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Evaluation of the thermo-mechanical pulping of biomass to facilitate release of fermentable sugars for advanced biofuel production

People Involved

Dr Sharif Zein

Professor Stephen Kelly

Dr David Richards

Project Description

The project will evaluate a strategy for lowering the production cost of C6 and C5 sugars from lignocellulosic biomass, which could be fed directly into the current infrastructure for conversion to advanced bioethanol. Continuous pressurised refining will be evaluated to produce fermentable sugars from wheat straw, but it is anticipated that this technology will be applicable as a pre-treatment for other materials. This concept, if successful, could provide a strategy for all UK ethanol fermentation plants, at a fraction of the cost of those in development in the USA and the EU. The ability to incorporate this pre-treatment technology into existing commercial facilities, without the need for the extensive capex required for alternative advanced fuel production, would be a future, key deliverable from the proposed strategy.

Type of Project Proof of Concept
Status Project Complete
Funder(s) Biotechnology & Biological Sciences Research Counc
Value £22,993.00
Project Dates Aug 1, 2016 - Apr 1, 2017

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