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Professor Roger Watson's Outputs (24)

Negative prompts aimed at maintaining eating independence in nursing home residents: purposes and implications -A critical analysis (2018)
Journal Article
Palese, A., Gonella, S., Kasa, T., Caruzzo, D., Hayter, M., & Watson, R. (2019). Negative prompts aimed at maintaining eating independence in nursing home residents: purposes and implications -A critical analysis. Nursing Ethics, 26(7-8), 2158-2171.

Psychological abuse of older people is difficult to recognise; specifically, nursing home residents have been documented to be at higher risk of psychological abuse during daily care, such as during feeding. Healthcare professionals adop... Read More about Negative prompts aimed at maintaining eating independence in nursing home residents: purposes and implications -A critical analysis.

Interventions maintaining eating Independence in nursing home residents: a multicentre qualitative study (2018)
Journal Article
Palese, A., Bressan, V., Kasa, T., Meri, M., Hayter, M., & Watson, R. (2018). Interventions maintaining eating Independence in nursing home residents: a multicentre qualitative study. BMC Geriatrics, 18(1), 292.

BACKGROUND: Despite 32 years of research and 13 reviews published in the field, no intervention can be considered a gold standard for maintaining eating performance among residents with dementia. The study aim was to highlight the interventions deriv... Read More about Interventions maintaining eating Independence in nursing home residents: a multicentre qualitative study.

Nursing schools: dumbing down or reaching up? (2018)
Journal Article
Darbyshire, P., Thompson, D. R., & Watson, R. (2019). Nursing schools: dumbing down or reaching up?. Journal of nursing management, 27(1), 1-3.

Universities and their nursing faculties are changing dramatically. Rather than serving as bastions of knowledge generation, professional innovation, curation and dissemination of knowledge, many have become corporatised monoliths intent on a pervers... Read More about Nursing schools: dumbing down or reaching up?.

Migrants' healthcare experience: a meta-ethnography review of the literature (2018)
Journal Article
Luiking, M.-L., Heckemann, B., Ali, P., Dekker-van Doorn, C., Ghosh, S., Kydd, A., Watson, R., & Patel, H. (2018). Migrants' healthcare experience: a meta-ethnography review of the literature. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 51(1), 58-67.

Purpose. Worldwide, more than 214 million people have left their country of origin. This unprecedented mass migration impacts on healthcare in host countries. This paper explores and synthesizes literature on the healthcare experiences of migrants.
D... Read More about Migrants' healthcare experience: a meta-ethnography review of the literature.

Investigating psychometric properties and dimensional structure of an educational environment measure (DREEM) using Mokken scale analysis - A pragmatic approach (2018)
Journal Article
Palmgren, P. J., Brodin, U., Nilsson, G. H., Watson, R., & Stenfors, T. (2018). Investigating psychometric properties and dimensional structure of an educational environment measure (DREEM) using Mokken scale analysis - A pragmatic approach. BMC Medical Education, 18(1), Article 235.

© 2018 The Author(s). Background: Questionnaires and surveys are used throughout medical education. Nevertheless, measuring psychological attributes such as perceptions of a phenomenon among individuals may be difficult. The aim of this paper is to i... Read More about Investigating psychometric properties and dimensional structure of an educational environment measure (DREEM) using Mokken scale analysis - A pragmatic approach.

Cross-cultural validation of the Health Care Provider HIV/AIDS Stigma Scale (HPASS) in China (2018)
Journal Article
Xie, H., Yu, H., Watson, R., Wen, J., Xiao, L., Yan, M., & Chen, Y. (2019). Cross-cultural validation of the Health Care Provider HIV/AIDS Stigma Scale (HPASS) in China. AIDS and Behavior, 23(4), 1048–1056.

The study aimed to validate the Health Care Provider HIV/AIDS Stigma Scale among medical staff in China. The validation was conducted in four steps from March to December 2017: translation and back-translation; content validity test with six experts;... Read More about Cross-cultural validation of the Health Care Provider HIV/AIDS Stigma Scale (HPASS) in China.

Validation of Mentors' Behavior Scale among mentors (2018)
Journal Article
Zhao, R., Watson, R., & Chen, Y. (2018). Validation of Mentors' Behavior Scale among mentors. Nurse education today, 71, 180-184.

The Mentors' Behavior Scale was developed and validated initially among nursing students by assessing the importance of mentors' behavior, showing satisfactory psychometrics and the potential to match mentors with students according to students' expe... Read More about Validation of Mentors' Behavior Scale among mentors.

The structure of mentors' behaviour in clinical nursing education: Confirmatory factor analysis (2018)
Journal Article
Chen, Y., Watson, R., & Hilton, A. (2018). The structure of mentors' behaviour in clinical nursing education: Confirmatory factor analysis. Nurse education today, 68, 192-197.

Aims: To study if a three-factor structure of mentors' behaviour identified through exploratory factor analysis could be confirmed in a dataset assessing mentors' performance using structural equation modelling. Background: To measure mentor's behavi... Read More about The structure of mentors' behaviour in clinical nursing education: Confirmatory factor analysis.

What are the minimal sample size requirements for Mokken scaling? An empirical example with the Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale (2018)
Journal Article
Watson, R., Egberink, I. J., Kirke, L., Tendeiro, J. N., & Doyle, F. (in press). What are the minimal sample size requirements for Mokken scaling? An empirical example with the Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale. Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine, 6(1), 203-213.

Sample size in Mokken scales is mostly studied on simulated data, reflected in the lack of consideration of sample size in most Mokken scaling studies. Recently, Straat et al. (2014) provided minimum sample size requirements for Mokken scale... Read More about What are the minimal sample size requirements for Mokken scaling? An empirical example with the Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale.

Perceptions of caring between Slovene and Russian members of nursing teams (2018)
Journal Article
Pajnkihar, M., Vrbnjak, D., Kasimovskaya, N., Watson, R., & Stiglic, G. (2018). Perceptions of caring between Slovene and Russian members of nursing teams. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 30(2), 195-204.

Purpose: To measure the perceptions of caring between Slovene and Russian members of nursing teams and compare the results with earlier findings in other European Union (EU) countries.
Methods: A cross sectional study that included nurses and nursing... Read More about Perceptions of caring between Slovene and Russian members of nursing teams.

A Japanese version of the stressors in nursing students (SINS) scale (2018)
Journal Article
Watson, R., Watanabe, K., Yamashita, A., Yamaguchi, M., Bradbury-Jones, C., & Irvine, F. (2018). A Japanese version of the stressors in nursing students (SINS) scale. International Journal of Nursing Sciences, 5(2), 181-185.

© 2018 Chinese Nursing Association Objectives: To translate and study the factor structure of a Japanese version of the Stressors in Nursing Students scale. Methods: The Stressors in Nursing Students scale was translated into Japanese and administere... Read More about A Japanese version of the stressors in nursing students (SINS) scale.

Leadership style and organisational commitment among nursing staff in Saudi Arabia (2018)
Journal Article
Al-Yami, M., Galdas, P., & Watson, R. (2018). Leadership style and organisational commitment among nursing staff in Saudi Arabia. Journal of nursing management, 26(5), 531-539.

© 2018 The Authors. Aims: To examine how nurse managers' leadership styles, and nurses' organisational commitment in Saudi Arabia relate. Background: Effective leadership is influential in staff retention; however, recruiting and maintaining nurses i... Read More about Leadership style and organisational commitment among nursing staff in Saudi Arabia.

Factor analysis and Mokken scaling of the Organizational Commitment Questionnaire in nurses (2018)
Journal Article
Al-Yami, M., Galdas, P., & Watson, R. (2019). Factor analysis and Mokken scaling of the Organizational Commitment Questionnaire in nurses. International Nursing Review, 66(1), 52-60.

Aims: To generate an Arabic version of the Organizational Commitment Questionnaire that would be easily understood by Arabic speakers and would be sensitive to Arabic culture. Background: The nursing workforce in Saudi Arabia is undergoing a process... Read More about Factor analysis and Mokken scaling of the Organizational Commitment Questionnaire in nurses.