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Cultures Of Victimology: understanding processes of victimization across Europe

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Project Description

Victimology as an academic endeavour has shown a remarkable growth in the past decades, and although victims are no longer the ‘forgotten party’ of the criminal justice system, the increased attention has been both topically and geographically lopsided. Victims of certain forms of criminal behaviour (domestic and sexual violence for instance) have commanded the lion's share of academic and policy interest, and the research on victim’s experience is mainly conducted in the Anglo-Saxon world. This results in more rapid advances in certain areas of victimology, while elsewhere basic victimological questions have yet to receive an answer.
This COST-Action intends to develop an innovative, functional and overarching theoretical framework for cultural victimology. Understanding the mediating and moderating influence of cultural constructs on victimology will improve understanding of the extent to which the current victimological knowledge base can be generalized from the types of victimization and geographical locations that have been relatively extensively studied to elsewhere. A greater grasp of this complexity in return will offer greater insight into the underlying causal factors of this current research base, as well as offer new perspectives and lines of inquiry. It is, therefore, not only to the benefit of understanding the current grey and dark areas of victimological research, but will also shed further light on those fields of knowledge that have already been more heavily illuminated.

Project Acronym COV-E
Status Project Live
Value £71,905.00
Project Dates Sep 1, 2019 - Feb 28, 2025
Partner Organisations Leeds Beckett University
Erciyes University
Istanbul Bilgi University
Leuven International and European Studies
Orebro University
University of Lleida
Instituto Vasco de Criminología
Institute for Criminal-Law Ethics and Criminology
University of Maribor
Belgrade University
Faculty of Juridical, Political and Administrative Sciences
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
Centre for Research in Anthropology
Adam Mickiewicz University
University of Warmia and Mazury
Oslo Metropolitan University
University of Oslo
European University Skopje
Skopje, University
Leiden university
Tilburg University
Institute for Sociology and Psychology
Administrative Court of Montenegro
Promo LEX Association
Institute of Legal, Political and Sociological Research
University of Malta
Université du Luxembourg
Vilnius University
University of Bologna
The Open University of Israel
Bar-Ilan University
Waterford Institute of Technology
University of Limerick
Panteion University Of Social And Political Sciences
Institute of Police and Security Research (Institut für Polizei- und Sicherheitsforschung - IPoS)
Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law
Université Paris 13
University of Tartu
University of Copenhagen
Institute of Criminology and Social Prevention (IKSP)
University of Cyprus
J.J.University of Osijek
University of Zagreb
South-West University Neophit Rilski
University of Sarajevo
University of Tuzla
Netherlands Institute for the Study of Crime and Law Enforcement
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Sigmund Freud University
Johannes Kepler Universität Linz
Center for Arbëresh Studies and Publications
University College Bedër

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