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Dr Catia Matos' Outputs (7)

Local segregation of realised niches in lizards (2020)
Journal Article
Sillero, N., Argaña, E., Matos, C., Franch, M., Kaliontzopoulou, A., & Carretero, M. A. (2020). Local segregation of realised niches in lizards. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 9(12), Article 764.

Species can occupy different realised niches when sharing the space with other congeneric species or when living in allopatry. Ecological niche models are powerful tools to analyse species niches and their changes over time and space. Analysing how s... Read More about Local segregation of realised niches in lizards.

Landscape connectivity and spatial prioritization in an urbanising world: a network analysis approach for a threatened amphibian (2019)
Journal Article
Matos, C., Petrovan, S. O., Wheeler, P. M., & Ward, A. I. (2019). Landscape connectivity and spatial prioritization in an urbanising world: a network analysis approach for a threatened amphibian. Biological Conservation, 237, 238-247.

Habitat fragmentation affects amphibian populations worldwide. Urban expansion and associated infrastructure are a main cause of habitat degradation and loss of landscape-scale habitat connectivity. Mitigation measures such as underpasses and associa... Read More about Landscape connectivity and spatial prioritization in an urbanising world: a network analysis approach for a threatened amphibian.

Short-term movements and behaviour govern the use of road mitigation measures by a protected amphibian (2018)
Journal Article
Matos, C., Petrovan, S., Wheeler, P., & Ward, A. (2019). Short-term movements and behaviour govern the use of road mitigation measures by a protected amphibian. Animal Conservation, 22(3), 285-296.

Road mitigation infrastructure for pond-breeding amphibians aims to provide a safe and sustainable passage for individuals between critical habitat patches. However, relatively little is known about how amphibians interact with mitigation systems bec... Read More about Short-term movements and behaviour govern the use of road mitigation measures by a protected amphibian.

Facilitating permeability of landscapes impacted by roads for protected amphibians: patterns of movement for the great crested newt (2017)
Journal Article
Matos, C., Petrovan, S., Ward, A. I., & Wheeler, P. (2017). Facilitating permeability of landscapes impacted by roads for protected amphibians: patterns of movement for the great crested newt. PeerJ, 2017(2), e2922.

Amphibian populations are highly vulnerable to road mortality and habitat fragmentation caused by road networks. Wildlife road tunnels are considered the most promising road mitigation measure for amphibians yet generally remain inadequately monitore... Read More about Facilitating permeability of landscapes impacted by roads for protected amphibians: patterns of movement for the great crested newt.

Uncovering environmental, land-use and fire effects on the distribution of a low-dispersal species, the Hermann's tortoise Testudo hermanni (2017)
Journal Article
Badiane, A., Matos, C., & Santos, X. (2017). Uncovering environmental, land-use and fire effects on the distribution of a low-dispersal species, the Hermann's tortoise Testudo hermanni. Amphibia-Reptilia, 38(1), 67-77.

Habitat destruction has resulted in the fragmented distribution of numerous terrestrial species, which poses a challenge for conservationists. Furthermore, species management can be further compounded by life history constraints such as low dispersal... Read More about Uncovering environmental, land-use and fire effects on the distribution of a low-dispersal species, the Hermann's tortoise Testudo hermanni.

Contrasts in short- and long-term responses of Mediterranean reptile species to fire and habitat structure (2015)
Journal Article
Santos, X., Badiane, A., & Matos, C. (2016). Contrasts in short- and long-term responses of Mediterranean reptile species to fire and habitat structure. Oecologia, 180(1), 205-216.

Changes in habitat structure constitute a major factor explaining responses of reptiles to fire. However, few studies have examined habitat factors that covary with fire-history variables to explain reptile responses. We hypothesise that more complex... Read More about Contrasts in short- and long-term responses of Mediterranean reptile species to fire and habitat structure.

Spatial analysis of Amphibian road mortality levels in northern Portugal country roads (2012)
Journal Article
Matos, C., Sillero, N., & Argana, E. (2012). Spatial analysis of Amphibian road mortality levels in northern Portugal country roads. Amphibia-Reptilia, 33(3-4), 469-483.

Animal mortality caused by vehicle collisions is one of the main ecological impacts of roads. Amphibians are the most affected group and road fatalities have a significant impact on population dynamics and viability. Several studies on Iberian amphib... Read More about Spatial analysis of Amphibian road mortality levels in northern Portugal country roads.