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Biography Lecturer in Flood Resilience and Sustainable Transformations (research and teaching) at the Energy and Environment Institute.

Research focuses on governing flood resilience and sustainable transformations, justice and equality in flooding, climate adaptation, the roles and responsibilities of citizens and civil society, and international comparative research. Working on bridging the theory-practice gap in flood resilience as well as exploring the use of 'serious gaming' in flood risk management.

Previously worked at UJEP in the Czech Republic, University of Groningen in the Netherlands, and Collingwood Environmental Planning in the UK.

Academic lead for a project funded bythe Arriva Foundation on 'effective' post-flood recovery.
Research Interests I am currently pursuing further research into:

- Flood resilience and climate resilience
- Governance approaches and the role of civil society
- Sustainable transformations after disasters
- Socio-spatial inequalities and justice in flood risk management and climate adaptation
- Bridging the theory-practice gap in flood resilience
- International comparative research
- Serious gaming and its use in disaster resilience

I am open to research collaborations in other areas as well.
Teaching and Learning Programme Director for the MSc in Flood Risk Management.

Module leader for:
'Flood Resilience: Living with Water'
'Flood Adaptation and Mitigation'
'Managing Flood Incidents'

Supervised MSc dissertation students on flood resilience, flood risk perception, cascading disasters, public participation, climate adaptation, and tourism.
PhD Supervision Availability Yes
PhD Topics I am interested in supervising projects relating to my research interests or in related areas. If you have an idea for a project then please email me with an outline of your project idea.