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Outputs (11)

‘I’m not the police’: practical strategies for sport coach mentors to develop trust and trustworthiness (2023)
Journal Article
Ives, B., Clayton, B., Gale, L., Taylor, W., Leeder, T. M., & Nichol, A. J. (in press). ‘I’m not the police’: practical strategies for sport coach mentors to develop trust and trustworthiness. Qualitative research in sport, exercise and health,

This paper examines trust and trustworthiness in sport coach mentor- mentee relationships. Specifically, we investigate the place and impor-tance of trust from the mentor’s perspective and establish how trust-worthy impressions are actively developed... Read More about ‘I’m not the police’: practical strategies for sport coach mentors to develop trust and trustworthiness.

The Effect of Complex Training on Physical Performance in Rugby League Players (2023)
Journal Article
Scott, D. J., Ditroilo, M., Orange, S. T., & Marshall, P. (2023). The Effect of Complex Training on Physical Performance in Rugby League Players. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 18(3), 240-247.

Purpose: To compare the effects of variable-resistance complex training (VRCT) versus traditional complex training (TCT) on strength, power, speed, and leg stiffness (Kleg) in rugby league players during a 6-week mesocycle. Methods: Twenty-four rugby... Read More about The Effect of Complex Training on Physical Performance in Rugby League Players.

The Effect of Complex Training on Muscle Architecture in Rugby League Players (2022)
Journal Article
Scott, D. J., Marshall, P., Orange, S. T., & Ditroilo, M. (2023). The Effect of Complex Training on Muscle Architecture in Rugby League Players. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 18(3), 231-239.

PURPOSE: To compare the effects of variable-resistance complex training (VRCT) versus traditional complex training (TCT) on muscle architecture in rugby league players during a 6-week mesocycle. METHODS: Twenty-four rugby league players competing in... Read More about The Effect of Complex Training on Muscle Architecture in Rugby League Players.

Perspectives of applied collaborative sport science research within professional team sports (2018)
Journal Article
Malone, J. J., Harper, L. D., Jones, B., Perry, J., Barnes, C., & Towlson, C. (2019). Perspectives of applied collaborative sport science research within professional team sports. European journal of sport science : the official journal of the European College of Sport Science, 19(2), 147-155.

The purpose of the study was to examine the perspectives of both academics and practitioners in relation to forming applied collaborative sport science research within team sports. Ninety-three participants who had previously engaged in collaborative... Read More about Perspectives of applied collaborative sport science research within professional team sports.

When does the influence of maturation on anthropometric and physical fitness characteristics increase and subside? (2018)
Journal Article
Towlson, C., Cobley, S., Parkin, G., & Lovell, R. (2018). When does the influence of maturation on anthropometric and physical fitness characteristics increase and subside?. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, 28(8), 1946-1955.

The relationships between maturation and anthropometric and physical performance characteristics are dynamic and often asynchronous; confounding the capability to accurately evaluate performance during adolescence. This study aimed to (i) examine the... Read More about When does the influence of maturation on anthropometric and physical fitness characteristics increase and subside?.

Multiple measures are needed to quantify training loads in professional rugby league (2017)
Journal Article
Weaving, D., Jones, B., Marshall, P., Till, K., & Abt, G. (2017). Multiple measures are needed to quantify training loads in professional rugby league. International journal of sports medicine, 38(10), 735-740.

To investigate the effect of training mode (conditioning and skills) on multivariate training load relationships in professional rugby league via principal component analysis. Four measures of training load (internal: heart rate exertion index, sessi... Read More about Multiple measures are needed to quantify training loads in professional rugby league.

Relative age, maturation, and physical biases on position allocation in elite-youth soccer (2017)
Journal Article
Towlson, C., Cobley, S., Midgley, A., Garrett, A., Parkin, G., & Lovell, R. (2017). Relative age, maturation, and physical biases on position allocation in elite-youth soccer. International journal of sports medicine, 38(3), 201-209.

This study assessed the contribution of relative age, anthropometry, maturation, and physical fitness characteristics on soccer playing position (goalkeeper [GK], central-defender [CD], lateral-defender [LD], central midfield [CM], lateral-midfielder... Read More about Relative age, maturation, and physical biases on position allocation in elite-youth soccer.

Children’s first experience of taking anabolic-androgenic steroids can occur before their 10th birthday: a systematic review identifying 9 factors that predict doping among young people (2017)
Journal Article
Nicholls, A. R., Bailey, R., Theodorou, N. C., Andrés, M. P., Kristensen, A. H., Thompson, M. A., Mueller, D., Andres, M. P., Cope, E., Nicholls, A., Andrés, M. P., Baumann, W., Chanal, B., Dumon, D., Koenen, K., Kristensen, A., Laurent, J.-F., Müller, D., Saint Laurent, D., Theodorou, N., & Thompson, M. (2017). Children’s first experience of taking anabolic-androgenic steroids can occur before their 10th birthday: a systematic review identifying 9 factors that predict doping among young people. Frontiers in psychology Frontiers Research Foundation, 8(JUN), Article ARTN 1015.

Taking performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs) can cause serious and irreversible health consequences, which can ultimately lead to premature death. Some young people may take PEDs without fully understanding the ramifications of their actions or based on... Read More about Children’s first experience of taking anabolic-androgenic steroids can occur before their 10th birthday: a systematic review identifying 9 factors that predict doping among young people.

Health and well-being implications surrounding the use of wearable GPS devices in professional rugby league: A Foucauldian disciplinary analysis of the normalised use of a common surveillance aid (2016)
Journal Article
Jones, L., Marshall, P., & Denison, J. (2016). Health and well-being implications surrounding the use of wearable GPS devices in professional rugby league: A Foucauldian disciplinary analysis of the normalised use of a common surveillance aid. Performance enhancement & health, 5(2), 38-46.

Wearable GPS tracking devices have become commonplace coaching aids across professional field sports to enhance sports performances and reduce injury rates, despite the implications of the technology being poorly understood. This study looked at how... Read More about Health and well-being implications surrounding the use of wearable GPS devices in professional rugby league: A Foucauldian disciplinary analysis of the normalised use of a common surveillance aid.

The perils of automaticity (2015)
Journal Article
Toner, J., Montero, B. G., & Moran, A. (2015). The perils of automaticity. Review of general psychology, 19(4), 431-442.

Classical theories of skill acquisition propose that automatization (i.e., performance requires progressively less attention as experience is acquired) is a defining characteristic of expertise in a variety of domains (e.g., Fitts & Posner, 1967). Au... Read More about The perils of automaticity.

Considering the role of cognitive control in expert performance (2014)
Journal Article
Toner, J., Montero, B. G., & Moran, A. (2015). Considering the role of cognitive control in expert performance. Phenomenology and the cognitive sciences, 14(4), 1127-1144.

© 2014, Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht. Dreyfus and Dreyfus’ (1986) influential phenomenological analysis of skill acquisition proposes that expert performance is guided by non-cognitive responses which are fast, effortless and apparently... Read More about Considering the role of cognitive control in expert performance.