity and exact calculation. While the former relies on the approximate number sense (ANS) which we share with animals and preverbal infants, the latter has bee... Read More about Impact of high mathematics education on the number sense..

Implicit social learning in relation to autistic-like traits (2012)
Journal Article
Hudson, M., Nijboer, T. C. W., & Jellema, T. (2012). Implicit social learning in relation to autistic-like traits. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 42(12), 2534-2545.

We investigated if variation in autistic traits inthe typically-developed population (using the AutismspectrumQuotient, AQ) influenced implicit learning ofsocial information. In the learning phase, participantsrepeatedly observed two identities whose... Read More about Implicit social learning in relation to autistic-like traits.