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Advanced Microwave Pyrolysis Technique to Produce New Materials for CO2 Adsorption

People Involved

Profile image of Dr Sharif Zein

Dr Sharif Zein
Senior Fellow HEA| Reader in Biorefinery Processes and Reaction Engineering| PI of Bioref Group

Profile image of Dr Vicky Skoulou

Dr Vicky Skoulou
Graduate Research Director (GRD) of School of Engineering ; Senior Lecturer (Assoc. Prof.) in Chemical Engineering-Bioenergy ; PI of the B3: Biomass Waste- BioenergH2- Biochars Challenge Group of PGRs and PDRAs

Project Description

Research in School of Environmental Engineering, University Malaysia Perlis focuses on the preparation, characterization and evaluation of activated carbon produced from agricultural waste by conventional heating using a pyrolysis furnace. The team in Malaysia will benefit from the from Dr Sharif Zein and his collaborator (Dr Vicky Skoulou), who work many years in the field of the advanced microwave technology and thermochemical treatments of pyrolysis and gasification, respectively. The principal project aims are: 1. Evaluation of the role of advance microwave technique in preparation and characterization of agricultural waste- based activated carbon e.g. non-edible sea mango fruit; 2. Evaluation of the interaction and potential synergy between the produced functionalized activated carbon and used for CO2 adsorption; 3. Development of a prototype unit for activated carbon produce from microwave technology for CO2 adsorption.

Type of Project Project
Status Project Complete
Funder(s) Royal Society
Value £6,000.00
Project Dates Feb 1, 2017 - Jan 31, 2020
Partner Organisations Academy of Sciences Malaysia

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