Writing for Wikipedia
Journal Article
Watson, R. (2020). Writing for Wikipedia. Nurse Author & Editor, 30(3), Article 6
Professor Roger Watson's Outputs (249)
Will evidence-based medicine be another casualty of COVID-19? (2020)
Journal Article
Watson, R., & McCrae, N. (2020). Will evidence-based medicine be another casualty of COVID-19?. Journal of advanced nursing, 76(12), 3228-3230. https://doi.org/10.1111/jan.14543
Risk Communication is Important for Environmental Engineering during COVID-19 (2020)
Journal Article
Oerther, D. B., & Watson, R. (2020). Risk Communication is Important for Environmental Engineering during COVID-19. Journal of Environmental Engineering, 146(10), Article 01820002. https://doi.org/10.1061/%28ASCE%29EE.1943-7870.0001796
Predicting needlestick and sharps injuries in nursing students: Development of the SNNIP scale (2020)
Journal Article
Bagnasco, A., Zanini, M., Catania, G., Watson, R., Hayter, M., Dasso, N., Dini, G., Agodi, A., Pasquarella, C., Zotti, C. M., Durando, P., Sasso, L., Barchitta, M., Maugeri, A., Favara, G., Lio, R. M. S., Rossini, A., Squeri, R., Genovese, C., D'Amato, S., …Oriani, R. (2020). Predicting needlestick and sharps injuries in nursing students: Development of the SNNIP scale. Nursing Open, 7(5), 1578-1587. https://doi.org/10.1002/nop2.540© 2020 The Authors. Nursing Open published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Aim: To develop an instrument to investigate knowledge and predictive factors of needlestick and sharps injuries (NSIs) in nursing students during clinical placements. Design: Ins... Read More about Predicting needlestick and sharps injuries in nursing students: Development of the SNNIP scale.
The duration and influencing factors of patient delay among pulmonary tuberculosis patients in a high burden area, Thailand (2020)
Kampanart Chaychoowong. The duration and influencing factors of patient delay among pulmonary tuberculosis patients in a high burden area, Thailand. (Thesis). University of Hull. https://hull-repository.worktribe.com/output/4223068Background
Pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB) is an infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex. Although there have been many campaigns and strategies to end tuberculosis across the world for over two decades, it still remains in the... Read More about The duration and influencing factors of patient delay among pulmonary tuberculosis patients in a high burden area, Thailand.
Development and feasibility testing of a webpage-based diabetes education in adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus in China (2020)
Zhao, X. Development and feasibility testing of a webpage-based diabetes education in adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus in China. (Thesis). University of Hull. https://hull-repository.worktribe.com/output/4222971Aim: This study aimed to develop a diabetes mellitus educational material specifically for 10-19-year adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) based on the health belief model, and to develop webpages for adolescents to study the material.... Read More about Development and feasibility testing of a webpage-based diabetes education in adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus in China.
The COVID-19 epidemic of manuscripts (2020)
Journal Article
Watson, R., & Hayter, M. (in press). The COVID-19 epidemic of manuscripts. Journal of advanced nursing, https://doi.org/10.1111/jan.14437
What nursing home environment can maximise eating independence best among residents with cognitive impairment? Findings of a secondary analysis (2020)
Journal Article
Palese, A., Gonella, S., Grassetti, L., Longobardi, M., De Caro, A., Achil, I., Hayter, M., & Watson, R. (2020). What nursing home environment can maximise eating independence best among residents with cognitive impairment? Findings of a secondary analysis. Geriatric Nursing, 41(6), 709-716. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gerinurse.2020.03.020To explore the influence of the Nursing Home (NH) environment on eating independence while taking into account individual and nursing care factors, was the aim of the study. A secondary analysis was performed based on data collected in a multicentre... Read More about What nursing home environment can maximise eating independence best among residents with cognitive impairment? Findings of a secondary analysis.
Chi-square for model fit in confirmatory factor analysis (2020)
Journal Article
Alavi, M., Visentin, D. C., Thapa, D. K., Hunt, G. E., Watson, R., & Cleary, M. (in press). Chi-square for model fit in confirmatory factor analysis. Journal of advanced nursing, https://doi.org/10.1111/jan.14399
Title: A cross sectional multisite exploration of Italian paediatric nurses' reported burnout and its relationship to perceptions of clinical safety and adverse events using the RN4CAST@IT-Ped (2020)
Journal Article
Bagnasco, A., Dasso, N., Rossi, S., Timmins, F., Watson, R., Aleo, G., Catania, G., Zanini, M., & Sasso, L. (2020). Title: A cross sectional multisite exploration of Italian paediatric nurses' reported burnout and its relationship to perceptions of clinical safety and adverse events using the RN4CAST@IT-Ped. Journal of advanced nursing, 76(8), 2072-2081. https://doi.org/10.1111/jan.14401Aim
To explore Italian paediatric nurses’ reported burnout and its relationship to their perceptions of safety and adverse events.
A cross‐sectional study using the RN4CAST@IT‐Ped database with a web‐based survey design.
The R... Read More about Title: A cross sectional multisite exploration of Italian paediatric nurses' reported burnout and its relationship to perceptions of clinical safety and adverse events using the RN4CAST@IT-Ped.
Enhancing independent eating among older adults with dementia: A scoping review of the state of the conceptual and research literature (2020)
Journal Article
Palese, A., Bressan, V., Hayter, M., & Watson, R. (2020). Enhancing independent eating among older adults with dementia: A scoping review of the state of the conceptual and research literature. BMC Nursing, 19(1), Article 32. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12912-020-00425-xBackground
Addressing eating difficulties among older individuals with dementia living in nursing homes requires evidence-based interventions. However, to date, there is limited evidence of effective interventions designed to maintain and/or increas... Read More about Enhancing independent eating among older adults with dementia: A scoping review of the state of the conceptual and research literature.
When nurses ignore the crucial importance of evidence (2020)
Journal Article
Watson, R., & Hayter, M. (2020). When nurses ignore the crucial importance of evidence. Journal of advanced nursing, https://doi.org/10.1111/jan.14383
Getting more men into nursing: an urgent priority (too little, too late) (2020)
Journal Article
Thompson, D. R., Quinn, B., & Watson, R. (2020). Getting more men into nursing: an urgent priority (too little, too late). Journal of nursing management, 28(7), 1463-1464. https://doi.org/10.1111/jonm.13021Despite calls for increased investment in nursing, there is a global shortfall of 9 million nurses and midwives needed to deliver and sustain universal health coverage. The Nursing Now campaign run in collaboration with the World Health Organization... Read More about Getting more men into nursing: an urgent priority (too little, too late).
Exploratory factor analysis and principal component analysis in clinical studies: Which one should you use? (2020)
Journal Article
Alavi, M., Visentin, D. C., Thapa, D. K., Hunt, G. E., Watson, R., & Cleary, M. (2020). Exploratory factor analysis and principal component analysis in clinical studies: Which one should you use?. Journal of advanced nursing, https://doi.org/10.1111/jan.14377
Being honest with causal language in writing for publication (2020)
Journal Article
Thapa, D. K., Visentin, D. C., Hunt, G. E., Watson, R., & Cleary, M. (2020). Being honest with causal language in writing for publication. Journal of advanced nursing, https://doi.org/10.1111/jan.14311
Evolving trends in open access (2019)
Journal Article
Watson, R. (2019). Evolving trends in open access. Compliance elliance journal, 5(1), 91-98With the growth of open access publishing there has been a concomitant growth in the number of predatory publishers. This article considers why open access has arisen and the various models under which it operates before considering the nature of pre... Read More about Evolving trends in open access.
Unmet nursing care needs on medical and surgical wards : a scoping review of patients’ perspectives (2019)
Journal Article
Bagnasco, A., Dasso, N., Rossi, S., Galanti, C., Varone, G., Catania, G., Zanini, M., Aleo, G., Watson, R., Hayter, M., & Sasso, L. (2019). Unmet nursing care needs on medical and surgical wards : a scoping review of patients’ perspectives. Journal of clinical nursing, https://doi.org/10.1111/jocn.15089© 2019 John Wiley & Sons Ltd Aims and objectives: To review and synthesise research studies on surgical and medical inpatients’ perceptions on unmet nursing care needs. Background: Missed nursing care is a growing phenomenon that has been shown to... Read More about Unmet nursing care needs on medical and surgical wards : a scoping review of patients’ perspectives.
An international cross-cultural study of nursing student's perceptions of caring (2019)
Journal Article
Pajnkihar, M., Kocbek, P., Musović, K., Tao, Y., Kasimovskaya, N., Štiglic, G., Watson, R., & Vrbnjak, D. (2020). An international cross-cultural study of nursing student's perceptions of caring. Nurse education today, 84, Article 104214. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nedt.2019.104214© 2019 Elsevier Ltd Background: Single studies suggest that nursing students perceive caring as more an instrumental than expressive behaviour and indicate some differences between caring perceptions in junior and senior nursing students. However, th... Read More about An international cross-cultural study of nursing student's perceptions of caring.
A path analysis on the direct and indirect effects of the unit environment on eating dependence among cognitively impaired nursing home residents (2019)
Journal Article
Palese, A., Grassetti, L., Bressan, V., Decaro, A., Kasa, T., Longobardi, M., Hayter, M., & Watson, R. (2019). A path analysis on the direct and indirect effects of the unit environment on eating dependence among cognitively impaired nursing home residents. BMC health services research, 19(1), 775. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-019-4667-zBACKGROUND: This study aims to estimate the direct and indirect effects of the unit environment alongside individual and nursing care variables on eating dependence among residents who are cognitively impaired and living in a nursing home. METHOD: A... Read More about A path analysis on the direct and indirect effects of the unit environment on eating dependence among cognitively impaired nursing home residents.
R you ready? Using the R programme for statistical analysis and graphics (2019)
Journal Article
Štiglic, G., Watson, R., & Cilar, L. (in press). R you ready? Using the R programme for statistical analysis and graphics. Research in Nursing and Health, https://doi.org/10.1002/nur.21990© 2019 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. For conducting research, nurses typically use commercial statistical packages. R software is a free, powerful, and flexible alternative, but is less familiar and used less frequently in nursing research. In this paper,... Read More about R you ready? Using the R programme for statistical analysis and graphics.