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Professor Roger Watson's Outputs (249)

Violations of local stochastic independence exaggerate scalability in Mokken scaling analysis of the Chinese Mandarin SF-36 (2014)
Journal Article
Watson, R., Wang, W., & Thompson, D. R. (2014). Violations of local stochastic independence exaggerate scalability in Mokken scaling analysis of the Chinese Mandarin SF-36. Health and quality of life outcomes, 12(1), Article ARTN 149.

Background: Previous work using Mokken scaling analysis with the SF-36 has found subscales appearing to show excellent Mokken scaling properties. However, the values of scalability of the subscales are very large, raising the possibility that these a... Read More about Violations of local stochastic independence exaggerate scalability in Mokken scaling analysis of the Chinese Mandarin SF-36.

Investigating the structure of the autism-spectrum quotient using Mokken scaling (2015)
Journal Article
Stewart, M. E., Allison, C., Baron-Cohen, S., & Watson, R. (2015). Investigating the structure of the autism-spectrum quotient using Mokken scaling. Psychological assessment, 27(2), 596-604.

Traits similar to those shown in autism spectrum condition (ASC) are apparent in relatives of individuals with ASC, and in the general population without necessarily meeting diagnostic criteria for an ASC. We assess whether the Autism-Spectrum Quotie... Read More about Investigating the structure of the autism-spectrum quotient using Mokken scaling.

Identifying longitudinal sustainable hierarchies in activities of daily living (2017)
Journal Article
Watson, R., Palese, A., Zuttion, R., Ferrario, B., Ponta, S., & Hayter, M. (2017). Identifying longitudinal sustainable hierarchies in activities of daily living. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 71, 122-128.

© 2017 Elsevier B.V. Activities of daily living serve as an indicator of progression in disability and rehabilitation. It is know that some of the measurement scales used show hierarchical properties indicating that activities of daily living are los... Read More about Identifying longitudinal sustainable hierarchies in activities of daily living.

The effect of Nurse GraduaTeness on patient mortality: a cross-sectional survey (the NuGaT study) (2016)
Journal Article
Gkantaras, I., Mahfoud, Z. R., Foreman, B., Thompson, D. R., Cannaby, A. M., Deshpande, D. H., Watson, R., Topping, A., & Gray, R. (2016). The effect of Nurse GraduaTeness on patient mortality: a cross-sectional survey (the NuGaT study). Journal of advanced nursing, 72(12), 3034-3044.

© 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd Aim: To investigate the relationship between patient mortality and the educational preparation (graduateness) of the nurses who cared for them. Background: There have been 18 studies over the last two decades examining... Read More about The effect of Nurse GraduaTeness on patient mortality: a cross-sectional survey (the NuGaT study).

Gender influence on career progression to leadership for Maltese Female Nursing Managers (2024)
Sciberras, . M. Gender influence on career progression to leadership for Maltese Female Nursing Managers. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Aim: The aim of this study is to explore what gender issues hamper the career progression of Charge Nurses and Deputy Charge Nurses to leadership positions in the Maltese State Healthcare System.
Background: Women are underrepresented in headship po... Read More about Gender influence on career progression to leadership for Maltese Female Nursing Managers.

Evaluating a brief intervention for mealtime difficulty on older adults with dementia (2022)
Journal Article
Rehman, S., Likupe, G., McFarland, A., & Watson, R. (2022). Evaluating a brief intervention for mealtime difficulty on older adults with dementia. Nursing Open,

Aims and objective: To test a spaced retrieval intervention using spaced retrieval to alleviate mealtime difficulties in older people with dementia. Design: A single-case study design. Setting: Nursing Homes in North Central England, United Kingdom.... Read More about Evaluating a brief intervention for mealtime difficulty on older adults with dementia.

Clarivate listed nursing journals in 2020: What they publish and how they measure use of social media (2021)
Journal Article
Watson, R., Younas, A., Rehman, S. A., & Ali, P. A. (2021). Clarivate listed nursing journals in 2020: What they publish and how they measure use of social media. Frontiers of Nursing, 8(4), 429-436.

Objectives: To investigate what the most common types of articles that nursing journals purport to publish are and what they actually publish. And to investigate the extent to which academic nursing journals listed by Clarivate track alternative metr... Read More about Clarivate listed nursing journals in 2020: What they publish and how they measure use of social media.

Vaccination timeliness in preterm infants (2021)
Sisson, H. Vaccination timeliness in preterm infants. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Vaccination is a key public health activity, with established programmes primarily aimed at infants and children. Infants born prematurely are particularly vulnerable to infection, therefore the protection vaccination offers these infants... Read More about Vaccination timeliness in preterm infants.

Development and validity testing of a type 1 diabetes resource for 10-19-years old adolescents in China (2021)
Journal Article
Zhao, X., Hilton, A., Watson, R., & Chen, Y. (in press). Development and validity testing of a type 1 diabetes resource for 10-19-years old adolescents in China. Journal of Pediatric Nursing,

Purpose: This phase 1 study aimed to develop a Type 1 diabetes (T1DM) educational resource for adolescents (10–19 years) in China, and to test its validity for improving diabetes knowledge, self-efficacy and adherence. Design and methods: This phase... Read More about Development and validity testing of a type 1 diabetes resource for 10-19-years old adolescents in China.

An international e-Delphi study to identify core competencies for Italian cardiac nurses (2021)
Journal Article
Bagnasco, A., Barisone, M., Aleo, G., Watson, R., Catania, G., Zanini, M., Thompson, D. R., & Sasso, L. (2021). An international e-Delphi study to identify core competencies for Italian cardiac nurses. European journal of cardiovascular nursing : journal of the Working Group on Cardiovascular Nursing of the European Society of Cardiology, 20(7), 684-691.

Aims The management of cardiovascular patients requires increasingly competent nursing professionals. In Italy, there are no specific postgraduate courses focused on specialist cardiac skills development for nurses. To develop such courses, content i... Read More about An international e-Delphi study to identify core competencies for Italian cardiac nurses.

Approaches used to enhance transition and retention for newly qualified nurses (NQNs): a rapid evidence assessment (2020)
Journal Article
Watson, R., Wray, J., Gibson, H., & Barrett, D. (2021). Approaches used to enhance transition and retention for newly qualified nurses (NQNs): a rapid evidence assessment. Nurse education today, 98, Article 104651.

Aim: To undertake a rapid evidence assessment of approaches used to enhance nurse transition and retention for newly qualified nurses and to evaluate the strength of the evidence for specific approaches to nurse transition and retention. Design: A ra... Read More about Approaches used to enhance transition and retention for newly qualified nurses (NQNs): a rapid evidence assessment.

Spousal violence: a Mokken scaling analysis of attitudes of South Asian men and women (2020)
Journal Article
Ali, P., & Watson, R. (in press). Spousal violence: a Mokken scaling analysis of attitudes of South Asian men and women. Violence and Victims, 35(5), 656-673.

Attitudes toward intimate partner violence (IPV) are usually explored by asking participants to respond to some statements describing various instances or situations. Currently, we do not know if responses to such questions or statements are random,... Read More about Spousal violence: a Mokken scaling analysis of attitudes of South Asian men and women.

Nurses’ perceptions of caring activities in nursing (2020)
Journal Article
Akansel, N., Watson, R., Vatansever, N., & Özdemir, A. (in press). Nurses’ perceptions of caring activities in nursing. Nursing Open,

This study aimed to determine nurses’ perceptions of caring activities in nursing.

A descriptive study design.

A Turkish translation of the 25‐item version of the Caring Dimensions Inventory was completed by 260 nurses wor... Read More about Nurses’ perceptions of caring activities in nursing.

Twenty-five years of the EdFED scale: a useful scale for measuring mealtime difficulty in older people with dementia (2020)
Journal Article
Watson, R. (2020). Twenty-five years of the EdFED scale: a useful scale for measuring mealtime difficulty in older people with dementia. Nursing standard : official newspaper of the Royal College of Nursing, 35(10), 52-55.

The 'EdFED' is the Edinburgh Feeding Evaluation in Dementia (EdFED) scale. 'Ed' points to where the scale was developed-Edinburgh University-and 'FED' is shorthand for 'feeding'. Finding a meaningful acronym is always challenging, but this one seems... Read More about Twenty-five years of the EdFED scale: a useful scale for measuring mealtime difficulty in older people with dementia.

Fidelity challenges while implementing an intervention aimed at increasing eating performance among nursing home residents with cognitive decline: A multicentre, qualitative descriptive study design (2020)
Journal Article
Palese, A., Achbani, B., Hayter, M., & Watson, R. (in press). Fidelity challenges while implementing an intervention aimed at increasing eating performance among nursing home residents with cognitive decline: A multicentre, qualitative descriptive study design. Journal of clinical nursing,

Aims and objectives
To increase the knowledge on fidelity challenges in intervention studies promoting eating independence in residents with cognitive decline living in nursing homes (NHs).

A few studies have documented to date factor... Read More about Fidelity challenges while implementing an intervention aimed at increasing eating performance among nursing home residents with cognitive decline: A multicentre, qualitative descriptive study design.