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Professor Roger Watson's Outputs (249)

Research into ageing and older people (2008)
Journal Article
Watson, R. (2008). Research into ageing and older people. Journal of nursing management, 16(2), 99-104.

Aim The aim of this paper is to consider the process of ageing, the effects of ageing and research related to ageing. Background In most countries of the world, the UK being no exception, the population is ageing in terms of the absolute numbers of a... Read More about Research into ageing and older people.

A hierarchy of distress: Mokken scaling of the GHQ-30 (2008)
Journal Article
Watson, R., Deary, I. J., & Shipley, B. (2008). A hierarchy of distress: Mokken scaling of the GHQ-30. Psychological Medicine, 38(4), 575-579.

Background. Hierarchical cumulative scales are common and informative in psychology. The General Health Questionnaire (GHQ) does not appear to have been subjected to an analysis that examines the hierarchical and cumulative nature of its items. We re... Read More about A hierarchy of distress: Mokken scaling of the GHQ-30.

Older nurses and midwives in the NHS. (2007)
Journal Article
Wray, J., Aspland, J., Gibson, H., Stimpson, A., & Watson, R. (2007). Older nurses and midwives in the NHS. Nursing Management, 14(8), 26-30.

Jane Wray and colleagues discuss the results of their study into the employment experiences of older nurses and midwives, which concludes that the expertise of these professionals is essential for the improvement of patient care

WHEN THE Employmen... Read More about Older nurses and midwives in the NHS..

Review: evaluating information systems in nursing (2007)
Journal Article
Oroviogoicoechea, C., Elliott, B., & Watson, R. (2008). Review: evaluating information systems in nursing. Journal of clinical nursing, 17(5), 567-575.

Aims.  To review existing nursing research on inpatient hospitals’ information technology (IT) systems in order to explore new approaches for evaluation research on nursing informatics to guide further design and implementation of effective IT system... Read More about Review: evaluating information systems in nursing.

Employment experiences of older nurses and midwives in the NHS (2007)
Journal Article
Wray, J., Aspland, J., Gibson, H., Stimpson, A., & Watson, R. (2007). Employment experiences of older nurses and midwives in the NHS. Nursing standard : official newspaper of the Royal College of Nursing, 22(9), 35-40.

AIM: To examine the employment experiences of older nurses and midwives working in the NHS. METHOD: A total of 27 semi-structured telephone interviews were conducted with nurses and midwives to identify positive and negative aspects of their working... Read More about Employment experiences of older nurses and midwives in the NHS.

Knowledge, attitude and practice of hospital senior and middle management towards health care quality programs in eastern Saudi Arabia (2007)
Al-Ghamdi, M. A. Knowledge, attitude and practice of hospital senior and middle management towards health care quality programs in eastern Saudi Arabia. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Quality programs are not new to Saudi hospitals. The first known quality program was started in ARAMCO Hospital in 1982. Besides the Ministry of Health, the main provider of health care, more than 15 providers share in the delivery of the health care... Read More about Knowledge, attitude and practice of hospital senior and middle management towards health care quality programs in eastern Saudi Arabia.

Are personality trait items reliably more or less 'difficult'? Mokken scaling of the NEO-FFI (2007)
Journal Article
Watson, R., Deary, I., & Austin, E. (2007). Are personality trait items reliably more or less 'difficult'? Mokken scaling of the NEO-FFI. Personality and individual differences, 43(6), 1460-1469.

The psychometric properties of self-report scales, such as the NEO-Five Factor Inventory (NEO-FFI), are examined using a range of statistical methods such as factor analysis. These methods establish, among other things, whether items in a scale covar... Read More about Are personality trait items reliably more or less 'difficult'? Mokken scaling of the NEO-FFI.

The demise of nursing in the United Kingdom: A warning for medicine (2007)
Journal Article
Shields, L., & Watson, R. (2007). The demise of nursing in the United Kingdom: A warning for medicine. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, 100(2), 70-74.

Medicine without nursing is an untenable concept: doctors could not practice without highly educated, knowledgeable and competent nurses as part of the health care team. In the UK, nursing is under threat and could pass away, to be replaced by techni... Read More about The demise of nursing in the United Kingdom: A warning for medicine.

Is there a role for higher education in preparing nurses? (2006)
Journal Article
Watson, R. (2006). Is there a role for higher education in preparing nurses?. Nurse education today, 26(8), 622-626.

Nurse education is now almost wholly situated within universities internationally. However, issues such as the necessity of higher education for what is seen as a practical occupation and the question of whether or not nursing is a profession arise.... Read More about Is there a role for higher education in preparing nurses?.

A general route diversity model for convergent terrestrial microwave links (2006)
Journal Article
Paulson, K. S., Usman, I. S., & Watson, R. J. (2006). A general route diversity model for convergent terrestrial microwave links. Radio science, 41(3),

[1] This research examines route diversity as a fade mitigation technique in the presence of rain for convergent, terrestrial, microwave links. A general model is derived which predicts the joint distribution of rain attenuation on arbitrary pairs of... Read More about A general route diversity model for convergent terrestrial microwave links.

Use of factor analysis in Journal of Advanced Nursing: literature review (2006)
Journal Article
Watson, R., & Thompson, D. R. (2006). Use of factor analysis in Journal of Advanced Nursing: literature review. Journal of advanced nursing, 55(3), 330-341.

Aim. This paper reports a review analysing the use of factor analysis in papers in Journal of Advanced Nursing. Background. Factor analysis is a multivariate statistical method for reducing large numbers of variables to fewer underlying dimensions. T... Read More about Use of factor analysis in Journal of Advanced Nursing: literature review.

Nutritional screening and assessment tools for older adults: literature review (2006)
Journal Article
Green, S. M., & Watson, R. (2006). Nutritional screening and assessment tools for older adults: literature review. Journal of advanced nursing, 54(4), 477-490.

Aim. This paper reports a literature review to examine the range of published tools available for use by nurses to screen or assess nutritional status of older adults, and the extent to which validity, reliability, sensitivity, specificity and accept... Read More about Nutritional screening and assessment tools for older adults: literature review.

Feeding and dementia: a systematic literature review (2006)
Journal Article
Watson, R., & Green, S. M. (2006). Feeding and dementia: a systematic literature review. Journal of advanced nursing, 54(1), 86-93.

Aim. This paper reports a systematic review of the literature on interventions to promote oral nutritional intake of older people with dementia and feeding difficulty between 1993 and 2003. Background. Older people with dementia commonly experience d... Read More about Feeding and dementia: a systematic literature review.

Primary emotions in patients after myocardial infarction (2006)
Journal Article
Bowman, G., Trotman-Beasty, A., & Watson, R. (2006). Primary emotions in patients after myocardial infarction. Journal of advanced nursing, 53(6), 636-645.

Aims. This paper reports a study testing the reliability and validity of the Emotion and Health Scale and to check convergent and discriminant validity against the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale. Background. Reactions to illness are often meas... Read More about Primary emotions in patients after myocardial infarction.