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Petuaria ReVisited

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Project Description

Following a Ground Penetrating Radar survey which revealed the full complexity of Brough’s Roman archaeology in the Burrs Playing Field, a successful excavation was undertaken in August/September 2020 to test out the results of the survey, in particular to investigate a large courtyard building containing a D shaped anomaly. On excavation the courtyard building proved to be of considerable size and status with painted wall plaster and ceramic and stone tiled roofs. Finds during the excavation showed that previous assumptions concerning the end of Roman Brough were wrong with evidence for activity into the late 4th and perhaps 5th centuries AD. Although some of the features excavated matched those in the GPR and coincided with the D shaped anomaly thought to be a possible theatre, no conclusive evidence was found, and no features earlier than the earlier 3rd century were located. It became clear that there was at least 1m depth of archaeological deposits to be excavated until undisturbed subsoil was reached, with intriguing hints of a possible hypocaust and other features beginning to show at the bottom of the 2020 trench. We aim over a two-week period in July 2021 to continue to investigate through our community-based project the remaining stratigraphy with the aim of shedding light on the Roman origins of Brough to coincide with the 2021 Brough Roman Festival.

Status Project Complete
Value £2,821.00
Project Dates May 1, 2021 - Dec 6, 2021
Partner Organisations No Partners

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