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Dr Steven Forrest's Outputs (11)

Serious Gaming to Explore and Investigate Disaster Recovery Gaps (2024)
Journal Article
Forrest, S., De Ita, C., Smith, K., Davidson, G., & Amen-Thompson, E. (online). Serious Gaming to Explore and Investigate Disaster Recovery Gaps. Disaster Prevention and Management,

• Purpose: To understand the potential of serious gaming as an imaginative and creative method to collect data in disaster studies that addresses key concerns such as extractive research, power inequalities, and bridging the theory-practice gap in ex... Read More about Serious Gaming to Explore and Investigate Disaster Recovery Gaps.

Earth Observation to Address Inequities in Post-Flood Recovery (2024)
Journal Article
Friedrich, H. K., Tellman, B., Sullivan, J. A., Saunders, A., Zuniga-Teran, A. A., Bakkensen, L. A., Cawley, M., Dolk, M., Emberson, R. A., Forrest, S. A., Gupta, N., Gyawali, N., Hall, C. A., Kettner, A. J., Lozano, J. L., & Bola, G. B. (2024). Earth Observation to Address Inequities in Post-Flood Recovery. Earth's Future, 12(2), Article e2023EF003606.

Floods impact communities worldwide, resulting in loss of life, damaged infrastructure and natural assets, and threatened livelihoods. Climate change and urban development in flood-prone areas will continue to worsen flood-related losses, increasing... Read More about Earth Observation to Address Inequities in Post-Flood Recovery.

Plugging the holes: Identifying potential avenues and limitations for furthering Dutch civil society contributions towards flood resilience (2023)
Journal Article
Koers, G. J., Forrest, S. A., & van Popering-Verkerk, J. (2023). Plugging the holes: Identifying potential avenues and limitations for furthering Dutch civil society contributions towards flood resilience. Journal of flood risk management, Article e12949.

Abstract Climatic changes can cause unpredictability in flood regimes that traditional flood risk management (FRM) approaches may struggle with. Therefore, flood resilience is seen as a supplementation to these approaches, putting a larger emphasis o... Read More about Plugging the holes: Identifying potential avenues and limitations for furthering Dutch civil society contributions towards flood resilience.

The Future of Volunteering in Extreme Weather Events: Critical Reflections on Key Challenges and Opportunities for Climate Resilience (2022)
Journal Article
Forrest, S., Dostál, J., & McEwen, L. (2022). The Future of Volunteering in Extreme Weather Events: Critical Reflections on Key Challenges and Opportunities for Climate Resilience. Journal of Extreme Events, 9(2-3), Article 2341003.

Volunteers are playing a significant role in interacting with ongoing societal shocks and stresses, such as mobilizing resources and supporting responses to extreme weather events. Their actions contribute to the pursuit of local climate resilience b... Read More about The Future of Volunteering in Extreme Weather Events: Critical Reflections on Key Challenges and Opportunities for Climate Resilience.

Serious gaming in flood risk management (2022)
Journal Article
Forrest, S. A., Kubíková, M., & Macháč, J. (2022). Serious gaming in flood risk management. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water, Article e1589.

Serious gaming is increasingly used to explore important real-world problems and a growing number of serious games are addressing flood-related issues. However, there has been limited synthesis of these attempts and their contributions to the ongoing... Read More about Serious gaming in flood risk management.

The Rise of Civil Society in Governing Flood Resilience (2020)
Forrest, S. The Rise of Civil Society in Governing Flood Resilience. (Thesis). University of Groningen.

Flooding is an increasingly urgent problem that causes significant damage and disruption that affects people worldwide, including in the Netherlands and United Kingdom. Rainfall flooding is a growing risk for Dutch cities with recent floods in Arnhem... Read More about The Rise of Civil Society in Governing Flood Resilience.

Socio-spatial inequalities in flood resilience: Rainfall flooding in the city of Arnhem (2020)
Journal Article
Forrest, S. A., Trell, E.-M., & Woltjer, J. (2020). Socio-spatial inequalities in flood resilience: Rainfall flooding in the city of Arnhem. Cities, 105, Article 102843.

This paper critically analyses socio-spatial inequalities associated with the shift towards flood resilience in flood risk management (FRM) and pays particular attention to the notion of ‘living with floods’ and its implications for citizens. Living... Read More about Socio-spatial inequalities in flood resilience: Rainfall flooding in the city of Arnhem.

Emerging citizen contributions, roles and interactions with public authorities in Dutch pluvial flood risk management (2020)
Journal Article
Forrest, S. A., Trell, E.-M., & Woltjer, J. (2021). Emerging citizen contributions, roles and interactions with public authorities in Dutch pluvial flood risk management. International Journal of Water Resources Development, 37(1), 1-23.

This article focuses on the emerging role of citizens and their increasing contributions to local pluvial flood risk management in the Netherlands. A qualitative research approach is followed with semi-structured interviews, and analysis of policy do... Read More about Emerging citizen contributions, roles and interactions with public authorities in Dutch pluvial flood risk management.

Civil society contributions to local level flood resilience: Before, during and after the 2015 Boxing Day floods in the Upper Calder Valley (2018)
Journal Article
Forrest, S., Trell, E., & Woltjer, J. (2019). Civil society contributions to local level flood resilience: Before, during and after the 2015 Boxing Day floods in the Upper Calder Valley. Transactions - Institute of British Geographers, 44(2), 422-436.

There is an increasing emphasis on the local level as well as growing expectations regarding civil society actors in flood‐risk management in the UK. However, not enough is known about the potential contributions of civil society to flood resilience... Read More about Civil society contributions to local level flood resilience: Before, during and after the 2015 Boxing Day floods in the Upper Calder Valley.

Navigating Change: Planning for Societal and Spatial Transformations: Debates during the 12th AESOP Young Academics Conference (2018)
Journal Article
Spijkerboer, R. C., Forrest, S., & Hilbers, A. M. (2018). Navigating Change: Planning for Societal and Spatial Transformations: Debates during the 12th AESOP Young Academics Conference. disP - The Planning Review, 54(4), 74-77.

The 12th Young Academics Conference of the Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP) was hosted at the University of Groningen from the 26th–29th March 2018. The conference theme was “Navigating Change: Planning for societal and spatial tra... Read More about Navigating Change: Planning for Societal and Spatial Transformations: Debates during the 12th AESOP Young Academics Conference.

Flood Groups in England: Governance arrangements and contribution to flood resilience (2017)
Book Chapter
Forrest, S., Trell, E.-M., & Woltjer, J. (2017). Flood Groups in England: Governance arrangements and contribution to flood resilience. In E.-M. Trell, B. Restemeyer, M. M. Bakema, & B. van Hoven (Eds.), Governing for Resilience in Vulnerable Places (92-115). Routledge.

By focusing on developing a working definition of flood groups in England, and by analysing their governance arrangements, this chapter aims to shed light on their potential influence on community resilience to flooding. It discusses resilience in re... Read More about Flood Groups in England: Governance arrangements and contribution to flood resilience.